go-godo / godo

golang build tool in the spirt of rake, gulp
MIT License
535 stars 31 forks source link
build go task-runner watcher

Documentation is WIP



godo is a task runner and file watcher for golang in the spirit of rake, gulp.

To install

go get -u gopkg.in/godo.v2/cmd/godo


Godo runs Gododir/main.go.

As an example, create a file Gododir/main.go with this content

package main

import (
    do "gopkg.in/godo.v2"

func tasks(p *do.Project) {
    do.Env = `GOPATH=.vendor::$GOPATH`

    p.Task("default", do.S{"hello", "build"}, nil)

    p.Task("hello", nil, func(c *do.Context) {
        name := c.Args.AsString("name", "n")
        if name == "" {
            c.Bash("echo Hello $USER!")
        } else {
            fmt.Println("Hello", name)

    p.Task("assets?", nil,  func(c *do.Context) {
        // The "?" tells Godo to run this task ONLY ONCE regardless of
        // how many tasks depend on it. In this case watchify watches
        // on its own.
        c.Run("watchify public/js/index.js d -o dist/js/app.bundle.js")

    p.Task("build", do.S{"views", "assets"}, func(c *do.Context) {
        c.Run("GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build", do.M{"$in": "cmd/server"})

    p.Task("server", do.S{"views", "assets"}, func(c *do.Context) {
        // rebuilds and restarts when a watched file changes
        c.Start("main.go", do.M{"$in": "cmd/server"})
    }).Src("server/**/*.go", "cmd/server/*.{go,json}").

    p.Task("views", nil, func(c *do.Context) {
        c.Run("razor templates")

func main() {

To run "server" task from parent dir of Gododir/

godo server

To rerun "server" and its dependencies whenever any of their watched files change

godo server --watch

To run the "default" task which runs "hello" and "build"


Task names may add a "?" suffix to execute only once even when watching

// build once regardless of number of dependents
p.Task("assets?", nil, func(*do.Context) { })

Task dependencies

do.S{} or do.Series{} - dependent tasks to run in series
do.P{} or do.Parallel{} - dependent tasks to run in parallel

For example, do.S{"clean", do.P{"stylesheets", "templates"}, "build"}

Task Option Funcs

Task CLI Arguments

Task CLI arguments follow POSIX style flag convention (unlike go's built-in flag package). Any command line arguments succeeding -- are passed to each task. Note, arguments before -- are reserved for godo.

As an example,

p.Task("hello", nil, func(c *do.Context) {
    // "(none)" is the default value
    msg := c.Args.MayString("(none)", "message", "msg", "m")
    var name string
    if len(c.Args.NonFlags()) == 1 {
        name = c.Args.NonFlags()[0]
    fmt.Println(msg, name)


# prints "(none)"
godo hello

# prints "Hello dude" using POSIX style flags
godo hello -- dude --message Hello
godo hello -- dude --msg Hello
godo hello -- -m Hello dude

Args functions are categorized as

Modularity and Namespaces

A project may include other tasks functions with Project#Use. Use requires a namespace to prevent task name conflicts with existing tasks.

func buildTasks(p *do.Project) {
    p.Task("default", S{"clean"}, nil)

    p.Task("clean", nil, func(*do.Context) {
        fmt.Println("build clean")

func tasks(p *do.Project) {
    p.Use("build", buildTasks)

    p.Task("clean", nil, func(*do.Context) {
        fmt.Println("root clean")

    p.Task("build", do.S{"build:default"}, func(*do.Context) {
        fmt.Println("root clean")

Running godo build:. or godo build results in output of build clean. Note that it uses the clean task in its namespace not the clean in the parent project.

The special name build:. is alias for build:default.

Task dependencies that start with "/" are relative to the parent project and may be called referenced from sub projects.


godo compiles Godofile.go to godobin-VERSION (godobin-VERSION.exe on Windows) whenever Godofile.go changes. The binary file is built into the same directory as Godofile.go and should be ignored by adding the path godobin* to .gitignore.

Exec functions

All of these functions accept a map[string]interface{} or M for options. Option keys that start with "$" are reserved for godo. Other fields can be used as context for template.


Bash functions uses the bash executable and may not run on all OS.

Run a bash script string. The script can be multiline line with continutation.

    echo -n $USER
    echo some really long \

Bash can use Go templates

c.Bash(`echo -n {{.name}}`, do.M{"name": "mario", "$in": "cmd/bar"})

Run a bash script and capture STDOUT and STDERR.

output, err := c.BashOutput(`echo -n $USER`)


Run go build inside of cmd/app and set environment variables.

c.Run(`GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build`, do.M{"$in": "cmd/app"})

Run can use Go templates

c.Run(`echo -n {{.name}}`, do.M{"name": "mario", "$in": "cmd/app"})

Run and capture STDOUT and STDERR

output, err := c.RunOutput("whoami")


Start an async command. If the executable has suffix ".go" then it will be "go install"ed then executed. Use this for watching a server task.

c.Start("main.go", do.M{"$in": "cmd/app"})

Godo tracks the process ID of started processes to restart the app gracefully.


To run many commands inside a directory, use Inside instead of the $in option. Inside changes the working directory.

do.Inside("somedir", func() {

User Input

To get plain string

user := do.Prompt("user: ")

To get password

password := do.PromptPassword("password: ")

Godofile Run-Time Environment

From command-line

Environment variables may be set via key-value pairs as arguments to godo. This feature was added to facilitate users on Windows.

godo NAME=mario GOPATH=./vendor hello

From source code

To specify whether to inherit from parent's process environment, set InheritParentEnv. This setting defaults to true

do.InheritParentEnv = false

To specify the base environment for your tasks, set Env. Separate with whitespace or newlines.

do.Env = `

Functions can add or override environment variables as part of the command string. Note that environment variables are set before the executable similar to a shell; however, the Run and Start functions do not use a shell.

p.Task("build", nil, func(c *do.Context) {
    c.Run("GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build" )

The effective environment for exec functions is: parent (if inherited) <- do.Env <- func parsed env

Paths should use :: as a cross-platform path list separator. On Windows :: is replaced with ;. On Mac and linux :: is replaced with :.

From godoenv file

For special circumstances where the GOPATH needs to be set before building the Gododir, use Gododir/godoenv file.

TIP: Create Gododir/godoenv when using a dependency manager like godep that necessitates changing $GOPATH

# Gododir/godoenv