godfrey0 / CICD_project

ABC Japanese Restaurant
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A template for ABC Japanese Restaurant in their expansion module. The template app features HTML-CSS-Javascript, Node.js, MySQL database stored with local vscode. Filed code with local git init folder, files and uploaded with the Replit.com for live server.

CICD project to develop webpage into handy mobile, tablet, desktop friendly digital device.

Developed the front end to a certain level of maturity. Upon achieving a respectable front end interface of mobile and other device.

Webpage: https://iro-iro.iroirojpnrest.repl.co/

Try to achieve much sprint to live server yet with workable though incomplete.

Prevent broken code to master or main branches. CI tools help stick to team standards by runnung test everytime. During push new commit and reporting the results to a pull request.


Unloaded the codes to the middleware and backend. Using replit.com for database storage.

Taken steps to involve variety collaboration to derive at quicken designation.

Live the webpage. Create QR code. Place QR code on Facebook ad. Target to achieve 10,000 reached in the first week.

Move to the next level of devoplment. Booking appointment. Payment gateway and other digital methods.

Tasks the webpage to establish how it works and not working.

Relocate the database to the clouds. Continus upgrading to better the potential of webpage.

This repo consists of the folders:

/frontend HTML, CSS, Javascript code for the frontend client /backend Node.js code for the backend server /database Data to load into MySQL database at Replit.com

To clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/godfrey0/CICD_project.git

Not included are:

Database connection parameters. You will need to create a .env file in the /backend folder to contain connection parameters for your MySQL database. The .env_sample file contains a list of the parameters you need to set. Database server. The backend server uses the node.js mysql module to connect to a MySQL server. The MySQL server itself is not provided, but sample data is available in the /database_sample folder. Node modules. You will need to initialise a node.js project in the /backend folder: