glifio / wallet

Glif Wallet
80 stars 32 forks source link

Glif Wallet

The Glif Wallet is a Filecoin web wallet built with Next.js that allows you to:

The Glif Vault is a (currently limited functionality) Filecoin web multisig wallet that allows users to:

The Vault currently only supports multisigs that are 1:1 (1 signer, 1 required signature threshold). It can only be used with a Ledger device.

Support and audits

This project was funded by a Filecoin Ecosystem Grant from Protocol Labs. The wallet functionality has been audited by a 3rd party security auditor. The multisig (Vault) functionality has not been audited yet.


npm install
npm run dev


Environment variables to export:


Glif follows semantic versioning.

Version x.y.z:

Filecoin modules

A number of modules have been broken out into packages in this modules repo.

Filecoin module package local development

In order to develop packages locally and see the changes live in this local wallet repository, the npm link tool can be used to symlink to the packages in your local modules repo.

Package linking is a two-step process.

First, from your local package folder, run:

npm link

Next, from this main wallet repository, run:

npm link @glif/<package-name>

for example, use npm link @glif/react-components to symlink the react-components package to your local version. See the npm link docs for details.