go-teal / teal

Teal is an open-source data transformation and workflow (DAG) management tool in the Go stack.
MIT License
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In the changing field of data engineering, having strong, scalable, and user-friendly tools is essential. We introduce Teal, a new open-source ETL tool designed to improve your data transformation and orchestration.

Teal combines the best features of tools like dbt, Dagster, and Airflow, while solving common problems found in traditional Python-based solutions. Our goal is to provide data engineers and analysts with a powerful, easy-to-use platform that simplifies complex workflows and increases productivity.

Why Choose Teal?



go install github.com/go-teal/teal/cmd/teal@latest

Creating your project

mkdir my_test_project
cd my_test_project

Init your project from scratch

teal init
❯ ls -al
total 16
drwxr-xr-x@ 6 wwtlf  wwtlf  192 24 Jun 21:23 .
drwxr-xr-x  5 wwtlf  wwtlf  160 24 Jun 21:21 ..
drwxr-xr-x@ 3 wwtlf  wwtlf   96 24 Jun 07:46 assets
-rw-r--r--@ 1 wwtlf  wwtlf  302 24 Jun 07:51 config.yaml
drwxr-xr-x@ 2 wwtlf  wwtlf   64 24 Jun 20:03 docs
-rw-r--r--@ 1 wwtlf  wwtlf  137 24 Jun 07:46 profile.yaml

Update config.yaml

version: '1.0.0'
module: github.com/my_user/my_test_project
  - name: default
    type: duckdb
      path: ./store/test.duckdb            
        - postgres
        - httpfs         
      # extraParams: 
      #   - name: "name"
      #     value: "value"
  1. module param will be used as a module in go.mod
  2. Make sure the dir from the path exists.

Update profile.yaml

version: '1.0.0'
name: 'my-test-project'
connection: 'default'
    - name: staging
    - name: dds  
    - name: mart
  1. name will be used as a name for the binary file

Generate go project

teal gen

You'll see the following outpout

project-path: .
config-file: ./config.yaml
Building: staging.addresses.sql
Building: staging.transactions.sql
Building: staging.wallets.sql
Building: dds.dim_addresses.sql
Building: dds.fact_transactions.sql
Building: mart.mart_wallet_report.sql
Files 10
./cmd/my-test-project/main._go .................................................. [OK]
./go.mod ........................................................................ [OK]
./internal/assets/staging.addresses.go .......................................... [OK]
./internal/assets/staging.transactions.go ....................................... [OK]
./internal/assets/staging.wallets.go ............................................ [OK]
./internal/assets/dds.dim_addresses.go .......................................... [OK]
./internal/assets/dds.fact_transactions.go ...................................... [OK]
./internal/assets/mart.mart_wallet_report.go .................................... [OK]
./internal/assets/configs.go .................................................... [OK]
./docs/graph.wsd ................................................................ [OK]

Your DAG is depicted in the PlantUML file graph.wsd DAG

  1. Rename main._go to my-test-project.go
  2. Uncomment the following line: _ "github.com/marcboeker/go-duckdb" in my-test-project.go.
  3. Run go mod tidy
  4. Final project structure:
├── assets
│   └── models
│       ├── dds
│       │   ├── dim_addresses.sql
│       │   └── fact_transactions.sql
│       ├── mart
│       │   └── mart_wallet_report.sql
│       └── staging
│           ├── addresses.sql
│           ├── transactions.sql
│           └── wallets.sql
├── cmd
│   └── my-test-project
│       └── main.go
├── config.yaml
├── docs
│   └── graph.wsd
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── internal
│   └── assets
│       ├── configs.go
│       ├── dds.dim_addresses.go
│       ├── dds.fact_transactions.go
│       ├── mart.mart_wallet_report.go
│       ├── staging.addresses.go
│       ├── staging.transactions.go
│       └── staging.wallets.go
├── profile.yaml
└── store
    ├── addresses.csv    
    ├── transactions.csv
    └── wallets.csv

Run your project

go run ./cmd/my-test-project

Explore my-test-project.go

package main

import (
 _ "github.com/marcboeker/go-duckdb"




func main() {
 log.Logger = log.Output(zerolog.ConsoleWriter{Out: os.Stderr})
 core.GetInstance().Init("config.yaml", ".")
 config := core.GetInstance().Config
 dag := dags.InitChannelDag(assets.DAG, assets.PorjectAssets, config, "instance 1")
 wg := dag.Run()
 result := <-dag.Push("TEST", nil, make(chan map[string]interface{}))

What this code does:

  1. dag.Run() builds a DAG based on Ref from your .sql models, where each node is an asset and each edge is a GO channel.
  2. result := <-dag.Push("TEST", nil, make(chan map[string]interface{})) triggers the execution of this DAG synchronously.
  3. dag.Stop() sends the deactivation command.



version: '1.0.0'
module: github.com/my_user/my_test_project
  - name: default
    type: duckdb
      path: ./store/test.duckdb            
        - postgres
        - httpfs         
      # extraParams: 
      #   - name: "name"
      #     value: "value"
  1. Teal supports multiple connections.

  2. The following databases are supported at the moment (v0.1.2):

    • DuckDB, see the specific config params.
Param Type Description
version String constant 1.0.0
module String Generated go module name
connections String Array of database connections
connections.name String Name of the connection for model profile
connections.type String Driver name of the database connection, DuckDB, PostgreSQL, etc.


version: '1.0.0'
name: 'my-test-project'
connection: 'default'
    - name: staging
        - name: model1
        # see models pfofiles
    - name: dds  
    - name: mart
Param Type Description
version String constant 1.0.0
name String Generated folder name for main.go
connection String Connection from config.yaml by default
models.stages: Array of stages list of stages for models. For each stage a folder assets/models/<stage name> must be created in advance
models.stages See: Model Profile

Model Profile

The asset profile can be specified via the profile.yaml file or via a GO template in your sql model file in the sub-template {{ define "profile.yaml" }} ... {{ end }}:

{{ define "profile.yaml" }}
    connection: 'default'
    materialization: 'table'  
    is_data_framed: true
{{ end }}

    from read_csv('store/addresses.csv',
    delim = ',',
    header = true,
    columns = {
        'id': 'INT',
        'wallet_id': 'VARCHAR',
        'wallet_address': 'VARCHAR',
        'currency': 'VARCHAR'}
Param Type Default value Description
name String filename The model name must be the same as the file name without regard to the system extension (.sql)
connection String profile.connection Connection name from config.yaml
materialization String table See Materializations
is_data_framed boolean false See Cross database references
persist_inputs boolean false See Cross database references


Materializations Description
table The result of SQL query execution is stored in the table corresponding to the model name. If the table does not exist, it will be created. If the table already exists, it will be cleared using the truncate method.
incremental The result of the query execution is added to the existing table. If the table does not exist, it will be created.
view The SQL query is saved as a View.

Template functions

Static and dynamic functions

Functions in double braces {{ Ref "staging.model" }} are static, i.e. values are substituted at the moment of project generation. Functions in triple braces {{{ Ref "staging.model" }}} are dynamic, i.e. they are executed at the moment of activation of your asset. After project generation, triple brackets are replaced by double brackets in the source code of assetts

List of functions

Native available functions:

Function Input Parameters Output data Description
Ref "<staging name>.<model name>" string Ref is the main function on which the DAG is based. It points to the model that will be replaced by the table name after the template is executed.
this No string this function returns the name of the current table
IsIncremental No boolean IsIncremental function returns the sign of model execution in the increment mode



  1. To enable DuckDB support, the following line _ "github.com/marcboeker/go-duckdb" must be added to main.go
  2. Specific config params:
Param Type Description
extensions Array of strings List of DuckDB extenstions. Extenstions will be install during the creation of database and loaded befor the asset execution
path String Path to the DuckDB database file
extraParams Object Pairs of the name->values parameters for DuckDB configuration

General Architecture


Cross database references

The following two model profile parameters are responsible for cross base references:


Road Map




Database support

