gmag11 / EnigmaIOT

Secure sensor and gateway platform based on ESP8266 and ESP32
MIT License
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esp-now esp32 esp8266 iot low-power-comsumption mqtt-bridge


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EnigmaIoT is an open source solution for wireless multi sensor systems. It has two main components, multiple nodes and one gateway.

A number of nodes with one or more sensors each one communicate in a secure way to a central gateway in a star network using EnigmaIoT protocol.

This protocol has been designed with security on mind. All node data is encrypted with a random key that changes periodically. Key is unique for each node and dynamically negotiated, so user do not have to enter any key. Indeed, all encryption and key agreement is transparent to user.

I designed this because I was searching for a way to have a relatively high number of nodes at home. I thought about using WiFi but it would overload my home router. So I looked for an alternative. I evaluated LoRa or cheap nRF24 modules but I wanted the simplest solution in terms of hardware.

ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontrollers implement a protocol known as ESP-NOW. It is a point to point protocol, based on vendor specific WiFi management action frames, that works in a connectionless fashion and every packet is a few milliseconds long. Because of this, it eases to have a battery powered node so that it enables designing totally wireless sensors.

But use of encryption on ESP-NOW limits the number of nodes to only 6 nodes. So I thought that I could implement encryption on payload but I found many problems I should solve to grade this as "secure enough".

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Quick start

It you are courious to quickly test how does EnigmaIOT performs you can follow this howto guide. This will guide you on how to:

Project requirements

During this project conception I decided that it should fulfil this list of requirements.


Notice that network key used to implement this feature is stored on flash. ESP8266 do not allow flash encryption so network key may be recovered reading flash.

Technical background

If you want to know the internals about EnigmaIOT check Technical Background Guide.