CDI online
Currently deployed version: v1.10
Making a renv snapshot: renv::snapshot()
- Changed: Sendigridr email sending temporarily off
- Fixed: bug with fast nav button clicks
- Changed: no more form changes/additions listed here
- Fixed: irregular columns with some input types
- Added: HTML tags for adaptive forms
- Fixed: HTML tags for norwegian forms
- Added: sending e-mails with Sendgridr
- Fixed: config files of the pilot of Polish CDI-III
- Added bold for norwegian CDI-III
- Corrected vouchers settings and translations
- Added forms with redirection
- Added: dependency managment renv.lock file (issue #257)
- Fixed: sendLogs function
- Added: HTML text formatting (issue #244)
- Changed: color of redirection button (now it's more visible when it's active)
- Added: possibility of adding the run parameter to the redirection URL
- Changed: redirection time is 0 by default (issue #235)
- Added: moving circle when the app is loading (issue #54)
- Removed: testing forms (wg-r, ws-v etc.)
- Changed: vouchers are optional and situation with missing vouchers is handled (issue #240)
- Added: missing parameters.csv files for no and en-gb forms
- Changed: tooltips are created like other translations (issue #133)
- Changed: menuButtons are created like other translations (new menuButton text_type)
- Changed: No blabla needed in translations files and fixed bug with treating
initially_disabled values as strings instead of booleans (issue #238)
- Fixed: Bug with types conditioning (issue #252)
- Added: New input_type: radioVertical (issue #254)
- Changed: choiceNames can contain commas if separated by % (issue #255)
- Added: static form has another input file called parameters.csv with parameters for external connections
- Changed: files in adaptive were divided into translations.csv and parameters.csv
- Added: functionality to display end message based on database query (for vouchers)
- Added: functionality to redirect to a given URL after finishing the test.
- Changed: CAT items displayed without an unnecessary new line and quotes
- Added: Text saying about a need for wait when the CAT is loading (issue #177)
- Changed: Correct CAT settings&translations
- Changed: Question in CAT is displayed above the item, question may be null. Column id added to items
- Changed: CAT items as in static mode, CAT item questions contain category headers
(also notes for lexical items and category questions for gestures)
- Changed: Updated word list in UK:WS
- Added: more informative error for database saving failure (issue #172)
- Changed: app checks for existance of .Renviron file before reading it in (issue #192)
- Changed: end message for adaptive inventory (issue #198)
- Added: Correct Norwegian and English translations
- Changed: general error text (issue #208)
- Changed: sidebar URL errors texts (issue #209)
- Added: instructions for cat forms
- Added: instr, longText and warning message for adaptive tests. Intro placed as LongText
- Added: more logs to adaptive version + main observer function in adaptive set once=True
- Fixed: app is not crashing when double clicking on buttons (issue #55)
- Changed: two sex options for CAT instead of three (issue #174)
- Changed: no endSettings file (issue #138)
- Changed: Start from comment in cat if refreshing during comment (issue #152)
- Fixed: Bad URL params message (issue #150)
- Fixed: Random group order
- Fixed: Saving results in static
- Changed: 'Data urodzenia' not 'data urodzin'
- Changed: Type adaptive not adaptative
- Added: En and No static forms should work
- Added: Default setting (static) for type parameter (issue #164)
- Fixed: Cleaned code for adaptive inventory (issue #162)
- Fixed: End message in CAT before opportunity to give a comment to a last part (issue #168)
- Fixed: Long waiting after confirmation of the last part in the static inventory (issue #110)
earlier deploy from 16.11.2021 had no version tag