gmitch215 / SocketMC

šŸ–„ļø Communicate directly with Minecraft Clients from the Server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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client-to-server fabric forge minecraft paper paper-api spigot spigot-api

šŸ”Œ SocketMC

Minecraft Server-to-Client Direct Communication Library

Notice | License


"Client-side only" is a term widely used when advancing in plugin development, where you're limited in interacting with player's own client. The goal of this library is to solve this issue: create a mod that can communicate with your plugin. That is exactly what SocketMC does! Send your own instructions to clients using our simple and efficient API.

ā“ Why?

šŸšš Features

šŸ“„ Installation

GitHub branch checks state GitHub GitHub issues


All players on your server must have the SocketMC mod installed. You can download them from the following locations:

In your Plugin

GitHub release (latest by date) Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

Maven ```xml codemc-releases xyz.gmitch215.socketmc socketmc-core [VERSION] xyz.gmitch215.socketmc socketmc-spigot [VERSION] xyz.gmitch215.socketmc socketmc-paper [VERSION] ```
Gradle (Groovy) ```gradle repositories { maven { url '' } } dependencies { // Include Core Module implementation 'xyz.gmitch215.socketmc:socketmc-core:[VERSION]' implementation 'xyz.gmitch215.socketmc:socketmc-spigot:[VERSION]' // Alternatively, use the Paper Build implementation 'xyz.gmitch215.socketmc:socketmc-paper:[VERSION]' } ```
Gradle (Kotlin DSL) ```kotlin repositories { maven(url = "") } dependencies { // Include Core Module implementation("xyz.gmitch215.socketmc:socketmc-core:[VERSION]") implementation("xyz.gmitch215.socketmc:socketmc-spigot:[VERSION]") // Alternatively, use the Paper Build implementation("xyz.gmitch215.socketmc:socketmc-paper:[VERSION]") } ```

šŸ“ŗ Example


import xyz.gmitch215.socketmc.spigot.SocketPlayer;
import xyz.gmitch215.socketmc.instruction.Instruction;

import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;

import java.time.Duration;

public class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
    public void onEnable() {

    public void sendInstructions() {
        Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer("gmitch215");
        SocketPlayer sp = new SocketPlayer(player);

        // Specify X and Y, Text, and Duration
        // Pass the plugin instance to the sendInstruction method
        sp.sendInstruction(Instruction.drawText(100, 100, "Hello World", Duration.ofSeconds(5)), this);


import xyz.gmitch215.socketmc.spigot.SocketPlayer
import xyz.gmitch215.socketmc.instruction.Instruction

import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import org.bukkit.entity.Player

import java.time.Duration

class MyPlugin : JavaPlugin() {
    override fun onEnable() {

    fun sendInstructions() {
        val player: Player = Bukkit.getPlayer("gmitch215")
        val sp = SocketPlayer(player)

        // Specify X and Y, Text, and Duration
        // Pass the plugin instance to the sendInstruction method
        sp.sendInstruction(Instruction.drawText(100, 100, "Hello World", Duration.ofSeconds(5)), this)

