gnosis / pm-trading-ui

Prediction Market Trading Interface for Gnosis Contracts
MIT License
20 stars 16 forks source link
dapp gnosis pm-js pm-trading reactjs redux redux-actions smart-contracts tradingdb web3js


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Start with npm start, server available under http://localhost:5000/

Quickstart with Docker/Docker Compose

Install Docker and Docker Compose

git clone
cd pm-trading-ui

Build containers

The application is made up of several container images that are linked together using docker-compose. Before running the application, build the images:

docker-compose build --force-rm

Running the Application

docker-compose up

Application will run on http://localhost:8080

Installing pm-js

This package implements the npm package for pm-js for interaction with prediction markets. See the github repo from gnosis/pm-js

If you're working with pm-js locally, you can add it to your installation like this: npm i ../pm-js (if your pm-js repo is in the parent folder) this will npm-link and you're free to make changes there too

Running pm-trading-db

Refer to pm-trading-db's repo

Quick version:

Running Ganache-Cli

In order to run this on a local blockchain, install ganache-cli npm install ganache-cli -g and run ganache-cli like so: ganache-cli --gasLimit 400000000 -d -h

Afterwards, go into your gnosis folder (either ../gnosis.js or ./node_modules/ and run npm run migrate this will deploy all contracts to Ganache.