gmag11 / EnigmaIOT

Secure sensor and gateway platform based on ESP8266 and ESP32
MIT License
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MQTT Gateway with a reed contact instead of a DS18B20 #17

Closed fabir-git closed 3 years ago

fabir-git commented 3 years ago

Hey, first of all I like your work very much. Thank your for making this public. At the moment I am trying to switch my sensor network from ESPHome to EnigmaIOT. My gateway has a reed contact soldered to it, so i changed your example code in order to substitute the temp sensor with the reed contact (Message should be sent on state change).

I`d really like to get this protocol running in the HomeAssistant Community as it is very nice for battery powered devices.

Here is my EnigmaIOTGatewayMQTTReed.ino:

#include <Arduino.h>

#include <PubSubClient.h>

#include <GwOutput_generic.h>
#include "GwOutput_mqtt.h"

#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#endif // SECURE_MQTT

#ifdef ESP32
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <AsyncTCP.h> // Comment to compile for ESP8266
#include <Update.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "esp_tls.h"
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
#include "soc/soc.h"           // Disable brownout problems
#include "soc/rtc_cntl_reg.h"  // Disable brownout problems
#elif defined(ESP8266)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
//#include <ESPAsyncTCP.h> // Comment to compile for ESP32
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <Hash.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#endif // ESP32

#include <ArduinoOTA.h>

#include <CayenneLPP.h>
#include <FS.h>

#include <EnigmaIOTGateway.h>
#include <helperFunctions.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <espnow_hal.h>
#include <Curve25519.h>
#include <ChaChaPoly.h>
#include <Poly1305.h>
#include <SHA256.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWiFiManager.h>

#define SENSOR_REED // REED Tuersensor

const int REED_PIN = 35;
bool previousDoorState = true;
boolean isStateChanged = false;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long interval = 500; // Half second Delay for Reed Switch
bool doorstate;

#define LED_BUILTIN 5
#endif // BUILTIN_LED


#ifdef ESP32
TimerHandle_t connectionLedTimer;
#elif defined(ESP8266)
ETSTimer connectionLedTimer;
#endif // ESP32

const int connectionLed = LED_BUILTIN;
bool connectionLedFlashing = false;

bool restartRequested = false;
time_t restartRequestTime;

void flashConnectionLed (void* led) {
    //digitalWrite (*(int*)led, !digitalRead (*(int*)led));
    digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, !digitalRead (LED_BUILTIN));

void startConnectionFlash (int period) {
#ifdef ESP32
    if (!connectionLedFlashing) {
        connectionLedFlashing = true;
        connectionLedTimer = xTimerCreate ("led_flash", pdMS_TO_TICKS (period), pdTRUE, (void*)0, flashConnectionLed);
        xTimerStart (connectionLedTimer, 0);
#elif defined (ESP8266)
    ets_timer_disarm (&connectionLedTimer);
    if (!connectionLedFlashing) {
        connectionLedFlashing = true;
        ets_timer_arm_new (&connectionLedTimer, period, true, true);
#endif // ESP32

void stopConnectionFlash () {
#ifdef ESP32
    if (connectionLedFlashing) {
        connectionLedFlashing = false;
        xTimerStop (connectionLedTimer, 0);
        xTimerDelete (connectionLedTimer, 0);
#elif defined(ESP8266)
    if (connectionLedFlashing) {
        connectionLedFlashing = false;
        ets_timer_disarm (&connectionLedTimer);
        digitalWrite (connectionLed, LED_OFF);
#endif // ESP32

void arduinoOTAConfigure () {
    // Port defaults to 3232
    // ArduinoOTA.setPort(3232);

    // Hostname defaults to esp3232-[MAC]
    ArduinoOTA.setHostname (EnigmaIOTGateway.getNetworkName ());

    // No authentication by default
    ArduinoOTA.setPassword (EnigmaIOTGateway.getNetworkKey (true));

    // Password can be set with it's md5 value as well
    // MD5(admin) = 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3
    // ArduinoOTA.setPasswordHash("21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3");

    ArduinoOTA.onStart ([] () {
        if (ArduinoOTA.getCommand () == U_FLASH) {
            DEBUG_WARN ("Start updating sketch");
        } else {// U_SPIFFS
            DEBUG_WARN ("Start updating filesystem");
            // NOTE: if updating SPIFFS this would be the place to unmount SPIFFS using SPIFFS.end()
    ArduinoOTA.onEnd ([] () {
        DEBUG_WARN ("OTA Finished");
    ArduinoOTA.onProgress ([] (unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) {
        static bool printed = false;
        unsigned int percent = progress / (total / 100);
        digitalWrite (BLUE_LED, !digitalRead (BLUE_LED));
        if (!(percent % 1)) {
            //Serial.print ('.');
        if (!(percent % 20) && !printed && percent != 0) {
            DEBUG_WARN (" %d%%\n", percent);
            printed = true;
        } else if (percent % 20) {
            printed = false;
        if (progress == total) {
            DEBUG_WARN ("OTA transfer finished");
    ArduinoOTA.onError ([] (ota_error_t error) {
        DEBUG_WARN ("OTA Error[%u]: ", error);
        if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) { DEBUG_WARN ("OTA Auth Failed"); }        else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) { DEBUG_WARN ("OTA Begin Failed"); }         else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) { DEBUG_WARN ("OTA Connect Failed"); }         else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) { DEBUG_WARN ("OTA Receive Failed"); }         else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) { DEBUG_WARN ("OTA End Failed"); }

    ArduinoOTA.begin ();

void wifiManagerExit (boolean status) {
    GwOutput.configManagerExit (status);

void wifiManagerStarted () {
    GwOutput.configManagerStart (&EnigmaIOTGateway);

void processRxControlData (char* macStr, uint8_t* data, uint8_t length) {
    if (data) {
        if (data[0] == VERSION_ANS && length >= 4) {
            DEBUG_INFO ("Version message: %d.%d.%d", data[1], data[2], data[3]);
            Node* node = EnigmaIOTGateway.getNodes ()->getNodeFromName (macStr);
            if (node) {
                node->setVersion (data[1], data[2], data[3]);
        GwOutput.outputControlSend (macStr, data, length);

void doRestart () {
    DEBUG_WARN ("Restart requested");
    const size_t capacity = JSON_OBJECT_SIZE (1);
    size_t len;
    char* payload;

    DynamicJsonDocument doc (capacity);

    doc["action"] = "restart";

    len = measureJson (doc) + 1;
    payload = (char*)malloc (len);
    serializeJson (doc, (char*)payload, len);
    char addr[] = "gateway";
    GwOutput.outputDataSend (addr, payload, len - 1);
    free (payload);

    restartRequested = true;
    restartRequestTime = millis ();


void processRxData (uint8_t* mac, uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t length, uint16_t lostMessages, bool control, gatewayPayloadEncoding_t payload_type, char* nodeName = NULL) {
    uint8_t* addr = mac;
    size_t pld_size = 0;
    const int PAYLOAD_SIZE = 1024; // Max MQTT payload in PubSubClient library normal operation.

    char payload[PAYLOAD_SIZE];

    char mac_str[ENIGMAIOT_ADDR_LEN * 3];
    mac2str (addr, mac_str);

    if (control) {
        processRxControlData (nodeName ? nodeName : mac_str, buffer, length);
    //char* netName = EnigmaIOTGateway.getNetworkName ();
    if (payload_type == CAYENNELPP) {
        DEBUG_INFO ("CayenneLPP message");
        const int capacity = JSON_ARRAY_SIZE (25) + 25 * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE (4);
        DynamicJsonDocument jsonBuffer (capacity);
        JsonArray root = jsonBuffer.createNestedArray ();
        CayenneLPP cayennelpp (MAX_DATA_PAYLOAD_SIZE);

        cayennelpp.decode ((uint8_t*)buffer, length, root);
        uint8_t error = cayennelpp.getError ();
        if (error != LPP_ERROR_OK) {
            DEBUG_ERROR ("Error decoding CayenneLPP data: %d", error);
        pld_size = serializeJson (root, payload, PAYLOAD_SIZE);
    } else if (payload_type == MSG_PACK) {
        DEBUG_INFO ("MsgPack message");
        const int capacity = JSON_ARRAY_SIZE (25) + 25 * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE (4);
        DynamicJsonDocument jsonBuffer (capacity);
        DeserializationError error = deserializeMsgPack (jsonBuffer, buffer, length);
        if (error != DeserializationError::Ok) {
            DEBUG_ERROR ("Error decoding MSG Pack data: %s", error.c_str ());
        pld_size = serializeJson (jsonBuffer, payload, PAYLOAD_SIZE);
    } else if (payload_type == RAW) {
        DEBUG_INFO ("RAW message");
        if (length <= PAYLOAD_SIZE) {
            memcpy (payload, buffer, length);
            pld_size = length;
        } else { // This will not happen but may lead to errors in case of using another physical transport
            memcpy (payload, buffer, PAYLOAD_SIZE);
            pld_size = PAYLOAD_SIZE;

    GwOutput.outputDataSend (nodeName ? nodeName : mac_str, payload, pld_size);
    DEBUG_INFO ("Published data message from %s, length %d: %s, Encoding 0x%02X", nodeName ? nodeName : mac_str, pld_size, payload, payload_type);
    if (lostMessages > 0) {
        pld_size = snprintf (payload, PAYLOAD_SIZE, "%u", lostMessages);
        GwOutput.outputDataSend (nodeName ? nodeName : mac_str, payload, pld_size, GwOutput_data_type::lostmessages);
        DEBUG_INFO ("Published MQTT from %s: %s", nodeName ? nodeName : mac_str, payload);
    pld_size = snprintf (payload, PAYLOAD_SIZE, "{\"per\":%e,\"lostmessages\":%u,\"totalmessages\":%u,\"packetshour\":%.2f}",
                         EnigmaIOTGateway.getPER ((uint8_t*)mac),
                         EnigmaIOTGateway.getErrorPackets ((uint8_t*)mac),
                         EnigmaIOTGateway.getTotalPackets ((uint8_t*)mac),
                         EnigmaIOTGateway.getPacketsHour ((uint8_t*)mac));
    GwOutput.outputDataSend (nodeName ? nodeName : mac_str, payload, pld_size, GwOutput_data_type::status);
    DEBUG_INFO ("Published MQTT from %s: %s", nodeName ? nodeName : mac_str, payload);

void onDownlinkData (uint8_t* address, char* nodeName, control_message_type_t msgType, char* data, unsigned int len) {
    uint8_t* buffer;
    unsigned int bufferLen = len;
    gatewayPayloadEncoding_t encoding = ENIGMAIOT;

    if (nodeName) {
        DEBUG_INFO ("DL Message for %s. Type 0x%02X", nodeName, msgType);
    } else {
        DEBUG_INFO ("DL Message for " MACSTR ". Type 0x%02X", MAC2STR (address), msgType);
    DEBUG_DBG ("Data: %.*s Length: %d", len, data, len);

    if (msgType == USERDATA_GET || msgType == USERDATA_SET) {
        const int capacity = JSON_ARRAY_SIZE (25) + 25 * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE (4);
        DynamicJsonDocument json (capacity);
        DeserializationError error = deserializeJson (json, data, len, DeserializationOption::NestingLimit (3));
        if (error == DeserializationError::Ok) {
            DEBUG_INFO ("JSON Message. Result %s", error.c_str ());
            bufferLen = measureMsgPack (json) + 1; // Add place for \0
            buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc (bufferLen);
            bufferLen = serializeMsgPack (json, (char*)buffer, bufferLen);
            encoding = MSG_PACK;
        } else {
            DEBUG_INFO ("Not JSON Message. Error %s", error.c_str ());
            bufferLen++; // Add place for \0
            buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc (bufferLen);
            sprintf ((char*)buffer, "%.*s", len, data);
            encoding = RAW;
    } else {
        bufferLen = len + 1;
        buffer = (uint8_t*)calloc (sizeof (uint8_t), bufferLen);
        memcpy (buffer, data, len);

    if (!EnigmaIOTGateway.sendDownstream (address, (uint8_t*)buffer, bufferLen, msgType, encoding, nodeName)) {
        if (nodeName) {
            DEBUG_WARN ("Error sending esp_now message to %s", nodeName);
        } else {
            DEBUG_WARN ("Error sending esp_now message to " MACSTR, MAC2STR (address));
    } else {
        DEBUG_DBG ("Esp-now message sent or queued correctly");

    free (buffer);

void newNodeConnected (uint8_t* mac, uint16_t node_id, char* nodeName = NULL) {

    //Serial.printf ("New node connected: %s\n", macstr);

    if (nodeName) {
        if (!GwOutput.newNodeSend (nodeName, node_id)) {
            DEBUG_WARN ("Error sending new node %s", nodeName);
        } else {
            DEBUG_DBG ("New node %s message sent", nodeName);
    } else {
        char macstr[ENIGMAIOT_ADDR_LEN * 3];
        mac2str (mac, macstr);
        if (!GwOutput.newNodeSend (macstr, node_id)) {
            DEBUG_WARN ("Error sending new node %s", macstr);
        } else {
            DEBUG_DBG ("New node %s message sent", macstr);


void nodeDisconnected (uint8_t* mac, gwInvalidateReason_t reason) {
    char macstr[ENIGMAIOT_ADDR_LEN * 3];
    mac2str (mac, macstr);
    //Serial.printf ("Node %s disconnected. Reason %u\n", macstr, reason);
    if (!GwOutput.nodeDisconnectedSend (macstr, reason)) {
        DEBUG_WARN ("Error sending node disconnected %s reason %d", macstr, reason);
    } else {
        DEBUG_DBG ("Node %s disconnected message sent. Reason %d", macstr, reason);

//#ifdef ESP32
//void EnigmaIOTGateway_handle (void * param) {
//  for (;;) {
//      EnigmaIOTGateway.handle ();
//      vTaskDelay (0);
//  }
//void GwOutput_handle (void* param) {
//  for (;;) {
//      GwOutput.loop ();
//      vTaskDelay (0);
//  }
//TaskHandle_t xEnigmaIOTGateway_handle = NULL;
//TaskHandle_t gwoutput_handle = NULL;
//#endif // ESP32

void setup () {
    Serial.begin (115200); Serial.println (); Serial.println ();

#ifdef ESP32
// Turn-off the 'brownout detector' to avoid random restarts during wake up,
// normally due to bad quality regulator on board

#ifdef ESP8266
    ets_timer_setfn (&connectionLedTimer, flashConnectionLed, (void*)&connectionLed);
#elif defined ESP32

    pinMode (LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, LED_OFF);
    startConnectionFlash (100);

    pinMode(REED_PIN, INPUT);
#endif // SENSOR_REED

    if (!GwOutput.loadConfig ()) {
        DEBUG_WARN ("Error reading config file");

    EnigmaIOTGateway.setRxLed (BLUE_LED);
    EnigmaIOTGateway.setTxLed (RED_LED);
    EnigmaIOTGateway.onNewNode (newNodeConnected);
    EnigmaIOTGateway.onNodeDisconnected (nodeDisconnected);
    EnigmaIOTGateway.onWiFiManagerStarted (wifiManagerStarted);
    EnigmaIOTGateway.onWiFiManagerExit (wifiManagerExit);
    EnigmaIOTGateway.onDataRx (processRxData);
    EnigmaIOTGateway.onGatewayRestartRequested (doRestart);

    EnigmaIOTGateway.begin (&Espnow_hal);

    WiFi.mode (WIFI_AP_STA);
    WiFi.begin ();

    EnigmaIOTGateway.configWiFiManager ();

    WiFi.softAP (EnigmaIOTGateway.getNetworkName (), EnigmaIOTGateway.getNetworkKey (true));
    stopConnectionFlash ();

    DEBUG_INFO ("STA MAC Address: %s", WiFi.macAddress ().c_str ());
    DEBUG_INFO ("AP MAC Address: %s", WiFi.softAPmacAddress ().c_str ());
    DEBUG_INFO ("BSSID Address: %s", WiFi.BSSIDstr ().c_str ());

    DEBUG_INFO ("IP address: %s", WiFi.localIP ().toString ().c_str ());
    DEBUG_INFO ("WiFi Channel: %d", ());
    DEBUG_INFO ("WiFi SSID: %s", WiFi.SSID ().c_str ());
    DEBUG_INFO ("Network Name: %s", EnigmaIOTGateway.getNetworkName ());

    GwOutput.setDlCallback (onDownlinkData);
    GwOutput.begin ();

    arduinoOTAConfigure ();

#ifdef ESP32
    //xTaskCreate (EnigmaIOTGateway_handle, "handle", 10000, NULL, 1, &xEnigmaIOTGateway_handle);
    //xTaskCreatePinnedToCore (EnigmaIOTGateway_handle, "handle", 4096, NULL, 0, &xEnigmaIOTGateway_handle, 1);
    //xTaskCreatePinnedToCore (GwOutput_handle, "gwoutput", 10000, NULL, 2, &gwoutput_handle, 1);

void sendStatus (bool doorstate) {
    const size_t capacity = JSON_OBJECT_SIZE (1) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE (3) + 30;;
    size_t len;
    char* payload;

    DynamicJsonDocument doc (capacity);

    JsonObject status = doc.createNestedObject ("status");
    status["door"] = doorstate;
    status["nodes"] = EnigmaIOTGateway.getActiveNodesNumber ();
    status["mem"] = ESP.getFreeHeap ();

    len = measureJson (doc) + 1;
    payload = (char*)malloc (len);
    serializeJson (doc, (char*)payload, len);
    char addr[] = "gateway";
    GwOutput.outputDataSend (addr, payload, len - 1);
    free (payload);
#endif // SENSOR_REED

void loop () {
    GwOutput.loop ();
    EnigmaIOTGateway.handle ();
    ArduinoOTA.handle ();

  doorstate = digitalRead(REED_PIN) == LOW ? true : false;
  if((previousDoorState != doorstate) && !isStateChanged) {
    // Reset timer
    previousDoorState = doorstate;
    previousMillis = millis();
    isStateChanged = true;
  // Only publish message whet the door is open minimum 0.5 sec
  if(isStateChanged && millis() - previousMillis > interval){ 
    if(doorstate == previousDoorState) {
        sendStatus (doorstate);
        DEBUG_WARN ("ReedState: ", doorstate);
    isStateChanged = false;
#endif // SENSOR_REED

    if (restartRequested) {
        if (millis () - restartRequestTime > 100) {
            ESP.restart ();

Now I have a few problems/questions:

gmag11 commented 3 years ago

I guess you are confused about what this code does. A gateway does not send sensor measurements. If you need a door sensor that sends info over MQTT, this is not the project you are looking for.

I added a local temperature sensor to read esp32 own temperature because in my installation it was getting a bit hot during summer. But this is a particular use case and in general a gateway does not have any sensor attached.

You can use dash button node example to see how you can use EnigmaIOT over ESP-NOW to send messages to gateway. Then, it will convert those messages to MQTT with topic: "//data".


Feel free to ask anything else or reopen the issue if you think I did not understood your message.