gnolang / gnonative

Develop for Gno using your app's native language
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 9 forks source link

Gno Native Kit

Gno Native Kit is a framework that allows developers to build and port (d)apps written in the (d)app's native language.

Current Gno (d)apps run on desktop/laptop computers which have Go installed. To run on mobile, the (d)app would need to bundle the Go runtime, which is complicated for most developers.

However, Gno Native Kit helps bypass this complexity by using gRPC to make calls to the Gno core API and access the blockchain's realm functions on a remote node. These API calls are a programming language-independent wrapper on top of the core supported APIs like gnoclient and crypto/keys.

Watch this Gno Native Kit tutorial to easily get started on building and bringing your (d)apps to mobile and desktop.

Build instructions

Install prerequisites for macOS 13

(If you are on Ubuntu, see the next section to install prerequisites.)

Install Xcode. To install the Command Line Developer Tools, in a terminal enter:

xcode-select --install

After the Developer Tools are installed, we need to make sure it is updated. In System Preferences, click Software Update and update it if needed.

To install asdf using brew, follow instructions at . In short, first install brew following the instructions at . Then, in a terminal enter:

brew install asdf gnu-tar gpg jq

If your terminal is zsh, enter:

echo -e "\n. $(brew --prefix asdf)/libexec/" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zshrc

If your terminal is bash, enter:

echo -e "\n. \"$(brew --prefix asdf)/libexec/\"" >> ~/.bash_profile

Start a new terminal to get the changes to the environment.

(optional) To install Android Studio, download and install the latest android-studio-{version}-mac.dmg from . (Tested with Jellyfish 2023.3.1 .)

Install prerequisites for Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 and 24.04

To install asdf, follow instructions at . In short, in a terminal enter:

sudo apt install curl git make
git clone ~/.asdf
echo '. "$HOME/.asdf/"' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

Start a new terminal to get the changes to the environment.

(optional) To install Android Studio, download the latest android-studio-{version}-linux.tar.gz from . (Tested with Jellyfish 2023.3.1 .) In a terminal, enter the following with the correct {version}:

sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf android-studio-{version}-linux.tar.gz

To launch Android Studio, in a terminal enter:

/usr/local/android-studio/bin/ &

Get a copy of the repo

git clone
cd gnonative

Build for Android

Set up the Android NDK

Install the tools with asdf (only need to do once)

(If not building for iOS, edit the file .tool-versions and remove the unneeded lines for ruby and cocoapods.)

make asdf.install_tools

Build the Go code as a library


Start metro

cd examples/js/react-native/gnoboard
yarn start

Connect your Android phone/emulator and bind its port to metro

You can either connect an Android phone via USB cable, or launch an emulator device from Android Studio.

Real device

Connect your device and bind the port to metro:

cd examples/js/react-native/gnoboard
make android.reverse_tcp
Emulator device

You can either run Android Studio and open the Android project in examples/js/react-native/gnoboard/android. If you prefer the CLI option:

android-studio ./android

Once done, bind the port to metro:

make android.reverse_tcp

Build with Android Studio

Open Android Studio and open the current Android project if it's not already done. Select the right device in the device list. Open the Run menu, and select Run app. See more:

Build for iOS

Install the tools with asdf (only need to do once)

make asdf.install_tools

If you get an error like " (at master@97b765e) is not yet checked out" then reinstall cocoapods like this:

asdf uninstall cocoapods
make asdf.install_tools

Build the Go code as a library

make build.ios

Start metro

cd examples/js/react-native/gnoboard
yarn start

Open Xcode and connect your iOS device

Open Xcode and open the GnoBoard Xcode workspace: examples/js/react-native/gnoboard/ios/gnoboard.xcworkspace You can either connect an iOS phone via USB cable, or launch an emulator device from Xcode. See more:

Select a developer certificate

In Xcode, double click on gnoboard project on the left pane, go to the Signing & Capabilities pane. In the Signing section, select your team certificate.

Build with Xcode

Select the right device in the device list. Open the Product menu, and select Run. See more: