goFrendiAsgard / No-CMS

No-CMS, A CodeIgniter Based CMS Framework
300 stars 199 forks source link

NOTE: I'm now focusing on Chimera-Framework. It will be a more modern replacement of No-CMS

What is No-CMS?

No-CMS is a CMS-framework.

No-CMS is a basic and "less-assumption" CMS with some default features such as user authorization (including third party authentication), menu, module and theme management. It is fully customizable and extensible, you can make your own module and your own themes. It provide freedom to make your very own CMS, which is not provided very well by any other CMS.

Who is it for?

No-CMS will be good for you if you say yes for majority of these statement:

Batteries Included

No-CMS come with several batteries included:

Release Information

Server Requirements


GPL & MIT License: In short, you can use No-CMS for whatever purpose, modify the code, and gain money by using it.



I made No-CMS, but you can make it better. There are many way you can do to make No-CMS better:

Post Installation

In production server, please run post-installation.sh in order to set correct directory/file access permission to your files. This is important for security purpose.

Reset Installation

To reset installation, please run this:

sudo chmod 777 . -R
sudo rm -f ./application/config/.saved
sudo rm -f ./application/config/*.php
sudo echo "<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');" > ./application/config/constants.php
sudo rm -Rf ./session
sudo rm -f ./application/logs/log*.php
sudo rm -f ./application/logs/hybridauth.log
sudo touch ./application/logs/hybridauth.log
sudo rm -f ./application/config/tmp/*.php
sudo rm -f ./assets/grocery_crud/texteditor/ckeditor/config.js
sudo rm -f ./assets/kcfinder/config.php
sudo rm -Rf ./assets/kcfinder/upload/main-*
sudo rm -Rf ./assets/kcfinder/upload/site-*
sudo rm -f ./.htaccess
sudo rm -f ./hostname.php
sudo rm -Rf ./application/config/site-*
sudo rm -Rf ./application/config/main
sudo rm -f ./modules/*/config/module_config_*.php
sudo rm -f modules/*/controllers/Info_*.php
sudo chmod 777 .
sudo chmod 755 * -R
sudo chmod 777 application/config -R
sudo chmod 777 application/logs -R
sudo chmod 755 assets/kcfinder -R
sudo chmod 777 assets/kcfinder
sudo chmod 777 assets/kcfinder/upload
sudo chmod 755 assets/kcfinder/upload/.htaccess
sudo chmod 755 assets/kcfinder/upload/index.html
sudo chmod 755 assets/grocery_crud/texteditor/ckeditor -R
sudo chmod 777 assets/grocery_crud/texteditor/ckeditor
sudo chmod 777 assets/uploads -R
sudo chmod 755 assets/uploads/index.html
sudo chmod 755 assets/uploads/.htaccess
sudo chmod 777 assets/nocms/images -R
sudo chmod 644 assets/nocms/images/*.png
sudo chmod 755 assets/nocms/images/*/.htaccess
sudo chmod 755 assets/nocms/images/*/index.html
sudo chmod 777 modules/*/assets/uploads -R
sudo chmod 755 modules/*/assets/uploads/.htaccess
sudo chmod 755 modules/*/assets/uploads/index.html
sudo chmod 644 modules/*/assets/uploads/*.jpg
sudo chmod 644 modules/*/assets/uploads/*.png
sudo chmod 755 modules/*/controllers -R
sudo chmod 777 modules/*/controllers
sudo chmod 777 modules/artificial_intelligence/assets/data -R
sudo chmod 666 modules/artificial_intelligence/assets/data/1_*_Default

The bash script will delete your configuration uploaded files and everything. Thus, you should do the installation from scractch. warning : A new salt will be generated, thus your previous user-password will be unusable