gnelabs / NateTradeOpeningRange

Opening range trading strategy
Apache License 2.0
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Backtesting engine built for large-scale parallel backtests. Includes an opening-range breakout trend following strategy.



Redis is used as a general cache between the workers. It runs three tables:

The workers process any available tasks, and return test result data back to Redis as the celery task result. The reaper is a seperate task that runs on the same workers, that lifecycles data out of Redis and into MySQL. This is done to preserve available memory, and to make results easier to analyze.

There are two queues stored in Redis to control job demand, both are strongly consistent:

Example usage


Staging database credentials as environmental variables.

from os import environ
#Access to natetrade data warehouse.
environ['SQL_USERNAME'] = 'your_username'
environ['SQL_PASSWORD'] = 'your_password'
environ['SQL_HOSTNAME'] = ''

#Redis and Mysql endpoints if in the cloud.
environ['REDIS_ENDPOINT'] = 'localhost'
environ['DB_ENDPOINT'] = 'localhost'
environ['DB_USERNAME'] = 'root'
environ['DB_PASSWORD'] = '34vFE3PxFJKCzTPZ'
environ['DB_NAME'] = 'results'
environ['DB_TABLE'] = 'results'

Staging credentials for local testing.

Create an env.list file in the main directory to specify settings for local docker testing.


Starting test infrastructure in the cloud.

Access credentials are passed to the cloud from the environemt variables specified earlier.

Redis is run in an insecure mode, do not store sensitive data in it.

#Create redis database to cache results. Takes about five minutes to spin up.
from backtest.redis_manager import RedisManager
meow = RedisManager()

#Create load balancer to make redis publicly accessible. Takes about two minutes to spin up.
from backtest.lb_manager import LBManager
caww = LBManager()
#Will output the ARNs for the resources created.
lb_resources = caww.create_target_group()

#Create fleet of fargate virtual machines to run backtests. Takes about a minute to spin up, will show up in the ECS tasks dashboard.
from backtest.ecs_manager import TaskManager
woof = TaskManager()
#Limited by ECS service quotas.
woof.start_task(desired_task_count = 10, start_reason = 'testing17')

Stopping cloud test infrastructure.

#Stopping ECS virtual machine(s)
from backtest.ecs_manager import TaskManager
woof = TaskManager()
for task_arn in woof.list_running_tasks():
    woof.stop_task(task_arn, 'demo')

#Stopping load balancer after starting it
from backtest.lb_manager import LBManager
caww = LBManager()
    lb_arn = lb_resources['load_balancer_arn'],
    tg_arn = lb_resources['target_group_arn'],
    ls_arn = lb_resources['listener_arn']

#Delete redis database
from backtest.redis_manager import RedisManager
meow = RedisManager()

Caching, download and save data for a ticker.

This will collect a years worth of high-resolution intraday prices. Note, there must be a cached_data folder present in the main code directory. Some securities can take up to 20 minutes to download.

ticker_to_investigate = 'SPY'
cache_obj = CachedData(ticker_to_investigate)

agg_data = {}
for k, v in opening_ranges_organized[ticker_to_investigate].items():
    agg_data[k] = collect_or_object.pull_intraday_market_data(
        ticker = ticker_to_investigate,
        starting_epoch_range = v['trading_start']

Using cached data for a ticker to collect opening range information.

from backtest.data_collection import CollectOpeningRanges
from backtest.caching import CachedData
from backtest.engine import compress_time_series

collect_or_object = CollectOpeningRanges()
collect_or_object.opening_range_duration = 300

opening_ranges_all_securities = collect_or_object.get_opening_range_data(collect_or_object.epoch_date_ranges())
opening_ranges_organized = collect_or_object.organize_opening_range_data(
    range_data = opening_ranges_all_securities,
    range_duration_to_test = 30
del opening_ranges_all_securities

ticker_to_investigate = 'SPY'
cache_obj = CachedData(ticker_to_investigate)

#Load data from a cached file if present.
agg_data = cache_obj.load()

cleaned_data = compress_time_series(agg_data)
del agg_data

Example output during gather information of a security:

>>> opening_ranges_all_securities = collect_or_object.get_opening_range_data(collect_or_object.epoch_date_ranges())
Returned 1267633 rows of data in 18.55 seconds.

Opening Range Breakout (ORB) strategy backtesting.

Stage opening range data in Redis to be consumed by backtest workers.

from backtest.caching import StageRedis
stage_obj = StageRedis(ticker_to_investigate)

Running backtests.

backtest.startup can be modified to change test parameters. Running 9747 backtests took ~22 minutes with two local workers.

from backtest.startup import seed_backtest_requests

This will generate a result like:

>>> seed_backtest_requests()
Sending 9747 backtest tasks to be processed.
sent 1000 tasks to redis
sent 2000 tasks to redis
sent 3000 tasks to redis
sent 4000 tasks to redis
sent 5000 tasks to redis
sent 6000 tasks to redis
sent 7000 tasks to redis
sent 8000 tasks to redis
sent 9000 tasks to redis

Create results table in MySQL.

This creates a place for lifecycled data to be persisted.

CREATE TABLE `results` (
    `backtest_id` VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
    `backtest_profit` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    `average_holding_period` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    `win_rate_percent` INT(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    `stop_distance` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    `stop_count_limit` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    `stop_cooloff_period` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    `limit_distance` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    `trade_stats` JSON,
    PRIMARY KEY (backtest_id),
    INDEX `ProfitIndex` (`backtest_profit`) USING BTREE
COMMENT='Stores backtest results for trades.'

Monitoring computation progress and lifecycling data to MySQL.

Since both Redis and MySQL are directly accessible

from time import sleep
from backtest.reaper import lifecycle_result_data

for i in range(1,300):

Example output during monitoring/reaping:

>>> for i in range(1,300):
...     lifecycle_result_data()
...     sleep(20)
{'status': 'SUCCESS', 'message': 'Reaper successfully lifecycled 1114 rows to MySQL. 33 completed tasks still need to be lifecycled. 7820 tasks are queued but have not been executed yet.', 'duration': 3.838}
{'status': 'SUCCESS', 'message': 'Reaper successfully lifecycled 150 rows to MySQL. 10 completed tasks still need to be lifecycled. 7693 tasks are queued but have not been executed yet.', 'duration': 0.503}
{'status': 'SUCCESS', 'message': 'Reaper successfully lifecycled 123 rows to MySQL. 11 completed tasks still need to be lifecycled. 7569 tasks are queued but have not been executed yet.', 'duration': 0.522}

Analysis after backtesting

Viewing results in MySQL.

  ((stop_distance / backtest_profit) * stop_count_limit) AS risk_adjusted_win_rate,
FROM results.results
ORDER BY risk_adjusted_win_rate

This should give you results that look like this: Example usage

Plotting results

A helper plotting library is included if you want to visualize performance. May require additional dependencies.

from displayplot import display, pull_data
display(backtest_id = 'hp9BT', table_name = 'results')

Displaying the plot will open a browser window with the image: Example usage


Building docker container.

docker-compose build

Local testing, run a worker container.

It is recommended to have 32gb of memory on your development machine in order to run a full ecosystem of containers.

docker run -t -i --env-file ./env.list natetradeopeningrange-worker

Local testing, run a local instance of Redis server.

docker run -e REDIS_ARGS="--maxclients 65000 --appendonly no --save """ -d --name redis-server-no-persistence --ip -p 6379:6379 redis/redis-stack-server:latest

Local testing, run a local instance of MySQL.

docker run --name mysql-local --ip -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=34vFE3PxFJKCzTPZ -d mysql:latest

Deploying to AWS Cloud

Deploying Cloudformation template and VPC skeleton

The AWS CLI must be installed and configured with access credentials to your account. SAM CLI must be installed.

# Resolve dependencies and create a .aws-sam/build/ directory.
$ sam build --use-container

Deploy to cloudformation. Use --guided for the initial install to setup your S3 bucket and what not. Information about the stack will be returned as output values.

# Deploy the application. Use the guided method so you can fill in information about your S3 bucket and region.
$ sam deploy --guided

Deploying Docker containers to ECR

The container must be uploaded to your elastic container repo to be usable in AWS. The repository URI can be obtained from RepositoryURI output parameter from the Cloudformation stack.

aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
docker tag natetradeopeningrange-worker:latest
docker push