goFrendiAsgard / No-CMS

No-CMS, A CodeIgniter Based CMS Framework
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Generate Project -- Ajax failed. #97

Open techgs2014 opened 10 years ago

techgs2014 commented 10 years ago

I am trying to generate project with NO-CMS - (Nordrassil - ) example or a project created by me says "ajax failed"

I have tried both the branches i.e. stable as well as development.

I am running on Ubuntu 13.10 / MySql / Apache- fully updated till date.

Any help please.


goFrendiAsgard commented 10 years ago

Probably your module directory is not writable. Try to do:

chmod 777 /path/to/your/module
techgs2014 commented 10 years ago

I made entire directory writable by every one including www-data user. I have re-checked every thing including all the files in all the sub-directories. Re-confirming the error.

goFrendiAsgard commented 10 years ago

Hi. If you are using chrome, please open up developer tools, and inspect the network tab to see what's wrong.