gmmatt / torgeternity

Torg Eternity System for Foundry VTT
17 stars 7 forks source link

Torg Eternity System for Foundry VTT.

using the system for development


  1. download the system git
  2. download and install node

Build the system

  1. run npm ci in the terminal/command Line of the project
  2. run npm run build in the terminal/command Line of the project (make packs from yml)

commit data

  1. run npm run extract in the terminal/command Line of the project (make yml from packs)
  2. commit the yml files as usual

it is also possible to directly edit the yml files in src/packs


Performing the release

on github:

  1. Make sure Changelog is up to date.
  2. Merge all commits for the release to master
  3. Check if foundry loads with a checked out master
  4. Go to github, click on "Releases"
    • "Draft new release" Button
    • Choose a tag exactly like the version number, example: "3.7.0"
    • select the master branch as release branch
    • Add a description (copy & paste the Changelog snippet for that version)

on Foundry: