gluecose / test-vectors

Repository to hold the various test inputs
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GlueCOSE Validation Suite


Caution: this is a work in progress in its very early stages.

This is a repository of GlueCOSE test cases. Eventually, this will morph in to the GlueCOSE validation suite.

Here's a first stab at the CDDL schema for specifying test cases as well as their results.

And here's the first test case for a Sign1 verify that has been validated using the go-cose implementation.

Sign1 Tests

Signing and verification test cases depend on the key material and signature scheme specified in the corresponding TestCaseInput.

All tests shall:


This section describes how the GlueCOSE test writer consumes a Sign1_verify object to create the test driver for verifying COSE Sign1 payloads.

All the keys in the remainder of this section are relative to the Sign1_verify object associated with the "sign1::verify" key.


This section describes how the GlueCOSE test writer consumes a Sign1_sign object to create the test driver for signing data into COSE Sign1 payloads.

All the keys in the remainder of this section are relative to the Sign1_sign object associated with the "sign1::sign" key.

There are two types of platforms / implementations considered here:

  1. Those that expose an interface to the PRNG
  2. Those that don't

The first type MUST use a "zero reader" (e.g., /dev/zero on UNIX-like OSes) as PRNG to make the randomized tests deterministic, and shall implement the deterministic version of the test.

For the second type, an alternative to the deterministic test is specified.

The assumption is that the sign API exposed by the implementation under test will use the fields in the Sign1_sign object to construct its input. However, we assume that implementations will vary the way in which they consume the test case input data: for example, one could assemble all parameters in one single object before passing it to the sign interface, another could supply each piece separately, etc. Therefore, here we will only describe the semantics of the Sign1_sign object fields and let each implementation deal with the details of deriving their input parameter(s). An implementation will then need to go through the steps specified in Section 4.4 of RFC9052 to produce the signature and the resulting COSE_Sign1 object.


It is expected that the output of the sign API is compared to the full value contained in the cborHex field of the expectedOutput. If the two values match, set Result to "pass" in the TestCaseOutput payload for this test case. Otherwise set "fail".


It is expected that the output of the sign API and the value contained in the cborHex field of the expectedOutput are compared up the the 3rd entry of the COSE_Sign1 array, i.e., excluding the 4th (signature) field. The fixedOutputLength field contains the number of bytes of non-randomized output. If the two values truncated to fixedOutputLength bytes match, set Result to "pass" in the TestCaseOutput payload for this test case. Otherwise set "fail".