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Google Form Bot

This Python script automates the filling and submission of a Google Form. It uses Selenium WebDriver to interact with the form elements and simulate user input.


Fills out various question types in the Google Form (multiple choice, text input, etc.)
Randomly selects answers based on weighted probabilities to mimic realistic responses
Supports multiple languages
Handles form navigation (moving between pages)
Includes time delays between submissions to avoid detection
Option to specify a specific country or select one randomly
Allows setting the number of form submissions


    Python 3.x
    Selenium WebDriver
    Chrome browser
    Chromedriver (make sure it's in your PATH or provide the path in the script)


pip install selenium webdriver-manager 

Use code with caution.

    Replace the placeholder with the actual URL of your Google Form.
    Adjust the weighted probabilities in the code to match your desired response distribution.
    Set the country_code if you want to target a specific country, or leave it as None for random selection.
    Modify the time variable to control the delay between submissions (in seconds).
    Update the nof (number of form submissions) as needed.


Make sure you have Chrome and Chromedriver installed.

Run the script:


Use code with caution.


Use this script responsibly and ethically.
Avoid overloading the Google Form with excessive submissions.
Be aware that automated form filling might be against the terms of service of some platforms.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Additional Notes for the README

You might want to add a section explaining the purpose of the form filling (e.g., for research, testing, etc.)
If there are specific instructions or limitations for the form, mention them in the README
Consider adding error handling to the code and documenting it in the README
Include any relevant credits or references if you used external resources