gmlangeloh / IPGBs.jl

MIT License
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The IPGBs package provides tools for the solution of Integer Programs with Gröbner Bases. Currently, it provides a state-of-the-art implementation of the Geometric Buchberger algorithm and a work in progress implementation of Project-and-lift.

It also provides a Julia interface to 4ti2, another state-of-the-art Gröbner basis solver. In particular, it allows using the groebner, normalform and minimize commands with either input matrices, as in the original 4ti2 interface, or using a JuMP model.

For implementation details and documentation, see the docs page.


Open a Julia REPL and run:

    import Pkg

The IPGBs interface to 4ti2 depends on a local installation of 4ti2 and on the desired 4ti2 commands being available in the PATH. 4ti2 is not otherwise necessary to use any IPGBs functionality aside from the IPGBs.FourTi2 module.

Using IPGBs

The easiest way to use IPGBs is by building an IP with JuMP and then calling IPGBs groebner_basis command. For example:

    using IPGBs
    using JuMP
    using IPGBs.FourTi2 #To access the 4ti2 interface

    c = [8, 5, 10, 6, 4]
    A = [10 6 2 5 3]
    b = [13]
    model = Model()
    @variable(model, x[1:5] >= 0, Int)
    @objective(model, Max, c' * x)
    @constraint(model, A * x <= b)

    #Computing the Gröbner basis with IPGBs
    gb_ipgbs = groebner_basis(model)

    #Computing the same Gröbner basis with the 4ti2 interface
    gb_4ti2 = FourTi2.groebner(model)

Alternatively, if the IP is stored in any file format that is readable by JuMP, IPGBs can be run directly.

    using IPGBs
    using JuMP
    using IPGBs.FourTi2 #To access the 4ti2 interface

    gb_ipgbs = groebner_basis("integer_programming_instance.mps")
    gb_4ti2 = FourTi2.groebner("integer_programming_instance.mps")

Experimental results

Current experimental results for IPGBs can be found in the IPGBs-Experiments repository. It provides .mps files for each instance and logs from which results can be extracted with the generate_tables.jl script. The script full_groebner_basis.jl can be used to rerun IPGBs and 4ti2 over all instances in this directory.