gmantele / vollt

Java libraries implementing the IVOA protocol: ADQL, UWS and TAP
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adql ivoa java tap uws web-app



This GitHub repository contains the sources of 3 libraries implementing IVOA standards and protocols:


For a complete documentation/tutorial and a demo of the 3 libraries you should visit the following websites: ADQLTuto, UWSTuto and TAPTuto.

Java version

These libraries are developed in Java 7.


The three of these libraries are under the terms of the LGPL v3 license. You can find the full description and all the conditions of use in the files src/COPYING and src/COPYING.LESSER.


I strongly encourage you to declare any issue you encounter here. Thus anybody who has the same problem can see whether his/her problem is already known. If the problem is known the progress and/or comments about its resolution will be published.

In addition, if you have forked this repository and made some corrections on your side which are likely to interest any other user of the libraries, please, send a pull request here. If these modifications are in adequation with the IVOA definition and are not too specific to your usecase, they will be integrated (maybe after some modifications) on this repository and thus made available to everybody.

Repository content


Each library has its own package (adql for ADQL, uws for UWS and tap for TAP). These packages are independent except tap which needs the two other packages. In addition to these packages, you will also find cds which is a dependency for the libraries.


Below are summed up the dependencies of each library:

Package adql X X
Package cds.utils X X
Postgres JDBC Driver X X
Package uws X X
JSON library X X
HTTP Servlet API X X
HTTP Multipart Library X X
Packages cds.* X
STIL Library X

In the lib directory, you will find 3 JAR files:

The Postgres JDBC Driver is needed ONLY IF you want to use (and keep) adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator. You can get this driver on the PostgreSQL website. The required package for the ADQL and TAP libraries is org.postgresql (and particularly the class org.postgresql.Driver).

The HTTP Servlet API is generally available in the libraries coming along the Web Application Server you are using. For instance, for Tomcat, it is in the directory lib (or /var/lib/tomcat-x/lib if installed with Aptitude on a Linux system ; x is the version number of Tomcat). The required package for the UWS and TAP library is javax.servlet.

Note: The Postgres JDBC Driver and the HTTP Servlet API are not provided in this Git repository in order to avoid version incompatibility with the host system (i.e. your machine when you checkout/clone/fork this repository).


The sources of these three libraries come with some JUnit test files. You can find them in the test directory.

If you are using Eclipse (or maybe also with another Integrated Development Environment), JUnit is generally already available. Then you can directly execute and compile the provided JUnit test files. So you do not need the two libraries mentionned just below.

Otherwise, you will need to get the JUnit library. Generally it is provided with the JDK, but you can find the corresponding JAR also on the JUnit website.

You may also need another library called hamcrest. You can find this one on its Maven repository ; just to be sure to have everything needed, just take hamcrest-all as a JAR.

Note: The JUnit and Hamcrest libraries are not provided in this Git repository in order to avoid version incompatibility with the host system (i.e. your machine when you checkout/clone/fork this repository).

ANT scripts

At the root of the repository, there are 3 ANT scripts. Each is dedicated to one library. They are able to generate JAR for sources, binaries and Javadoc.

4 properties must be set before using one of these scripts:

Note: No JNDI library is provided in this Git repository because any JNDI Library may work and there is no reason to impose a specific one. Besides, similarly as the other libraries required to compile the sources, it lets avoiding version incompatibility with the host system (i.e. your machine when you checkout/clone/fork this repository).

All of these ANT scripts have the following main targets:

Gradle build

The code can be built with Gradle, either as a jar file to be included in other projects or as a war file to be deployed in Tomcat.