glottolog / glottolog-cldf

Glottolog data as CLDF StructureDataset
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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glottolog/glottolog: Glottolog database 5.0 as CLDF

CLDF validation

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Comprehensive reference information for the world's languages, especially the lesser known languages

This dataset is licensed under a CC-BY-4.0 license

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In addition to the langoid metadata in the LanguageTable this dataset contains values for the following parameters.

ID Name Description
level Level Languoid level information needs to be interpreted in the context of the languoid's category. For languoids in 'non-genealogical trees' as described in the principles for determining language level languoids (see do not hold. Instead, in these cases, 'family' just means 'group of languoids', 'language' means 'languoid with extended metadata such as coordinates', and 'dialect' mean any type of 'sub-lect'.
category Category specifies a) if a family-level languoid represents a pseudo-family or not; b) for language-level languoids if it belongs to a pseudo-family or is a spoken, L1 language and c) for dialect-level languoids just mirrors the level. See CodeTable for a list of all assigned categories.
classification Classification Path from root of family to the languoid as slash-separated list of Glottocodes. A NULL value for classification means the languoid is a top-level genealogical unit, i.e. an isolate or a top-level family.
subclassification Subclassification Newick-formatted (sub)tree of descendants of the languoid, labeled by Glottocode
med Most Extensive Description The Most Extensive Description known for a given language. See CodeTable for a description of the valid values.
medovertime Most Extensive Description over time The Most Extensive Description for a given language over time.
aes Agglomerated Endangerment Status Language endangerment status compiled from various sources. See CodeTable for a description of the valid values.

CLDF Datasets

The following CLDF datasets are available in cldf: