glowlabs-org / landing-page

a landing page for Glow with a mailing list signup
MIT License
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Glow Carbon Credits Website

(This website nearly entirely created by GPT-4)

This repository contains the source code for the Glow Carbon Credits website. The website is a simple, single-page application designed to provide an overview of the Glow Carbon Credits project and allow users to subscribe to the project's mailing list.


The website's structure is straightforward and contains the following files:

The website is designed to be responsive and work well on both desktop and mobile devices. The layout and styles are adjusted based on the screen width, ensuring a consistent and pleasant user experience.


The website is intended to be hosted on a static pages service like Cloudflare Pages. Such services provide a fast, secure, and cost-effective solution for hosting static websites like this one, with minimal setup and maintenance required.

Implementation Details

The website is built using standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It includes an embedded Mailchimp signup form for users to subscribe to the project's mailing list.

The favicons and web manifest were automatically generated using an online tool, which ensures compatibility with various devices and platforms.

Layout and Design

The website features a simple, single-page layout with a centered modal containing the logo, introductory text, and the signup form. The background image adds visual appeal and reinforces the branding of the project.

The text content is divided into two paragraphs, providing a brief introduction to the project and its goals. The signup form is embedded below the text content, making it easy for users to subscribe to the mailing list and stay informed about the project's progress.

Getting Started

To view the website locally, simply clone this repository and open the index.html file in a web browser. No additional setup or dependencies are required.