tipcalc Demo
(A tip calculator that helps tipster to pay tip faster.)
This is an iOS app for tip calculation that can help tipsters to pay tip with a few touches.
Time spent: 9 hours in total
- [x] Required: User can calculate tip with tip rate options
- [x] Optional: User can pick, type, or slide to change tip rate base on specific need.
- [x] Optional: User can pick, type, or slide to change number of splits base on specific need.
- [x] Optional: Keyboard features: easily and fast input data
- [x] Label as keyboard screen: Displaying the typing, and it is useful when trying to change number of splits.
- [x] Clear button: User can clear out what they have typed with a click.
- [x] Done button: User can click to finish typing
- [x] Optional: Tip rate comment with symbol to indicate user satisfaction about the service: awful, ok, good, awesome, excellent
- [x] Optional: Animation to make app appears more alive. Each animation has meaning; it only animates when the value is changed.
- [x] Optional: Simplistic design with content focus, with designed backgrounds and clearfully pick color for easy to read then number.
Because my knowledge is still limited, I used auto layout to help me make this app compatible with most iOS devices.
Future Implementation:
Features wanted to implemeted in the next version:
- [ ] User can add item they order to calculate bill. (don't let restaurant tell you how much; you tell them how much it cost)
- [ ] User can view tip history of a restaurant base on the current location
- [ ] User can save default setting
- [ ] Change can change app layouts
- [ ] User can rotate phone to view realistic bill (paper like)
- [ ] User can email the bill to one email or a bunch for referrences