This repository is used to build standalone 'single-file' versions of the glue
application. It uses the pyinstaller <>
package running on GitHub Actions. You can find all available built versions
Since these are bundles of packages rather than a single package, we use calendar versioning <>
_ with the format YYYY.MM.MICRO
for the
main bundles.
Anytime a commit is made to this repository, the workflow in
build_applications.yml <>
is run on all three main operating systems. The general workflow is as follows:
Executables are created with the branch or tag name in the filename, so there
will always be installed with 'main' in the name which reflect the latest
version of the main branch, and we can create tags for any 'frozen' version in
time that we want. This allows us to also maintain different branches with
different set of dependencies. At the end of the day, we just need to ensure
that tag names are unique, so for instance v?.?.?
will typically be used for
the primary installers that we create, but one could also push tags along the
lines of `v?.?.?-project1
for a specific project which might include some
additional dependencies.
While we avoid using conda in the main branch and for the primary releases, it may be possible to use it in branches to install more complex dependencies on all platforms.
To run this locally, follow the same steps as in build_applications.yml <>
You should always do this in a clean virtual environment or conda environment as
otherwise PyInstaller might pull in unrelated dependencies. A simplified version
of running this locally would be::
python3.9 -m venv test-app
source test-app/bin/activate
pip install git+
pip install glue-core glue-vispy-viewers glue-wwt PyQt5==5.14.2 PyQtWebEngine==5.14.0
pyinstaller glue_app.spec
The resulting application will be in the dist/