glyg / cgal4py

A fork of Meagan Lang's cgal4py repository, adapted to python 3
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==================== Update march 24 2020

This project is now an archive, and is not maintained (if it ever was). A development effort based on pybind11 to ease the use of CGAL from Python is underway here <>_

====== README

This is a fork of Meagan Lang's @langmm cgal4py - original project can be found on bitbucket. I forked it to be able to compile and use it with python 3.6.

For the moment I stripped all the parallel code.

cgal4py is a Python interface for using the CGAL <>_ Delaunay triangulation classes in any number of dimensions. Triangulation in parallel is also supported using the algorithm described in Peterka, Morozov, & Phillips (2014) <>. Documentation for cgal4py can be found here <>_.


cgal4py is released as open source software under a BSD license.


For running in serial:

For running in parallel you will need the above plus:


From Source


Who do I talk to?

This package is currently maintained by Meagan Lang <>. This fork is maintained by Guillaume Gay <>