Fresco is an open source Mapbox Vector Tile Style editor that allows cartographers to craft stylesheets for use with Mapbox GL maps. Unlike other style editors, Fresco does not attempt to hide the complexity of Mapbox GL Styles - but rather exposes and surfaces it for maximum control and flexibility. This allows the user to implement rich, interactive styles utilizing data driven properties with expressions.
When using Fresco, it may be helpful to have the Mapbox Style Spec available as a reference.
Fresco runs in the browser and styles created and modified with Fresco are saved to the browser's local storage and are synced on changes. Be sure to download styles to your computer as a backup. Remote style storage and collaboration tools are coming soon.
Give it a try:
headersFresco may be used in the browser by visiting or by downloading a pre compiled binary from the releases page.
Fresco is built on top of React. To run Fresco from source use the following steps:
npm install
npm start
- Fresco should open in a browser windownpm run build
- the deployment files will be inside the /build
directotyFresco is able to be hosted from a subdirectory of a domain (i.e. To enable this functionality, modify the package.json
"name": "fresco",
"version": "0.0.1",
"private": true,
"homepage": "/fresco",
Also, you'll need to modify the config inside /src/config/index.json
"homepage": "/fresco"
Then use npm run build
to build Fresco for deployment.
You are able to change the default styles that Fresco loads up with. Update /src/config/stylesDefault.json
with any number of Mapbox style JSONs. To load multiple styles in use an array structure like shown below:
"id": "style1",
"id": "style2",
For a single style, just replace the contents of /src/config/stylesDefault.json
with the style JSON.
When testing default styles, you'll have to clear out your localStorage frescoStylesStore
or use an incognito window.
Contributions are welcome! Fork the repo and send in a PR with any bug fixes or features.
If you're looking to create vector tiles that can be styled with Fresco, check out tegola!