gnebehay / CppMT

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CppMT is a method for visual object tracking. It is the C++ implementation of CMT that was originally developed in Python by myself. Details can be found on the project page. The implementation in this repository is platform-independent and runs on Linux, Windows and OS X.


CppMT is freely available under the Simplified BSD license, meaning that you can basically do with the code whatever you want. If you use our algorithm in scientific work, please cite our publication

    author = {Nebehay, Georg and Pflugfelder, Roman},
    booktitle = {Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
    month = jun,
    publisher = {IEEE},
    title = {Clustering of {Static-Adaptive} Correspondences for Deformable Object Tracking},
    year = {2015}



CppMT uses cmake for building. In its most simple form, calling

cmake .

from the source directory should setup everything that is necessary. On Linux, you will probably call


afterwards, while on Windows you will open the project file in Visual Studio and start the build there.

Note for Windows users

These steps are necessary to get CppMT running on Windows:


usage: ./cmt [--challenge] [--no-scale] [--with-rotation] [--bbox BBOX]
             [--skip N] [--skip-msecs N] [--output-file FILE]
             [--verbose] [inputpath]

Optional arguments

Trying to skip both frames and milliseconds at the start of a video will raise an error.

Object Selection

Press any key to stop the preview stream. Left click to select the top left bounding box corner and left click again to select the bottom right corner.


When using a webcam, no arguments are necessary:


When using a video, the path to the file has to be given as an input parameter:

cmt test.avi

If your input consists of numbered image files (e.g. im_0001.png, im_0002.png, ...), you can use printf syntax:

cmt im_%04d.png

It is also possible to specify the initial bounding box on the command line:

cmt --bbox=123,85,60,140 test.avi

You can output data (number of active points, bounding box parameters) to a file in CSV format:

cmt --output-file=/path/to/file.csv test.avi

The data file includes header data so that it can be loaded into Excel or R directly.