globalis-ms / wp-cubi

WordPress modern stack for developers
GNU General Public License v2.0
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PHP Version Require Latest Stable Version License

WordPress modern stack for developers



wp-cubi provides a modern stack and project structure to make professional web applications with WordPress.

Built with Composer dependency manager and Robo task runner.


Security optimizations



  1. Create a new project: composer create-project --remove-vcs globalis/wp-cubi your-project && cd your-project
  2. Run installation command and answer the questions: ./vendor/bin/robo install --setup-wordpress
  3. Access your new site administration: /wpcb/wp-admin/


wp-cron tasks

For an optimal wp-cron setup in production, apply following configuration :

*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/php8.2 /var/www/my-app/web/wpcb/wp-cron.php &>/dev/null

Notes :

WordPress core automatic updates

Even though WordPress does not comply with semantic versioning specification, core minor updates generally respect backward compatibility and could be applied automatically, for security purposes.

It can be done by adding to your staging and production server crontabs :

*/30 * * * *  /usr/bin/php8.2 /var/www/my-app/vendor/bin/wp core update --minor  &>/dev/null

Notes :

This cron task will ensure, every 30 minutes, that WordPress instance running on server is up-to-date with latest minor version of its current branch.

This cron task will not automatically change roots/wordpress version in your composer.lock file.

To avoid unwanted rollbacks when deploying, wp-cubi deploy command will check before every deployment that you're about to deploy last minor version of your WordPress current branch. If not, it will invite you to abort deployment and run ./vendor/bin/robo wp:apply-available-patch.



Coding standards


WordPress plugins

wp-cubi handles WordPress plugin dependencies (including plugins) through Composer.

If you want to use plugins that are not available through or a public Composer repository, you have two options:

  1. Simplest: Manually add the plugin in your ./web/app/modules/ directory, then whitelist it in your ./gitignore file
  2. Recommanded: Create a private Composer repository to host your plugin


wp-cubi comes with inpsyde/wonolog, which allows to log anything with a single line of code, and automatically writes logs for multiple events like PHP errors, DB errors, HTTP API errors, wp_mail() errors, and more.

Basic configuration is possible in wp-cubi ./config/application.php and ./config/environments/ files, where you can change the maximum number of log files and the log level.

For advanced configuration (adding channels or handlers), you can edit ./web/app/mu-modules/00-wp-cubi-core-mu/src/00-wonolog.php (see inpsyde/wonolog documentation and monolog documentation)


wp-cubi provides a basic deploy command ./vendor/bin/robo deploy that builds the application and deploys it with rsync.

You can build your own deploy method using Deployer, Capistrano or any other tool by editing ./RoboFile.php.

Where is the block editor gone ?

We use globalis/wp-unhooked to disable a lot of things from WordPress core, such as block editor, REST-API, xmlrpc, comments, most of dashboard widgets and a few admin menus entries.

It allows your application to be cleaner, faster and lighter. It also improves security, by disabling potential attack routes when you don't need them.

If you need to activate one of those things, edit WP_UNHOOKED_CONFIG constant in config/application.php.