gnodipac886 / MatebookXPro-hackintosh

Hackintosh Solution for the Huawei Matebook X Pro
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Can't open macos after closing the lid #79

Closed yamyoume closed 4 years ago

yamyoume commented 4 years ago

Can't open macos after closing the lid I noticed the FN key light is on and the caps lock key light is on and they don't change if I press the keys however clicking the apple logo and selecting sleep, waiting for that to happen, then closing the lid is totally fine

kvn1351 commented 4 years ago

You probably haven't run the post install script.

yamyoume commented 4 years ago

Wait I thought that script was just to download the repo. What does it do exactly?

yamyoume commented 4 years ago

I ran the script now, and it overwrote the clover folder, and I knew because i've changed the serial number/machine id do you think I should use the serial number/ machine id in the original clover folder from the repo, or should I change it to something else?

kvn1351 commented 4 years ago

Generate new ones and check them on Apple's website. There are many guide on how to do it.

yamyoume commented 4 years ago

Ok thanks btw the closing the lid thing worked it self out , idk how or why