goFrendiAsgard / No-CMS

No-CMS, A CodeIgniter Based CMS Framework
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best way to keep an NoCMS-environment up to date ? #159

Open kal60 opened 8 years ago

kal60 commented 8 years ago

Hi! First of all: thanks for creating this great "piece" of software. I started a year ago to develop with CI and switched over to NoCMS last year - this make all a lot easier to implement the appilactions. I'm just migrating apps from CI-MVC to NoCMS (with HMVC). I've got a dev- and a prod-environment of NoCMS. What will be the best method to: a) keep the dev-env up to date ? (e.g. by getting the latest from your github-repository via git ? How to keep a local git repo parallel to save the own changes, e.g. in own modules ?) b) to migrate the dev to prod-environment ? Could you please give some suggestions ? Thanks in advance

goFrendiAsgard commented 8 years ago

Well, I wonder too... T_T