goby-lang / goby-lang.github.io

1 stars 4 forks source link

Document site for Goby

This site is powered by docusaurus



  1. cd website
  2. yarn start

About Branch and Publishing


Our default source branch is source instead of master. master branch is where we put the build results (this is how GitHub page works).

So every site development or documentation should base on source branch.

Publish the Site

To publish the site, run the following command:

$ cd website
$ GIT_USER=<GH_USERNAME> CURRENT_BRANCH=source USE_SSH=true yarn run publish-gh-pages

The GH_USERNAME should be your github username which should have the permission to push changes to this repo.

And note that publishing the site has nothing to do with if the changes are committed or pushed. So please make sure you know what your doing before running the above commands.