gmftbyGMFTBY / General-Zero

The AlphaZero for the WTN-EinStein Chess
MIT License
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alphazero python3 tensorflow

The AlphaZero for the WTN-EinStein Chess

1. Project Arch


    • Class Board:

      Board class for the game to use

    • Class Game:

      Game class for creating one game to run


    • Class Human:

      Human player instance to use in the competition

    • Funtion run:

      Main function to create the players and the games to play


    • Class PolicyValueNet:

      Create the AlphaZero player


    • Function softmax

    • Class TreeNode:

      MCTS's node instance

    • Class MCTS:

      MCTS class for the AlphaZero player to use

    • Class MCTSPlayer:

      MCTS's player, the use the pure MCTS player, but use the NN to help the MCTS to search.


    • TrainPipeline:

      Train Pipleline for the training progress and create the model file

2. Model Save

  1. model:

    Save the current model file for TensorFlow and used by the to start play with human

    • model-1-...
    • model-2-...
    • mode-3-...
    • model-4-...
    • model-5-...
  2. saved_models

    Save some model file for the training and testing progress, 1500 / 5000 means the number of the self-play games.

    400 / 1000 means the number of the simulation in one self-play game.

3. Chess log

the chess_log folder is to contain the chess log because of the 2018 CGCC Competition. The program which can not create the chess log file for one game will not be able to attend the competition.

The format of the log file is defined by the CAAI, and can be found on this website:

4. Hardware details

  1. The model training on the GTX-1080 and the model model-3-5000-1000 takes almost one day to finish.
    • CUDA 8.0
    • Python 3.5
    • tensorflow-gpu 1.4
  2. The CPU is GenuineIntel
  3. OS is Ubuntu 14.04

5. Update Suggestion

  1. Use multiprocessing to paralle the MCTS, inorder to speed up

  2. Deeper NN

  3. Tkinter for the GUI shell

  4. Choose PyTorch instead of TensorFlow

    The GPU is less working under TensorFlow, most working of this program is the CPU (simulation of the self-play)

6. Some Experience

  1. In my opinion, the pure MCTS is powerful, but the bad aspect of the pure MCTS is that the random rollout

  2. AlphaZero can be better with more simulations (400 is less, 1000 is just soso, in the competition can be 6000+)

    Remember more simulations is more time cost. The time limitation is 4 minites.

  3. pure MCTS will be worst with more simulations, I think the reason is that more simulations can confuse the program.

    for pure MCTS, more simulations means making mistakes easiler.

  4. This experience is very important. During the training process, I found that clear the dataset queue sometimes can improve the performance of the model, I think the most import reason is that the dataset queue (In the is 10000) can store the lots of data which created long time ago, may influence the training process (Sample 512 samples from the 10000 dataset, so the possibility of using the old data is high, but old data is useless or bad for current model, So the queue must be changing). So I think that when the loss is stable for a while, We should clear the dataset queue and retraing the model from the begining. Or in other words, The size of the dataset deque must be changeto adapt the better performance.

  5. The pre-simulation progress ...

7. Getting Start

# need to install the tensorflow==1.4

# train to create the model