The smart contract allows you to represent contract signatures. Currently it is not possible, while using the apps, to just sign payloads.
Proposed solution
The browser extension should be able to sign payloads provided by web dApps. In order to do that, the extension should handle the requests to sign those payloads so that they can be authenticated by the dApp.
Once a payload is received on the extension, it will be sent to every other owner of the Safe and the extension will wait until the confirmation threshold is reached.
Context / issue
The smart contract allows you to represent contract signatures. Currently it is not possible, while using the apps, to just sign payloads.
Proposed solution
The browser extension should be able to sign payloads provided by web dApps. In order to do that, the extension should handle the requests to sign those payloads so that they can be authenticated by the dApp.
Once a payload is received on the extension, it will be sent to every other owner of the Safe and the extension will wait until the confirmation threshold is reached.