goFrendiAsgard / No-CMS

No-CMS, A CodeIgniter Based CMS Framework
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Module Generator: Tables are not imported while adding a project #63

Closed velsankar closed 11 years ago

velsankar commented 11 years ago

Thank you for the excellent work.

When I add a project at the following page, the tables are not getting imported.


I am giving the following options:

Template: No-CMS default Module Name: nordrassil_test Options: {leaving empty} Database Server: localhost Database Port: 3306 Database Schema: nordrassiltest (I have already created a database with tables in this name) Database user: {giving the correct username} Database password: {giving the correct password} Database Table prefix: site

All the above seem to be correct and the project gets created successfully. But no tables are imported.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks, Velsankar.

goFrendiAsgard commented 11 years ago

Are you sure that there are tables in nordrasil_test with site_ prefix?

velsankar commented 11 years ago

Thank you for the excellent support in addition to the excellent project. Luckily, i was able to figure out before your reply. Changing dbdriver from pdo to mysql in application/config/database.php solved the problem.

Thanks again for the support. I am just starting to use No-CMS for a new project. May need your support until the documentation and user community becomes strong :-)