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Suggestion / ideas for cinematic mode . . #2665

Open charlesmlamb opened 3 years ago

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Describe the project you are working on

A Tomb raider game . .

Describe the problem or limitation you are having in your project

Well, it's not a problem, but I've been thinking, about a nice ' cinematic ' preview mode, for Godot . . I've been thinking, sometimes life is nice, or you have a really nice day, and everything looks beautiful, or stunning, like ' better ' . . it's almost like God's blessed you, with something 'extra' nice or, not sure . . . What comes closest to those moments, of stunning clarity, and ' serenity ', even insight . . is classic, gorgerous, stylized nature photography, like here . .

2021-04-28 0932

You also sometimes get ' a ' feeling, when looking at photo, of rain-forest animals . .

2021-04-28 0937

Also, like this . .

2021-04-28 0953

Or, sometimes architecture photography, has that ' look ', like things couldn't be better, lovely day, just ' perfect ' . .

2021-04-28 0954

Maybe that could be the ' cinematic preview ', in Godot :O :O . .

I found these pictures, by looking for prize-winning nature photography or, prize-winning architecture photography, there are also youtube videos, about the technique, or so . . It can even be about people or, more, same ' look ' . . Not sure how they do it, but moments where they capture the beauty of nature, or ' Heaven ' <3

2021-04-29 0701

Well, it's an idea . . it's as beautiful, as the world can look, to the human eyes, and ' soul ', like how we see things, when everything is just ' right ' and, amazing . .

Describe the feature / enhancement and how it helps to overcome the problem or limitation

Well, I was thinking Godot might want a cinematic preview or, even this could ' inspire ' the default viewport, though it should prob. just be clean, ordinary . . anyway, nature documentaries, or so . . can look really good, it's like a subtle photo-enhancement, that brings out the beauty, in every-thing, even grass or, leaves . . or, dirt or, an old coat, or so . .

"Nature photography preview mode", or " classic architecture / design preview mode " . .

Sometimes, a really nice, 'calm', well-taken photo, of the carnivals in Rio <3 has, same effect . . it's ' right ', you want to be there and, every-one is happy and, feeling nice, better . . . <3 <3 . .

2021-04-28 0958

'Perfect' moment, of clarity and, insight, or so . . Anyway, I suppose that's how God, or the angels see the world, in ' beauty ', clarity, detail, ' crispness ' . . . .

Describe how your proposal will work, with code, pseudo-code, mock-ups, and/or diagrams

Well, it's just a proposal, for a nice ' cinematic preview ' mode, that takes it a ' bit ' higher, the visual fidelity and, control . . .

If this enhancement will not be used often, can it be worked around with a few lines of script?

I'm not sure, it's more about finding a ' nice ' look, or ' ideas ' for a ' cinematic preview ' :OO . . .

Is there a reason why this should be core and not an add-on in the asset library?

Again, not sure, I never get this, 9 / 10 I been wrong :(( :(( <3 <3 . . . .

Anyway, it's just a ' nice ' look, and I heard some-one has been struggling, with the ' cinematic preview ' mode :OO . . I suppose I sometimes feel like this, after a really nice day or, hard work, more . . It's like a little ' blessing ', for good work or, nice attitude, ' being ' nice, happy . . .

Nice, ' visuals ' . . . .

A 'perfect' moment, everything comes together, for you, the ' world ', more . . You feel amazing, everything is 'new' and, glorious, 'Heaven', or so . . That's what ' nature photography ' seems to do, or close, seen many times in high-quality nature documentaries . . . <3 <3 . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

ps. I made a new e-mail, bec. I wish to publish under an alias, my games, since I don't like ' celebrity ' or, over - much attention . . I tend to make really long, and well, very long suggestions, or so . . had to make a new gitHub as well, want to be anonymous, that's all . . .

Another example . .

2021-04-29 0720

Architecture photos sometimes have it, it's most often seen in ' nature ' documentaries, maybe could call it ' HRD light ', or 'muted ' HRD, mixed with contrast and, saturation modifications, maybe hue and, tone . .

2021-04-28 0956

Sometimes, photos of people are like that too, not ' dramatic ', of fake, just beautiful, calm, amazing and, ' Holy ', blessed . . . .

2021-04-29 0727

2021-04-29 0725

It's difficult to find the ' right ' photo, after gitHub scaling, so on . . also, other people have different monitors, but classic nature photography, or ' nature ' documentaries, high - quality, TEND to have them, the ' expensive ' stuff . . .

2021-04-29 0728

Sometimes, a normal camera captures these things, I think ' nature photographers ' know, what it is sort of, well, they know the ' technique ' or, method . . . .

It's not, ' unreal ', it's elevated or, ' sanctified ' reality / photos . . . .

<3 . . . . Thx <3 <3 . . .

ps. The problem is these ' documentaries ' can be a bit boring, or sometimes ' too ' much, like one can get over-fill . . so, if it was easy to tweak it, say with a settings menu, MAYBE like new ' environment preview mode ', have a ' cinematic preview ' mode button, or something, then one could make HDR - Hollywood, if one wanted or, so . . .

Anyway, it would have added contrast, saturation, clarity ( AA anti - aliasing ?? !!! ), and ' visual ' fidelity and, ' composition ' . . so, it'd be almost like, ' movie look ', with a few tweaks, it'd look ' classic movie ', also . . problem is, if one wants to make an ' exciting ', fun game, the nature documentaries are sort of, calm, almost meditative, or ' soul-ful ' experiences, ' glory ' . . . and, it can get over-whelming, but imagine an entire engine looking like that, and you could fly around in a 3-d rainforest like that, all day, even in the editor or, so <3 if it was easy to, change the contrast, from that ' starting ' point, or more . . then, it'd be a nice ' cinematic preview ' or, style, sigh . .

I hope it makes sense, problem is it can get a bit ' boring ' or, almost ' too much ', looking at stuff, like that . . like, too ' rich ' cream or, ' heavy ' cake <3 . . but, it's also nice, esp. for nature or, architecture documentaries <3 . .

if one ' made a 3-d rainforest, with little frogs and, trees . . . one could, call it ' Eden preview ' . . . <3 <3 . .

2021-04-29 0806

2021-04-28 0952

2021-04-28 0939

<3 . . .

Realistic, in a ' beautiful ' and, enhanced, ' slightly ' altered or, improved way . . <3 <3 . . ' Paradise Rendition or "Visuals" ' <3 or, ' Heaven ', almost . . Thx . . . . .

Sort of, the mundane looks ' blessed ' or, pristine, ' glorious ' or, ' divine ' <3 <3 . . .

2021-04-29 0811

2021-04-29 0812

2021-04-29 0813

As ' beautiful ' as, the 'real' world gets, to the eyes or, so . . <3 Not ' fake ', just pristine, 'noble', friendly . . .

" Soul-ful " and, grand <3 <3 lol . . . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

So, last . . If you are looking for the sweet, spot, between ' no ' effects and, Hollywood . . That's prob. it . . .

Also, you could get a PBR rainforest stage, use it in trailers for demos, ' content ' and, put it in that mode or, so :OO

2021-04-29 0837

So, the boring, mundane, looks ' better ', holy . . . .

2021-04-29 0838

Or, . .

2021-04-29 0841

You get it, sometimes ' nature ' and, the world is nice, to ' look ', study, ' understand ' <3 . .

High - quality nature photography, ' does ' it . . Later . . . .

<3 . . .

ps. ideal point between no ' post-proc ' and, ' lying ' or, over-hyping, also . . . .

Not ' dramatic ' but, 'elevated', holy, 'blessed' . . " Sanctified " visuals or, 'graphics' . . <3

' Heaven ' . .

ps. it'd give you a ' cinematic preview ' standard, that COULD almost compete, with the ' commercial engines ' :(( Thanks <3 <3 . .

Almost, of course . . any-way, most agree ' classic, pristine nature - documentaries ' have a ' nice ' graphics or, so on . . it'd look good, yet under-stated, ' noble ', wise almost, or so . . .

<3 . . .

I suppose ray-tracing would look really nice, in such a ' style ', good reason to get RTX support, not sure . . .

To get the, ' last ' details, of ' Heaven ', on the screen <3 . .

it's not ' hype ' or, doctored, ' enhanced ', unrealistically . . it's how you see ' stuff ', after a good day, if ' deserving ' . .

' Paradise vision ' . . . .

also, imagine a rainforest, or jungle preview scene, for demonstrating ' new ' features or, ' code ' . . :OOO . . .

Thanks . . <3

Anyway, that's my last idea, for Godot engine, sort of, ' classic, enhanced ' nature photography or, ' effects ', also for 3-d :OO :OO <3

2021-04-29 0909

Or, so . . . .

Well, bad version, maybe a sphere, triangle or, ' torus ' . . Then, also need RTX, all that stuff, many other things, to capture ' Paradise ', or ' Eden ', in 3-d, amazing 3-d and, ' visuals ', more . . .

Or, so . . . Sorry, if it got a bit ' noob ' or, silly . . . . <3 <3 :OO . .

Nice and, ' honest ', inspired, beautiful, ' enhanced ' . . . .

Ideal ' visuals ', inspired ' graphics ', Divine splendor and, grace <3

Elevated and, 'noble', honorable . . . Sort, of . . .

<3 . . . .

Thx . . . <3 <3 . . .

So, maybe put this, as a preview, in rainforest demo level, that way you'd have a ' standard ' to make engine match, visually al-so, man-made stuff, objects or, even people, animals or, ' debris ' . . .

2021-04-29 0920

Finding out, how ' Eden ' sort, of looks, in 3D, not sure . . . . <3

lol, not sure, how to make it ' work ', not a photo-specialist </3 . .

Here's the point, how should this look like, hovering over a ' rainforest ' level, similar to, a classic, pristine nature - documentary, 1 - to - 1 <3

2021-04-29 0925

Finding out, how 3-d fits into nature or, ' God ', more . . . <3 . . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Sorry, imo this would give you an 'enhanced' mode, what the ' big, corrupt ' medie calls ' Cinematic mode ' and, would look better than any engine, currently and, should give people the ' visuals ' to make amazing ' drama ' or, fiction . .

Also, have a ' standard ' to match PBR, reflections, fluid sims, a TON more, to . .

Classic, gorgeous, pristine nature ' documentary ' or, graphics . . .

Thanks <3 . .

Last proposal, now I make games and, thank you, for this amazing, fast, impressive little engine, can't wait <3 Too, awe-some . . . . And, ' cool ' . . . 10 /10 ?? Sure . . ;DD <3 <3 <3 <3 . . . .

Any-way, done . . . <3 <3 . . .

ps. it'd rock, a ton . . Thx :OO <3 <3 . . .

It could make Godot look ' angelic ' or, more . . God-like, supreme, ' Holy ' or, ' Divine ', sanctified . . .

( I'm old Buddhist monk, also Catholic scholar, it gets a ' bit ' weird <3 . . ) <3 . . .

Thx <3 . . . .

Also, if you want to set it up fast, get a photo of something ' normal ', like a blanket or, a car, in normal, ' ordinary ' light, and change settings, until it looks pristine, ' blessed ' . .

2021-04-28 0937

Or . . .

2021-04-28 0952

Then = ' Cinematic preview ' settings, or so . . Might take SOME work, to get it all right, ' correct ' . . .

Thx <3 . . .

Silly, sorry . . ;)) <3 <3 . .

Last . . You could do this with sound and, ' effects ' motor, systems . . Like, find out what the ' best ' nature documentaries sound like, a bit ' enhanced ', noble . . and, create an audio motor, that takes ' normal ' sounds, and adds that . .

2021-04-29 0651

Godolby <3 . .

It would take ordinary, un-processed sound and, make it sound like, a magic rainforest or, river, that roars . . you could make it the ' open source ' audio motor ' alternative ', to ' commercial ' stuff, etc etc . .

Maybe, also for the ' effects ', or particles, decals, animations, more . . .

Audio, like in a ' cathedral ', slightly enhanced, more . . a unique, public domain audio ' enhancement ' system and, ' effects processor ' <3 . .

Not sure, how it applies to effects, or so . .

With such an ' audio enhancement ' system or, ' logic ', one could make even, ' hallowed speech ' or, ' Saintly voices ' in Godot, from a simple, clean audio recording or, effects recording . .

It's in many documentaries, the best ones, atm . .

Dolby has made a ' corrupt ', slightly bull - shit version of it, for ' modern ' cinemas, effects . . .


' Exaggerated ', un-clear and, ' weird ' . . . .

Sometimes, recordings of choirs has the ' effect ', of ' love ' or, soul, ' inspiration ', glory . . .

I suppose, it's just some processing, ' filtering ' and, ' cleaning ', ' ordering ' . . .

Cool, saintly and, ' noble ' . . . <3 <3 . .

God - speech, Angel - voice . . <3 <3 . . Supreme and, ' endearing ', Eternal . . . . <3 <3 . .

lol . . .

ps. the same filter or, post - proc could be apllied to effects, wind blowing, in trees, etc . .

" Definitive " audio system and, effects . . . . Sigh, might, be possible, not sure . . . .

Thx <3 <3 . .

An short example video . .


A bit over-done, since the engine can't add Dolby, this might ' work ' <3 . . .

Or . .


<3 . . . .

Subtle, but noticable, a tiny bit processing, or so . .

" Angelic " audio <3 . .

ps. I could really use this, for my big ' game ', since it's about blessed knights and, holy monks going to war, with demons, ' monsters ' and, all of Hell <3 might need, a leg - up <3 . . Well, you can consider it . . Sounds, ' cool ' . . . " Epic " . . lololwtf . . . .

Well, last proposal, nothing more ' to ' do . . . <3 . .

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

Could you summarize all that? I have no clue what you are trying to say.

Edit: OK, I think I understand what you are suggesting. It's about adding some sort of 3D preview to visualize your scene with "higher quality". I think that sort of thing should be left to the graphics designer to set up. Every scene is different, and have different ways of being viewed. Simply increasing Godot's quality should dp the trick. And remember that Godot isn't made for cinematography. If you want anything more high quality, it would be best if an external program like blender were to make these high quality shots.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Yes, some-one said there would be a ' cinematic preview ', I suppose it means, not sure . .

well, that things look ' cinematic ', or not sure, :(( . .

my idea was, maybe make ' cinematic ' preview look, like this, since it's quite nice and, well rather nice or, so . .

similar, to ACES, or well, not sure . .

this would give ' Godot ' a Paradise, un-spoiled look, that ' makes ' sense, not sure . . .

Or, like ' nature ' . . . <3 'Eden', before man, etc . . .

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

The proposal sounds way too vague. Do you have any idea what the controls would be like on the user's end (non rhetorically)? What would actually be added? How would it benefit others users apart from "looking good"?

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

And "cinematic preview" does indeed exist, but I think you don't understand what it does. If you have say, a bunch of cameras in a scene, and an animation player was used to cut between the cameras (change the current camera), then enabling cinematic preview allows you to view the animation from the perspective of the current camera the animation cuts to.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

wait, ' Cinematic preview ' is not like post - proc :O . .

I thought, it was close, to that . . .

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

Nope, not at all. All it does is let you preview the scene through its cameras better. I used it in a game jam before when editing a cutscene. I was cutting through multiple cameras so it proved to be very useful in that situation.

This video explains and shows the cinematic preview in action. https://youtu.be/wRZWRmv9sY4

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Wow, I didn't get it, sorry . . .

I'm not sure what it is, but it's not ' effects ' <3 :OO . . . .

My, bad . . .

Zireael07 commented 3 years ago

@charlesmlamb: 'Cinematic preview' is just that, preview (mostly for animations), it was never supposed to be about 'effects'