gnodipac886 / MatebookXPro-hackintosh

Hackintosh Solution for the Huawei Matebook X Pro
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Low battery life 3 - 4 hours instead of 9+ #96

Open JonnIEnglish opened 4 years ago

JonnIEnglish commented 4 years ago

Good day all,

I recently installed macOS Catalina on my 2018 Matebook X Pro with relative ease and everything seems to be working quite well except for the battery life, which can just stretch to 4.5 hours with no apps open. I have tried everything from battery saving apps to trying to undervolt(which I was unable to do due to an error that I could not fix) but nothing seems to be bringing the battery life anywhere close to the advertised 9 - 10+ hours gnodipac886 claims to be getting in his readme. I would be very grateful to anyone who could assist with this problem or who knows what to do to increase the battery life.

Many thanks


jonescamilla commented 4 years ago

Hey Jonathan, What issue did you face trying to undervolt?

JonnIEnglish commented 4 years ago

Hi jonescamilla,

I tried to follow this guide for undervolting using the voltageshift method.

When running the "./voltageshift info" command I got the error: "zsh: killed ./voltageshift info" Screenshot 2020-03-21 at 22 50 37

I have looked everywhere for a workaround or solution but am not able to find any. I'm not sure if there is something I am missing or what?

jonescamilla commented 4 years ago

Did you give it root permission? sudo chown -R root:wheel VoltageShift.kext

Like you had done before just cd and drag the folder over to get the directory. Followed by ↑

JonnIEnglish commented 4 years ago

It says crown command not found, do you mean chown or chmod?

JonnIEnglish commented 4 years ago

Even after updating permissions it still doesn't seem to be working. Screenshot 2020-03-21 at 23 12 16

Chatbox1024 commented 4 years ago

Man, you need to load the kext. RTFM:

Chatbox1024 commented 4 years ago

Here: and here:

JonnIEnglish commented 4 years ago

Yeah I have been trying to build the kext but I am getting this error now, even with Xcode freshly installed.

Screenshot 2020-03-22 at 09 15 04