go-zen-chu / aictl

Handy CLI for asking anything to generative AI. Flashed the brake lights five times.
MIT License
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Handy CLI accessing generative AI.

Documentation Docker Pulls Actions Status Actions Status Actions Status GitHub issues

Install CLI


brew install go-zen-chu/tools/aictl


You can download from GitHub release.


If you have any trouble, use -v for verbosing logs.


Currently aictl supports only environment variable.

export AICTL_OPENAI_API_KEY="your openai api key here"

In terminal

A simple usage

$ aictl query "How is the weather today?"
I'm sorry, but I cannot provide real-time weather information. You can check your local weather service or a weather app for the most accurate updates.

# you can ask in any language
$ aictl query "今日の天気はどうですか?"
I'm sorry, but I cannot provide real-time weather information. You can check your local weather service or a weather app for the most accurate updates.

Deliver a command result to stdin with -i option

$ echo "How is the weather today?" | aictl query -i
I'm sorry, but I cannot provide real-time weather information. You can check your local weather service or a weather app for the most accurate updates.

# Since, we got response as stdout, aictl's error as stderr you can pipe command results
$ aictl query "Hello" | aictl query -i | aictl query -i
Hello! How can I assist you today?

# To see how AI respond in each command, tee to stderr with pipe
$ echo $(./aictl query "Hello") | tee /dev/stderr | ./aictl query -i
Hello! How can I assist you today?
Hello! I'm here to assist you. How can I help you today?

Specify a query result format in text or json

$ echo "How is the weather today?" | aictl query -o json -i 
  "error": "Weather information is not available."

Specify which language you want to have a response

$ aictl query -ljapanese "Hello"

# You can specify in any language too if double quoted
$ aictl query -l"中文" "Hello"

Give text files and ask about the file

[!NOTE] If you give large files, you may get an error from API because of the number of tokens limit

$ aictl query "Why I got error in this Golang file?" -t ./testdata/go_error_sample1.go,./testdata/go_error_sample2.go
In your first Golang file, the error arises because the `fmt.Printf` function is called without providing the necessary arguments...

# By giving a files list of `git diff`, you can do a code review for changed files
$ aictl query -t "$(git diff --name-only HEAD origin/main | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$/\n/')" "Could you give me a code review for each files with filename?"
Here's a code review for each file you've provided. The review will focus on structure, style, best practices, potential improvements, and any other relevant aspects.
### File: `README.md`
#### Review
1. **Structure**: The README has a clear structure that helps users understand what the project is about, how to authenticate, usage in the terminal, and usage in CI.

# If you want to review only diffs of the files, give a diff text
$ aictl query "Could you give me a code review for the diff below? \
These diffs are the result of \`git diff --no-ext-diff\` command. \
$(git diff --no-ext-diff)"

GitHub Actions



name value type required default description
query string * - Query that you want to ask to generative AI
output string - text Response format. You can specify text or json. In text format, you can ask your response format in query to get other format like yaml but the actual response may differ according to AI response.
language string - English Which language you want to get response.
text-files string - - An array of text file paths added to query seperated with comma (e.g. file1.go,file2.txt)


Please refer to Passing information between jobs - GitHub Docs for accessing to step outputs.

name value type description
response string output from generative AI


Simple Query

Make sure to create API KEY in OpenAI and set secrets.AICTL_OPENAI_API_KEY in your github repository before running actions below.

Check API Reference - OpenAI API for the API key.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # Example 1, a simple query
    - uses: go-zen-chu/aictl@main
        query: "Hello! GitHub Action"
    # Example 2, a query with multiline
     - uses: go-zen-chu/aictl@main
        query: |
          Let me ask a question.
          Why I got error in this Golang file?

With query options

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # Example 3, specifing an output format and response language
    - uses: go-zen-chu/aictl@main
        query: "How are you doing?"
        language: "Japanese"
        output: "json"

Review PR

name: check-pr
    types: [opened, synchronize]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      pull-requests: write
      - name: Get number of commits for fetch depth
        run: echo "fetch_depth=$(( commits + 1 ))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          commits: ${{ github.event.pull_request.commits }}
      - name: Git checkout until fetch-depth
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: ${{ env.fetch_depth }}
          # need to specify ref to fetch PR head, otherwise you get main branch with no HEAD
          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
      - name: Fetch base branch as origin
        run: git fetch origin ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref }}
      - name: Get the diff between PR and origin branch
        id: git-diff
        run: |
          # If fetch-depth is not specified in checkout, HEAD cannot be found
          # Make sure to filter out deleted file in `git diff` since you cannot review deleted files
          diff_files=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR origin/${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref }}..HEAD | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$/\n/')
          echo "diff_files: ${diff_files}"
          echo "diff-files=${diff_files}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
          # In PR, you cannot get `github.event.head_commit.message` so you need to get commit message via git log
          commit_msg=$(git log --format=%B -n 1 ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }})
          echo "commit_msg: ${commit_msg}"
          echo "commit-msg=${commit_msg}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
      - name: Run aictl for code review
        id: aictl-review
        uses: ./ # specify dir where action.yml exists
        if: ${{ steps.git-diff.outputs.diff-files != '' && !contains(steps.git-diff.outputs.commit-msg, '[skip ai]') }}
          query: Give me a code review summary and reviews for each file.
          text-files: ${{ steps.git-diff.outputs.diff-files }}
      - name: Post aictl review result to PR comment
        if: steps.aictl-review.outcome != 'skipped'
        run: |
          # make sure to checkout to pr branch and resolve detached HEAD state
          git checkout ${{ github.ref_name }}
          # TIPS: surrounding with single quote, you can ignore `code` string in outputs
          cat <<'AICTL_REVIEW_EOF' > response.md
          ${{ steps.aictl-review.outputs.response }}
          gh pr comment --body-file response.md "${URL}"
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          URL: ${{ github.event.pull_request.html_url }}

In the other CI

You can use aictl in any CI using docker image.


We use magefile to make development easier.

# install required tools
mage installDevTools

# after main branch updated push new version tag
mage gitPushTag