glossarist / glossarist-desktop

Glossarist Desktop
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 6 forks source link

= Glossarist desktop -- cross-platform standardized terminology editor

image:[alt="Commitizen friendly",link=""] image:[alt="Build/release"]

This application allows to collaboratively edit concept systems in Glossarist format.

Currently those are:

. Editing[ISO/TC 211 Geolexica database] data . Editing[OSGeo Geolexica database] data . (PoC) Editing[IEC Electropedia data] data

See more at

== Contributing

PRs are welcome.

=== Committing

This repository is set up with AngularJS commit message convention. Pre-commit hook will invoke interactive prompt, powered by Commitizen, that will ask you for information and put together a commit message for you.

To follow the convention:

=== Pulling

=== Pushing

There is a pre-push Git hook that compiles the app. This helps us catch compilation errors before code reaches CI.

=== Releasing

CI builds the application automatically, and publishes a release if it doesn’t yet exist for the version specified in package.json and Git version tag exists and is formatted appropriately.

After you have made and tested your changes:

. Edit package.json to increment version as appropriate, let’s say we are publishing 1.2.3.

. Tag and push the repository. + Version tags are formatted as semantic version with “v” prepended, such as v1.2.3. + [source]

$ git tag -s v1.2.3 $ git push --follow-tags