goFrendiAsgard / No-CMS

No-CMS, A CodeIgniter Based CMS Framework
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Main module translations support extension #59

Closed shakespam closed 11 years ago

shakespam commented 11 years ago

Extended translation support for every view in main module and controller. Styled remaining submit buttons. Every translatable text moved to assets/languages/english.php German and Indonesian translations not done, only IDs (i choose to name them by unique IDs because of collisions..), not human-readable texts. Copy over from english if missing.

goFrendiAsgard commented 11 years ago

Thank you @shakespam. Great contribution as always. I'll need some time to review it. Especially since I like $lang['identity'] better than $lang['lang_ffi_identity']. The reason is cms_lang will return the array's key if no translation found.

Also, actually No-CMS has per-module translation. It is located at modules/your_module/assets/languages

However, it is still a great contribution.

Thanks :+1:

shakespam commented 11 years ago

Thanks @goFrendiAsgard. I know it returns key if no translation found, and I like that approach too, but I choose to name it with IDs because of collisions. But now I realised there shall be none since language file is module based... (I was preparing it for Czech translation where i need User=Uzivatel; Add User=Pridej Uzivatele, using this approach Add User couldn't be defined, since ,,Add'' portion of string is added via CRUD. Therefore it would be Pridej Uzivatel (missing E at the end) which is not correct. But it shall not matter much since it's visible in management only...)

I'll rework it and post correct version aswel as czech translation (CI and No-CMS). ;-)

goFrendiAsgard commented 11 years ago

Currently working on this: https://github.com/goFrendiAsgard/No-CMS/compare/development#L15L58

goFrendiAsgard commented 11 years ago

@shakespam: I've almost finish everything. You've give a very great hints about what should be changed https://github.com/goFrendiAsgard/No-CMS/tree/654ebde2aa6eca4732190eb004c0a013cd935043

goFrendiAsgard commented 11 years ago

Already merged manually https://github.com/goFrendiAsgard/No-CMS/tree/4591c677da39f3ce915a1063b185a985d823b87c