glubsy / livestream_saver

Monitor a Youtube channel and download live-streams from the first segment
GNU General Public License v3.0
332 stars 39 forks source link
channel-monitor livestream stream-downloader youtube

Cookies (in Netscape format) are needed to access membership-only videos as well as age-restricted videos (which would also mean that you sold your soul to Youtube and your account is "verified"). You may use this or that depending on the browser you used to log into that dis-service.

The example config file livestream_saver.cfg is optional and is meant as a convenience to override the default values.


The download feature is currently half-broken (see issue #63) so we rely on yt-dlp for the time being.

As a result, many native configuration settings from the config file and CLI arguments (and some hooks) are ignored.

The ytdlp_config.json file holds the default options passed to yt-dlp as defined in their It should be placed in $HOME/.config/livestream_saver/ytdlp_config.json and edited there, otherwise the default provided template will be used as fallback.

This may be confusing but will be fixed soon (hopefully).

Monitoring a channel

Monitor a given Youtube channel for any upcoming livestream by requesting the channel's videos and community tabs every few minutes or so. It should automatically download a live stream as soon as one is listed as being active in any of said tabs.

Basic usage example: python monitor --cookies /path/to/cookies.txt CHANNEL_URL

> python3 monitor --help

usage: monitor [-h] [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--cookies COOKIES_PATH] [-q MAX_VIDEO_QUALITY] [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
                                   [--channel-name CHANNEL_NAME] [-s SECTION] [-d] [-n] [-k] [--scan-delay SCAN_DELAY] [--email-notifications] [--skip-download]
                                   [--ignore-quality-change] [--max-simultaneous-streams MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_STREAMS]

positional arguments:
  YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_URL   The Youtube channel to monitor for live streams. Either a full youtube URL, /channel/ID, or /c/name format. (default: None)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Log level. (Default: INFO)
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Path to config file to use. (Default: ~/.config/livestream_saver/livestream_saver.cfg)
  --cookies COOKIES_PATH
                        Path to Netscape formatted cookies file.
  -q MAX_VIDEO_QUALITY, --max-video-quality MAX_VIDEO_QUALITY
                        Use best available video resolution up to this height in pixels. Example: "360" for maximum height 360p. Get the highest available resolution by
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory where to save channel data. (Default: CWD)
  --channel-name CHANNEL_NAME
                        User-defined name of the channel to monitor. Will fallback to channel ID deduced from the URL otherwise.
  -s SECTION, --section SECTION
                        Override values from the section [monitor NAME] found in config file. If none is specified, will load the first section in config with that name
                        pattern. (default: None)
  -d, --delete-source   Delete source segment files once the final merging of them has been done. (default: False)
  -n, --no-merge        Do not merge segments after live streams has ended. (default: False)
  -k, --keep-concat     Keep concatenated intermediary files even if merging of streams has been successful. Only useful for troubleshooting. (default: False)
  --scan-delay SCAN_DELAY
                        Interval in minutes to scan for channel activity. (Default: 15.0)
                        Enables sending e-mail reports to administrator. (Default: False)
  --skip-download       Skip the download phase (useful to run hook scripts instead). (Default: False)
                        If stream resolution changes during live-stream, keep downloading anyway. (Default: False)
  --max-simultaneous-streams MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_STREAMS
                        If more than one stream is being broadcast, download up to this number of videos simultaneously. (Default: 2)

Downloading a live stream

Downloads an active Youtube livestream specified by its URL.

Basic usage example: python download --cookies /path/to/cookies.txt VIDEO_STREAM_URL

> python3 download --help

usage: download [-h] [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--cookies COOKIES_PATH] [-q MAX_VIDEO_QUALITY] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-d | -n] [-k] [--scan-delay SCAN_DELAY] [--email-notifications] [--skip-download] YOUTUBE_VIDEO_URL

positional arguments:
  YOUTUBE_VIDEO_URL     Youtube video stream URL to download.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Log level. (Default: INFO)
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Path to config file to use. (Default: ~/.config/livestream_saver/livestream_saver.cfg)
  --cookies COOKIES_PATH  Path to Netscape formatted cookies file.
  -q MAX_VIDEO_QUALITY, --max-video-quality MAX_VIDEO_QUALITY
                        Use best available video resolution up to this height in pixels. Example: "360" for maximum height 360p. Get the highest available resolution by default.
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory where to write downloaded chunks. (Default: CWD)
  -d, --delete-source   Delete source files once final merge has been done. (default: False)
  -n, --no-merge        Do not merge segments after live streams has ended. (default: False)
  -k, --keep-concat     Keep concatenated intermediary files even if merging of streams has been successful. Only useful for troubleshooting. (default: False)
  --scan-delay SCAN_DELAY
                        Interval in minutes to scan for status update. (Default: 2.0)
                        Enable sending e-mail reports to administrator. (Default: False)
  --skip-download       Skip the download phase (useful to run hook scripts instead). (Default: False)

Merging segments

The download sub-command above should automatically merge the downloaded segments once the live stream has ended. If it failed for whatever reason, this sub-command can be invoked on the directory path to the downloaded segments. That directory should be named something like "streamcapture{VIDEO_ID}".

Basic usage example: python merge /path/to/stream_capture_{VIDEO_ID} (Windows users should use py

> python3 merge --help

usage: merge [-h] [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-d] [-k] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] PATH

positional arguments:
  PATH                  Path to directory holding vid/aud sub-directories in which segments have been downloaded as well as the metadata.txt file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Log level. (Default: INFO)
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Path to config file to use. (Default: ~/.config/livestream_saver/livestream_saver.cfg)
  -d, --delete-source   Delete source files (vid/aud) once final merging of streams has been successfully done. (default: False)
  -k, --keep-concat     Keep concatenated intermediary files even if merging of streams has been successful. This is only useful for debugging. (default: False)
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory where to write final merged file. (default: None)



python3 -m venv venv  # or virtualenv -p python3 venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Docker container

If you prefer to build and use a Docker container, look at the Readme inside the docker directory.

Docker image also available at (can also be referenced in docker-compose)


The template config file livestream_saver.cfg is provided as an example. The default path should be $HOME/.config/livestream_saver/livestream_saver.cfg (On Windows, it is read directly from your base user directory). A lot of options can be overriden via command line arguments. See the --help message for details.

A monitor section for a specific channel can be invoked from the CLI with --section NAME where NAME is the same string of characters from [monitor NAME] in the config file. This helps having one central config file. If none is specified as argument on the command line, the first section found with this pattern will be loaded. If there is no such section, the variables from the [monitor] section will be used as normal.

Hooks on events

You can spawn a process of your choosing on various events (see config file template). This can be useful to spawn youtube-dl (yt-dlp) in parallel for example. These hooks can only be specified in a config file. Example:

# Call this program whenever a download is starting (the live stream might be pending still)
on_download_initiated = yt-dlp --add-metadata --embed-thumbnail --wait-for-video 5 %VIDEO_URL%

The following place-holders will be replaced by the corresponding value (more will be added in the future):

Each section ([monitor], [download] and [monitor CHANNEL]) can have a different value for the same option / event. The [DEFAULT] section is only used as a fallback if none of them have an expected value specified. The [monitor CHANNEL] section will override any value from the monitor section, so you can specify different programs for different channels for example. The command can be disabled and its output logged with the following options (placed in the same section as the affected command). Additionally, regex can be used to narrow own when to spawn a command based on the targeted video's metadata:

# Disable spawning the command above (same as commenting the command out)
on_download_initiated_command_enabled = false

# Log command's output (both stdout & stderr)
on_download_initiated_command_logged = true

# The command will only spawn if these expressions match against the video title + description:
on_download_initiated_command_allow_regex = ".*archiv.*|.*sing.*"

# The command will not spawn if these expressions match (honestly, this is not that useful, so don't use it): 
on_download_initiated_command_block_regex = ".*pineapple.*|.*banana.*"

You can also skip the downloading phase every time with the following option:

# Skip download phase and only run the subprocess when a stream has started
skip_download = true

This is useful if you only want to run yt-dlp (or any other program) when livestream_saver has detected an active broadcast but you don't care about downloading with livestream_saver. This option in particular can be specified in any section, even on the command line with argument --skip-download.

Web Hooks

Similar to hook commands above, web hooks can call a specific URL with a POST HTTP request and the corresponding JSON payload. Therefore, we need two keys for each webhook: *_webhook with the POST payload (a JSON), and *_webhook_url with the endpoint URL (and secret tokens). Then, the same key format applies as for hook commands: on_upcoming_detected_command becomes on_upcoming_detected_webhook.

For security purposes, any environment variable key starting with webhook_url in their name will be placed a virtual [env] section, so they can be defererenced by interpolation in other sections in the config file.

Example: export webhook_url_discord="" then in the config file:

webhook_data_upcoming = {SEE TEMPLATE EXAMPLES}
webhook_data_live = {SEE TEMPLATE EXAMPLES}

webhook_url_discord = ${env:webhook_url_discord}

[monitor a_channel]
on_upcoming_detected_webhook = ${webhook:webhook_data_upcoming}
on_upcoming_detected_webhook_url = ${common:webhook_url_discord}

on_download_initiated_webhook = ${webhook:webhook_data_live}
on_download_initiated_webhook_url = ${common:webhook_url_discord}

The webhook_data keys should be valid JSON enclosed in quotes. The following placeholders variables will be replaced with the corresponding values (whenever they are available):

%TITLE% => title of the video
%AUTHOR% => video author / channel name
%VIDEO_URL% => the URL to the video player page
%DESCRIPTION% => 200 first characters of the video description
%THUMBNAIL_URL% => URL to the best available thumbnail for the video
%VIDEO_ID% => the unique video ID
%START_TIME% => (upcoming videos only) "Scheduled for " + time as GMT+0
%LOCAL_SCHEDULED% => (upcoming videos only) scheduled time as the author's time zone, eg. "December 22, 11:00 AM GMT+9"
%LIVE_STATUS% => (upcoming videos only) eg. "This live event will begin in 3 hours" or "This is a member-only video"
%LIVE_STATUS_SHORT% => (upcoming videos only) shorter version of the above, eg. "Live in 3 hours"
%ISLIVECONTENT% => "Live Stream", or "Video" if it is a VOD
%ISLIVENOW% => "Broadcasting!" if currently live, otherwise "Waiting"
%ISMEMBERSONLY% => "Members only" if only your cookies allowed access


The e-mail options can be overriden via environment variables for improved security practices. simply use the same key names (case insensitive).

Example: export SMTP_SERVER="my.smtp.server"; export SMTP_LOGIN="john"; export SMTP_PASSWORD="hunter2"

Login and password are not mandatory. That depends on your smtp server configuration.

Whenever a crash, or an error occurs, the program should send you a notification at the configured e-mail address via the configured smtp server.

Testing notifications

You can send a test e-mail and a blank web hook notification with this sub-command: test-notification --log DEBUG

Note that only the webhook_url and webhook_data key/value pairs from the [webhook] section will be loaded and tested.

Known issue

Youtube may log you out if you actively use the session from which you have exported the cookies (in your web browser). See issue and workarounds here.

As of 2024/02/15 simply exporting cookies from an "incognito" session seems to reduce the chances of experiencing this issue.


This is beta software. It should work, but in case it doesn't, feel free to report issues. Or better yet, fix them yourself and submit a merge request. Keep in mind that these mega corporations will often attempt to break our things.

