globicon / mobile-client

HTML5 Mobile Client
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Mobile Client

Getting started with git

To download the code for the mobile client and start doing development you must clone this repository. Follow the github instructions for installing and setting up git or use the github for Windows.

Once setup clone this repository to your local hard drive with this

git clone

Developer Requirements and Initial Setup

The Application is build with Sencha Touch 2.2.0, the framework is included in the repository, in touch folder.

To compile sass files ensure ruby and compass is installed. On windows do to and download and install Ruby 1.9.3-p429. Makre sure ruby executables are put on path when installing. When installed open a console and type gem install compass to install compass. Compass is used to compile sass files to css files.

The Sencha Cmd is used to test and build the application read more about the Sencha Cmd on Download this to build and test the application.


To modify the mobile client application you need a local webserver that can be used during application development. Your local webserver should be setup to serve the mobile-client folder.

You also need a webbrowser, because the application will call a cross domain API, you need to launch chrome with the --disable-web-security option when hosting the application on localhost. Other browsers have a similar option.

When you web server running you should be able to access the application on http://localhost:/mobile-client/ and do you debugging here.

To change styles of the application you need compass. With compass installed, make changes to the resources/sass/app.scss file and run compass compile in the resources/sass folder, to recompile the styles.


Ensure that the Sencha Cmd is installed and is on path.

To build a version that can be deployed on a webserver.

sencha app build production

This will generate a folder in build/MobileClient/production/ this folder should be deployed on a webserver.

To build a version that can be deployed on a webserver and be used for testing run

sencha app build testing

This will generate a folder in build/MobileClient/testing/ this folder should be deployed on a webserver.

To build a package the app as a native application

sencha app build native

Read more about native packaging on!/guide/native_packaging