godotengine / godot-proposals

Godot Improvement Proposals (GIPs)
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Suggestion for Godot visual/graphical quality settings (medium, high, very-high . . ) . . . #2683

Closed charlesmlamb closed 2 years ago

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Describe the project you are working on

A Tomb raider game . . <3

Describe the problem or limitation you are having in your project

I'd like to have ' elevated ' or, pristine visuals, and I think closest thing one can come, to ' divine ' visuals, holy visuals, is classic, amazing nature documentaries, also some architecture, examples . . .

2021-04-28 0937

2021-04-28 0954

We've got this new ' preview ', where glow, sdfgi is enabled, I think it makes more sense, to have a ' graphical quality ' menu, with settings like, high, very-high, ultra-high . . Where, one goes from simple polygons, shapes, or so . . .

Skærmbillede (1643)

To classical, amazing, ' holy ' almost, nature documentaries . .

2021-05-03 1314

Now, I've been looking at it, and one can get pretty far, with using ' adjustments ', in default_env.tres <3

Skærmbillede (1644)

However, to get the 'last' effects, one basically needs world-class RTX, PBR textures, so on . .

My point is, it'd be nice if Godot instead of having a ' preview ', where one turns on some 'scattered' settings, that it simply was a menu, where one could click low, medium, high, very-high, ultra-high, classic PC settings . . . And, when all that was turned on, it looked like the best nature documentaries, perhaps a ' bit ' better . . Sort of, on really good days, one can almost see the world, like that, everything sings and, has ' a life ', character, spirit . . . So, I think this MIGHT be a good ' sort of range ', of visual quality settings, as the ' default ' ones . . Starting with the ones that cost the ' least ' performance, maybe AA, perhaps adding some contrast, to get ' nature docu ' list, belongs in medium settings, but it'd give a sort of, ' visual quality ' spectrum, that belongs in Godot, and would look quite amazing . .

The ' audio ' equivalent of this, is the post-proc they do at 'church' concerts and, also in some really good nature documentaries, where a rain-drop falling, sounds like a ' bell ' or, choir, or so . . :OO <3 . .

Anyway, one could say, this was how the ' world ' looked, before the fall :OO . .

2021-05-03 1419

Or, ' Eden ' graphics . . :OO . . .

2021-05-03 1420

So, I think it makes sense, that Godot might have a ' graphics quality ' slider, or menu, that takes it from simple polygons to, ' Heaven ', glory . . .

2021-04-29 0811

Etc etc . .

So, at ultra-high settings, RTX is enabled, and things look like ( 3D forest, or so . . ) . . .

2021-05-03 1422

' Paradise ' . . .

Describe the feature / enhancement and how it helps to overcome the problem or limitation

Well, it's just a suggestion, for how Godot could sort of, have a ' visual quality ' slider or, graphics ' menu ' <3 It'd go from zero effects turned on ( fastest ) to, all settings on, including full RTX, well, other stuff . . So, the mundane looks 'miraculous' or, divine, basically anything . . ' Paradise, on earth ', in 'graphics', so on . .

Describe how your proposal will work, with code, pseudo-code, mock-ups, and/or diagrams

See the above images, look for prize - winning nature photos, or architectural stuff, found the photos, on google . .

If this enhancement will not be used often, can it be worked around with a few lines of script?

Well, this will have to be written, or so . . It's just an idea, might 'look' cool, nice . . Sort of, enhanced, but meditative, almost ' divine ' :OO . . . An idea, for some ' graphics ' setting that actually fit Godot, aren't ' fake ' or, super - enhanced, calm, pristine and, noble <3 . .

Is there a reason why this should be core and not an add-on in the asset library?

Well, Godot doesn't have a simple way, to turn up the ' effects ', this might work, not sure . . . .

Thanks <3 . . .

PS. Nature documentaries, the 'best', push graphical fidelity, and quality to the breaking, it's sort of the ' ideal ' point between no post-proc, effects, and 'over-doing' it, making it ' fake ', or plain ' weird ' . .

Also, one could make a slider, that takes one from no effects, simple editor, closer and closer to that, in the minimum performance requirement way, MAYBE with some alterations . . Also, it'd allow one to 'preview' engine, all settings on, in a ' simple ', even elegant way . . <3

Calinou commented 3 years ago

See also https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/2183.

Having graphics presets makes sense in a game, but it doesn't really make sense in a game engine where you want settings to be tailored to the particular game you're making. (If someone really wants this feature, it can be provided as an add-on.)

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Last, for instance, one could make a slider, that ' goes ' down, and maybe, at last level, where GI is turned on, have option to click sdfgi, or rtx <3

Also, at each level, one could, toggle individual settings, like maybe at medium level, ' adjustments ' are added . . maybe, AA 4x, or AA 8x, so one had the ' graphics ' settings, in an easy ' system ' . .

Anyway, it'd at least work, as a ' nice ' preview of the engine . . :OO

And, yes, maybe this depends on the individual game, but it'd make sense to have a ' preview ' of what the engine can do, or so . . .

Also, it would look nice, and sort of preview the engine at ideal point, between no effects, and graphics high or, very-high, the point between non-commercial ( nature docus, what ' Paradise ' looked like or, so . . ) and, commercial, where it's made fake, ' industrial ' or, too much . .

All the effects, 'none' of the drama, 'bull - shit' or, so <3 also, it'd turn every bland scene, into a miracle, calm, pristine, meditative and, ' elevated ', ' divine ' . . . <3

Well, it'd be the ' ideal ' visual quality ' order ', for Godot, not sure . . . Also, no other engine has done this, even Cry-engine doesn't look, as good <3 Well, sorry, an idea . . . . <3

The balance point, between non-commercial and, commercial, basically . . . Well, it'd look good and, fit with Godot, not sure . . .

Also, ' happy ', even cool, magnificient . . . <3

Basically, it takes something mundane, or normal, and makes it look pristine or, 'holy' . .

2021-04-28 0952

To get all that, reflections in rain-drops, so on, one needs RTX . . some of it, is even post - proc . .

2021-05-03 1318

It'd work, as a ' preview ', of what the engine can do, and it'd blow people's minds, every-where . . . :OO . .

Last, it takes an ordinary albedo, and makes it look pretty ' neat ' . .

Skærmbillede (1646)

So, use any plain texture, taken with a camera booom, looks like ' Heaven ', miracles . . . .

If you add more, it sort of becomes ' unholy ', dishonest, or so . . It's sort of the point, between ' nice ' and, naughty, ' too much ', not sure . . .

It'd be an amazing way, to preview what the engine can do, and it'd give the contributors working on ' rendering ' a definitive, classic look, to ' go ' for . . . And, it could quickly be changed, to say a more ' commercial ' look, in the settings . . :OO <3 if, that's what one wants . .

Last, some users struggle with finding out, the sky contribution ' blue ' tint, it's been done a lot better in Godot 4, but it's still there . .

So, in ' lowest ' graphic settings, it's just an empty world, with no sky, and things look as textures, white is white, so on . . That's the default environemnt . .

Then, as one increase graphics settings, it adds a procedural sky so on . . One could call that ' slow ' settings, and have a slowest setting, that had no sky . . so, the default ' quality ' might be slow, ie. there'd be a procedural sky, but one could quickly remove it, and just have a ' empty ' 3D world, with some uniform background color, maybe light grey or, so on . .

These are ideas, and well, hope someone could look at them, make them even nicer, I want a nice, cool engine, but the stuff I suggest, need a lot of work, I know, sorry . . . <3 <3 . .

It'd 'rock' but, also be respectable, modest . . . :OO :OO . . .

Last, if you want a ' best look ' for the engine, that's non - commercial, you can't go higher than this, ' reality ', the world never looks better, than this . . But, on some really good days, you ' see ' Heaven, love . . .

2021-04-29 0813

Every-thing ' shines ' or, is pristine, ' noble ' . . . .

Not sure, some of images aren't ' best ', gitHub sort of, scales them, or so <3 <3

You can't go further, without lying, etc . . basically, that's ' best case ', people can see, honestly, in ' nature ', or so . . . You see it, on a really good day, after hard - work, come home, look at a plant or, a road . . :OO <3 <3 . . . .

' Paradise ' . . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Last, you could make something, 'similar' with audio . . Some ' recordings ' of church choirs, have a sort of post-proc, so on . .

Like, Dolby Atmos, maybe call Godot Celestial . .


Make an open source alternative, to Dolby, that makes ordinary voices sound 'angelic' or, ' Noble ' . . Some documentaries, about important stuff, do the same . .

' Celestial ' choir effect or, so on . . :OO

Make it custom for Godot, ultimate sound engine and, make it ' open source ' :OO <3 <3 . . . PERHAPS, replacing Dolby as the 'standard', in audio post - proc, not sure . . . .

Also, in ' Hunt for Red Octoboer ', when they sing, in the sub-marine, but nicer, more ' clean ' . . :OO <3


<3 . . .

In words, one could call it ' Choir Spirit ', ' Noble Voices ' or, ' Angelic Vocals ', ' Blessed Talk ' . . Some really cool documentaries also use it, making the ' sound ' crisp, clean and, noble, angelic, almost . . . <3 <3 . . .

Suppose, one could call it God-ot speech or, Godot audio <3 angelic, elevated, pristine, 'exalted' voices . . :OO . .

Nice, ' effect ' system, for audio or, so . .

Also, the commercial engines can't beat it bec., it's not fake or, ' weird ', broken . . . . <3 They simply can't do that stuff, may-be Godot can do it, or so <3 . . .

The 'commercial' engines will never do this bec., it under-mines their profits, when people ' talk ' like God, or angels . . .

Peace, on earth, love, for all, or so <3 ' Paradise ', Heaven <3 . .

Noble and, 'angelic' . . . Not sure, I think some people here could make it, or so . .

Also, we get ' Dolby ' :OO :OO but, better <3 . . .

Nice . . .

Technically, if one recorded some 'broken' prisoners, or some really sick, broken people . . it'd make them sound, like ' Christ ' or, Eden, or so . . Giving a voice, also to the voiceless, more . . Might be nice, not sure . . <3

Giving the lowliest, most broken the 'voice' of a saint or, angels, even . . . Sounds, 'cool' . . .

Also, this will never be developed, by the 'commercial' engines, they 'hate' it, people being free, from 'big' money, or more . . .

It will be compromised, at least some, when they 'do' it, etc etc <3 . . .

So, you could record a ' broken ', angry, hopeless prisoner, and make him sound . . like Jesus, or even angels or, a saint . . :OO <3

Nice, has to be done ' well ' and, competently . . .

<3 . . . .

or, one could record a sick, demented person, that speaks in ' slurs ', and sort of, 'badly', broken . . . And, make such a person, sound like Christ or, more, sort of . . :OO :OO Wow . . . . . Not sure, what the effects are, atm . . .

I guess it's never been made, bec. the commercial companies that make such things, don't care about the people, in trouble, or ' falling ' out of society, ' grace ' . . .


Clean, ' ordered ', noble and, 'gracious' . . Or, so <3

' Miracle ' audio . . .

Walking on fire, ' hell ' . . for the poor, sick lost and, damned . . or, so . .

2021-05-03 1548

Like Jesus, or more . . .

<3 <3 . . .

' Heaven ' . . . . <3 <3

could even take a ' commercial ' song or, non - sense and, make it sound nice, basically ' divine ', sacred . . .

lol . . . .

' Divine ' audio code . . . or, so . . .

Also, a poltical recording, make Trump sound like he cared, and not sure if Putin is bad, make him sound ' honest ' or, nice . . <3

mrjustaguy commented 3 years ago

Jasper, please, stop making so many low quality proposals filled with random unrelated garbage. You are just wasting time (your time, and the devs time aswell)

Learn how to be more Concise, and also learn to be more realistic with your expectations, PCs aren't magic. Stop treating them as such... and while some truly amazing things can be made, not everything is doable with current technology both in terms of hardware & software, and for some things you can't expect others to just magically create whatever you need.

If you want realistic graphics, get working on your Art skills and get the tools you need.. RTX won't just magically make things look realistic... it's just not how it works.. The Game Engine is just a Tool to help you make your game, but it isn't going to make a game for you.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Well, maybe could make youtube tutorial, about how to get that look, maybe also study audio filtering and, enhancement . . :OO

And, yes I have no idea what is realistic or, not . . This might be all kinds of impossible, as a noob I'd have no idea . .

Also, I may have misunderstood, what you want to do with the engine . . :OO :OO these things are important to me, for several reasons . . I get it, I'm just very excited for what's next and, how it can be improved, being aware that engine makers don't have same goals, as me, for engine, or other stuff . . . <3 Well, it's an idea, no more . . . <3 :OO . . .

I'm gonna make it happen, find the way, to do this, ' correctly ' . . Bec., I need these things, they're the ultimate and, I don't compromise, over money . .

My way of speaking may be a bit 'weird', been a Buddhist monk, and Catholic theology student, on my own, for about 20 years . . I get it, it sounds ' too ' weird, I'll figure it out, and make a tutorial about it, not sure, well . . Thanks, maybe it is unprofessional and, noob, sry . . Last, I have no idea if you're trying to make Godot, or God-ot engine, I simply don't know . . Anyway, weird as it is, I think this is BEST way to get a bit, of God-ot, in the engine, and I'll find these settings, and some-how use them, in my games, prob. make a tutorial, or so . . .

I will try, and make this happen, best I can, sorry <3 :OO :OO . . I think some of it, can be done with existing features, or so . . . it's just an idea, and MIGHT be really cool, ' nice ' . . . <3

ps. doesn't really matter, but I'm making a game ( Tomb raider - inspired ) that goes quite deep into religious and, spiritual stuff, as part of the lore and, this stuff makes sense, for my game . . I realize that isn't enough to justify as the engine's universal ' settings ', but I've tried to give arguments, for why this could be the case, nor sure . . ie., it's perfectly between no effects, and going ' commercial ' . . Sorry, I was wrong . . . .

Also, you'll probably figure something nice out, any-way . . <3

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

Sorry if this sounds a little personal, but you've been calling yourself a "noob" for quite some time now. How long until you think you know enough to make a game?

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Well, I suppose never, Godot is too 'great' . . But, I can try, and these things are stuff, I'll make myself or, 100 % use, if it was in the engine . .

It's also about more, than me, think that is clear, not sure . . ie., it'd give a 'pro' 3D preview, that wasn't commercial but, world - class <3

I will forever call myself a noob, even after 2 - 3 commercial games <3 . .

ps. Know these things sound weird, but maybe some of it, could be used, not sure, sigh <3 . .

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

Whoever marked the above as off topic, sorry about that. I was really worried about him. (You may mark this as off topic too.)

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Nice to hear, that a basic 'insult' <3, was really concern, it's okay, also nice way to cover up, you did some ' trolling ' ?? <3 :OO don't care, and it's ' pathetic ', ig-noble, 'devilish', scum - bag <3 . . Remember that, please . . imo <3 <3 ;DD ;DD . . . . Also, you've taught me a lot, of visual script, so I'm grateful, a ton . . . <3 <3 I don't want to fight, I'm really too busy and, don't care . . . <3 <3 . . By - gones . . . <3 . .

So, sorry for the harsh words, I didn't want it, not ' fun ' or, happy . . :OO . . . ;DD . . . . ' Harsh words ', make me afraid, for ' others ', also soul, honor, ' peace ' . . . <3 I just, see no ' purpose ' or, really much, ever . . <3 now you know how a saint, can call other people out, but I don't like it, at all <3 . . . Blessings and, more, all of, Heaven, for you . . <3 <3 ;DD ;DD . . . .

It don't talk this way normally, I 'despise' harsh words and, criticism . . . I prefer, ' soothing ' and, kind words, over ' mockery ', scorn . . . Silly, non - sense . . </3 :) . . . #laughs #ohwell . . .

Some examples, of sort of how, technically Godot ' visuals ' are slightly better, than nature documentaries, almost ' holy ', sanctified . . . .

2021-05-04 0635

2021-05-04 0639

2021-05-04 0643

2021-04-28 0939

It almost looks, as if everything is full of love, ' faith ' and, spirit, devotion . . .

imo, that's what Godot graphics, in high-quality, or ultra-high-quality, could look like . . :OO Thx . . .

One could, almost capture the 'Holy spirit' visually that way, and I think it makes sense it is Godot default ' demo ' high-quality settings, that's what I wanted to ' say ' . . . Might be, impossible, oh well . . . .

I think, the 'idea' fits 'God'-ot, Cryengine has almost got it, already, but it could be better <3

ps. classic, high-quality nature documentaries, come very close, or so . . . <3

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

I'm pretty gentle, not always <3

2021-05-04 0730

Ohwell #whathappened Later <3 . . .

<3 <3 . . . .

Sigh, just #facepalm . . also, it wasn't that bad, guess I over-reacted </3 Sorry, on me . . <3 ;DDDD . . . .

My, apologies . . .

I'm just excited over video - games, more . . .

2021-05-04 0756

Godot, video - games, is just . .

2021-05-04 0808

I get, ' too ' excited, over it :OO :OO ( is that possible . . ) </3 </3 . . . .

My, ' bad ' . . . <3 :OO . .

Sigh and, break . . . <3

madeamess . . <3

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Sorry, well . . My apologies . . . Had a thought, maybe one could have ' quality ' slider and, also one could toggle ' demo ' level . . .

2021-05-04 0820

Maybe, something with some simple shapes, and PBR materials . . so, one could click 'quality' settings and, with another button, generate ' demo ' stage . .

imo, that give new users and ' accurate ' idea, of what engine could do, or so . . <3

2021-05-04 0823

So, maybe it made a ' cool ', neat level, made of simple shapes, one could pan around <3 not sure <3 . . .

Sorry . . .

ps. it could also generate some particle systems, that didn't use textures <3 <3

MAY-BE, make some AnimationPlayer stuff, so the objects, were spinning, or so . . even, a procedurally generated noise texture, to ' generate ' a simple ocean or, so :O . . by, using it as displacement, for a plane . . <3

An ' official ' Godot demo - stage, sigh . . . ;DD <3 . .

Like . .

2021-05-04 0831

Very little size, demo entire ' graphics ', of engine or, close . . <3

I go away, sigh . . . <3 . .

But, I wonder how would the ' official ' Godot demo level look like, many possibilities <3 . . .

Not, sure . . . .

One could even animate say, size of a cube, or number of particles, to make a pretty nice level . . And, it would be added as a node ( Demo_Node3d ), so it didn't look, sort of, 'messy' or, un-organized . .

Thanks . .

ps. It'd give a simple, yet very good demo level, one could even make something, that showed sdfgi, and even Volumetric fog, ie. god rays, dust particles, at highest settings <3

A simple way, of showing what the ' engine ' can do . .

ps. To demo God rays, one could make some particles, made of simple meshes, make them move and, get this look, over a ' scence ' . .

2021-05-04 0844

Like, one could make a 'nice' demo - level, with simple stuff . . <3 <3 . . .

ps. use a procedural noisetexture, to generate a ' roughness ' map, so on . . take very little space, run fast, and show almost every feature or, so, in the engine . . .

also, some procedural shaders :O <3

Also, maybe make a 3-d Godot head, like Blender's monkey . . .

2021-05-04 0853

And, make a little demo level, with Godot - head appearing, or so . . Then, if one press play, one sees a simple animation demo . . :O :O . . <3

2021-05-04 0857

<3 . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

So, this is my proposal, to give a ' standard ' for Godot to ' strive ' for visually, perhaps audio . .

A simple way for beginners, to make the engine look nicer or, so . .

And, a demo level, procedurally generated, that could even be updated, to show ' new ' tech and, might include an ' official ' sort, of Godot - sound :O :O . . .


Sound could be procedurally generated, SOME-THING that fits Godot, demo of visual and, sound system . . :OO <3

Godot - theme . .

Example, Benny Hill song <3


Could be procedurally made . . These are obviously ' too ' much, but an idea, for more 'work', needs polishing <3

may-be, chip - tune version . .


<3 . .

Sorry . . .

ps. Maybe this . . ( the entertainer, chip - tune <3 ) . . .


<3 . .

I know, it's a ' bit ' weird <3 . .

Last, over-lapping cubes, that rotate randomly, can look ' really ' nice, a little sculpture, of ' math ' or, such . .

2021-05-04 0943

<3 . .

Ton, of possibilities, could be coded with 1000 lines, or less . . :OO <3

I know it's silly, but it'd really help new users find the ' graphics ' settings faster and, be a cool, little, simple demo <3 or, so . . .

<3 <3 . .

ps. Sort of, make some spinning stuff, scale it, so on . . then, add next dimension, animation . . :O like, sort of, make them spin, rotate . . fifth dimension, is adding effects, like particles, light, so on and, last dimension, is add some modest post - proc = Godot demo level <3

Skærmbillede (1647)

So many, possibilities . . . Thanks . . <3 <3

Silly . . . . sort of, it'd be nice, clean demo, nothing special . . <3 <3 :OO . . .

mrjustaguy commented 3 years ago

Godot doesn't have ANYTHING to do with God. Godot got it's name from "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett.

Also you've made half a dozen Posts here that have almost nothing to do with the proposal you originally made... That's Exactly the kind of bloat that isn't useful for the devs, and even if you did have an idea that was good it's not very probable that it'll get implemented because the devs lost you.

I mean Original Post is about adding a Graphics slider to the engine, and then in your Proposal post you also talk about RTX, which is a totally separate feature (And it is going to arrive at some point past 4.0), and also clearly misunderstand that High-Poly != Good Quality.. a super High Poly cube will look exactly the same as a cube with only 8 verts (aka 6 planes or 12 triangles) and getting the Good Quality is all about the Artist making good use of the Polygons.

In almost all the posts after the Proposal you talk about yet more features that make no sense.. I mean why the hell would a Choir have to be built in to the engine? That's Pure Artist stuff, something that the Game Dev is supposed to create, not the Game Engine Dev.

It would be really nice if you could stop making so many posts, and limit your proposals to one proposal per "issue" and not go off topic, no one is here to listen to your life stories and your dreams and what not, we're here to move the engine forward, to see what features people are interested in, and see how to implement them and such.

On that note, please read https://godotengine.org/code-of-conduct (especially Expectations 3rd point, Restricted Conduct 6th point and 8th point) or else someone will eventually report you. The reasons why I pointed out the 3 points are as follows: Most of your posts don't have anything constructive to say, anything that could be useful for the project, and the number of posts you are making is excessive & thus spams emails to everybody, for no good reason. As for Unprofessional conduct, that isn't as clearly defined, but sharing life stories, and bloating everything with your enthusiasm here on github could be considered unprofessional.

TLDR: Keep your feedback constructive, don't spam, and keep unprofessional stuff out.. While there might be people who care about your life story and such, and while your enthusiasm is appreciated, Github isn't the place for those things (I mean a little enthusiasm is ok, but you're very much overdoing it)

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Ok, not sure . . :OO

Like, I was not talking about adding a 'choir', I was talking about adding a filter, that would take ' plain ' recordings, and do that . . Sort of, how well, not sure how ' Dolby ' works exactly, but makes sound ' nicer ', cleaner . . It would work for sound, music, even effects, and make everything ' nicer ' . . .

Also, while I get it's named after a play, SOME people, many say . . ' Godot ' is well, a symbol for God, so the play doesn't give answers . . .

I get you don't want to hear my life-story, I didn't share it for that, at all . . . Just to ' hint ', that I actually spend a ton, of time, meditating on stuff, esp. 'spirituality', and have some ' ideas ', that might fit nicely, not sure . . . I know you don't care about my life - story here, in details . . . I wanted to explain, why I used words like ' blessed ', even ' sanctified ', it's bec. I know these things, at least at SOME level, lots, of study, so it ' made ' sense, I'm not just ' saying ' stuff, I mean every word, in full sense, of word, and more <3

And, yes I suppose this is a place for more ' direct ' ideas, less ' details ', but I honestly think you'd think it'd sound sort of ' crazy ', without explaining, I know some, most of what, I talk about . .

I've given this a lot of thought, and I think SOME of the stuff in here, is ' rock - solid ' and, would be the Godot way, of taking it well, next level . .

I'm sorry, for the 'meandering', wandering tone, I suppose it's difficult for me to see it, bec. I think like this all the time, at least, well often . .

Last, it's nearly impossible to contain excitement for video - games, at least I find it ' excrutiatingly difficult ', but maybe this is not the right place, feel like New Year's, twice over, when there's a little feature <3

I suppose, I went too far, I wanted to ' help ' but, I guess it gets 'too' much or, so . . And, I'm gonna figure this out, I ' have ' to, I'm simply on love with ' God ' and, all the saints, every day, often . . .

I think these things would help the engine regardless, but it's not my call . .

I get it, you want stream-lined, no-nonsense here ? ! I'm sorry, my bad . . .

Here's the thing, I'm gonna make my games look like this, audio, the works . . . Simply bec., I can, no ' stress ', fuss . . .

I thought it would be interesting, for ONE reason . . It'd make Waiting for God-ot ? . . look as good as it can, under 'Heaven', following the rules, 'morality' . . It's a possible path, for the engine and, I wanted to ' share ' that, no more . . . <3 I know, what I'm talking about, you'll see, in my games, it'll ' be ' there <3 :OO :OO . . . . And, more . . . .

Later . . . .

I never, ' lie ' . . .

mrjustaguy commented 3 years ago

If you think something would help the engine, make a proposal for each feature that you think would be useful, and make it clear what the feature is, some use cases (like why do you need it or think others might), and any technical details on how it could be implemented if possible (so really just fill the template)...

What you should not do if you want to help the engine, is make proposals that desire multiple features in one, instead split those up into multiple proposals, and all the proposals should have a fairly clear idea of Exactly what the proposed feature is.

Here's an example to elaborate (Want RTX to be Implemented, don't know it's called that, only know roughly what it does)

Good Example, DO: Problem: Light quality isn't realistic enough (insert a few examples of the lack of realism) Proposed Feature: Add something that simulates the light bouncing etc...

Bad Example, DON'T: Problem: I want good quality Lights (Doesn't answer what is wrong with the current lights) Proposed Feature: Add Better Lights (Doesn't give any clue as to what would make them better, or which method you are thinking of, giving no reason why it'd be better to the current state, just that it's supposed to be)

And in the Discussions below and in the proposal itself Don't talk about separate matters, so don't talk about Cloth simulations, or whatever else you can think of, only about RTX and the like (things that could improve the light quality, things that have to do with the problem you have that you are talking about in the proposal, etc.), and Open a New Proposal if you want to talk about Cloth simulations.. That's my point.

P.S. Moderator, you can mark this entire sub-topic that's been going on in this issue as off topic.. that includes all of my posts and https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/2683#issuecomment-831469422 and https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/2683#issuecomment-831833060

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

I get it, but it is difficult to boil this down to ONE technical feature . . Also, bec. it's all connected, it starts at the same place . . The visual and, audio suggestions, are basically the same, just for different ' senses ', how to take them to the highest point, without going commercial, or make it so basic ( no light, no effects on, basically ), it looks rudimentary, or not sure . . .

It's just a bit difficult to explain, in words I think you'll understand, as in, this is almost an ' artistic ' or, visual style proposal . . For instance, Unreal has a default environment, I think Unity also has a ' demo ' stage, and has some post - proc set to ' ON ' by default . . This is how Godot can do it, without becoming commercial, and I hope this could be some ' food ' for thought, or so . . . I know what I need to do now, make this happen, no matter the cost, so people can understand, but also see, what the ' Eternal ' looks like, bec. that's the topic for my game . . So, I want that . .

I then thought, this might be useful for Godot engine, as it's the closest one can come to the commercial engines, without ' crossing ' the line . . In the end, this is the ' theoretical ' limit you will discover, over time . . And, you might not know, things can look this good, without being commercial or, 'compromised', I figured it out, over last 1 - 2 weeks . . .

I also think most people agree, classic, clean nature documentaries are some of nicest looking tv, extreme fidelity, quality, more . . and, it could even look at bit better . . Without, becoming ' commercial ', or ' sold ' out, if the word . . .

Sigh, I think this is a really good idea, sorry if I mix things up, that's where my excitement, well makes me make errors, also I have so much to tell, but much of it, don't belong here, the ' details ' . . I need this look, as the definitive art and, effect-style for my game, bec. it's going to show, what these things are, in the story and, 'plot' . . I'm gonna make it, one way or, another <3 . .

But, these settings could be Godot's high-quality graphics settings . . bec., it's not ' about ' money, it's about making the ordinary elevated, not ' greedy ' and, the common ' noble ' <3 . .

These are the ' ultimate ' settings, that will work in an open source game engine, that's why I made a proposal, to talk about it and, try to explain, why it's ' cool ' and, wonder-ful . . . Thx <3 . .

This would be both rock - solid, no ' drama ' and, very pretty and, ' impressive ' . . . Glory of creation, under God <3 I'll find how to do it, if I made some cool demo - shots, but now you know how it works, I'll come back, when I have some live videos, of it running live, with ' animations ', so on . . :OO :OO . .

2021-05-03 1321

You might think this is difficult to define, but when you know 'faith', honor . . You know what the furthest you can go is, where it's clean, 'ordered' and, self-less . . Sort of, a 'miracle', 'Heavenly vision', sigh . . . <3 <3

ps. Classic, best nature documentaries you have ever seen, come close, basically 90 - 98 %, of what ' Glory ' vision, "Holy" sight looks like <3 . . . . It's real, most people have seen it, from time to time, where the ordinary world looks so beautiful, it's indescribable, or better . . .

So, you can discover this, trial and error, and maybe get it, in Godot 6, 7, 8 ? Or, just do it now, and have the ' ultimate ' open source graphics, in Godot 4, sort of . . . That's the reason, for this proposal <3 Later . . . .

And, ' have' fun . . .

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

@charlesmlamb I have an advice. Next time you write a proposal, don't publish it when you're finished. Instead, save it as a draft and come back to it later to cut out any irrelevant nonsense, that way your "excitement" doesn't suffocate the actual proposal.

Also, it's probably best that you don't talk about religious stuff here. Not only is it irrelevant, but you might offend those that don't share your religion.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

So, here's the point . . I'm an old buddhist, and over time, recently have figured out, how one can take the ' best ' of the spiritual life, moments of joy, or bliss, 'elevation', and make them into graphics settings, or so . . It takes some practice, and reflection, from a some-what unique point of view, to ' guess ' this . . .

So, instead of waiting for the contributors to figure this out in Godot 6, 7, or 8 . . You can just do it now, and make something that works, as a ' quick menu ', to toggle graphics settings, in a 'logical', sequential order, something from, fast, to slow, may-be . . . . like, AA gives a lot, and costs little, sdfgi is more performance-taxing, not sure . . . or so . . And, also perhaps make a ' default ' tech - demo level, that shows all these things, ' live ' . .

Also, there's a chance you might never have figured this out, bec. it requires a ' special ' kind of thinking and, experience, with ' deep ' meditation, and have ' seen ' the connection, between ' exhalted ' inner states and, how it makes the world, look different, to the ' eye ', senses . . . So, I think this is a good proposal, even if the extra last states, don't make sense, classic, high-quality nature documentaries, have over 90 % of what you see, in the ' highest ' states, of meditation, or sometimes, just in life, by accident, or etc . .

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It's when, something ordinery, looks so you ' gasp ' or, stop . . .

And, I know the ' words ' are weird, blessed, even ' sanctified ', but this is what you see in high ' meditation ', some bricks in a wall, a bucket or, some flowers . . <3 <3 . . .

It happens rarely, for most people, for some really ' trained ' masters, it can last 5 - 10 minutes, for ' no ' reason . . And, it's the point where it goes from ' honest ', rare . . to commercial, ' over-done ' or, corrupt, ie. 'faked' . . . <3 <3 . . The ordinary, becomes filled with something ' greater ' or, ' grander ', noble, even ' celestial ' . . .

So, that's why I talked about it, and wanted to explain where it was from, meditation, prayer . . . And, to make you see, this actually belongs in God-ot and, is the ' best ' settings, or so . . :OO :OO . . . .

Thanks, not sure, made a proposal, so you can think about it, ' decide ', what's most fitting, for the engine, ' open source ' and, free stuff, etc . . <3

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

You see, that entire comment you just made could have been shortened down to this.

So, instead of waiting for the contributors to figure this out in Godot 6, 7, or 8 . . You can just do it now, and make something that works, as a ' quick menu ', to toggle graphics settings, in a 'logical', sequential order, something from, fast, to slow, may-be . . . . like, AA gives a lot, and costs little, sdfgi is more performance-taxing, not sure . . . or so . . And, also perhaps make a ' default ' tech - demo level, that shows all these things, ' live ' . .

You have to remove all that bloat from your comments. Otherwise you wont be taken seriously by the contributors or moderators.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Ok, sorry . . I feel I need to explain, bec. I don't think you know ' where ' this is from, it's from 20 years experience, and sometimes having seen these things and, such . .

Also, I don't expect anyone to ' just ' make it, I'd be happy if it gave you some food for thought, or at least was a bit fun or, interesting . . Then, maybe have some ideas, for where Godot could go, to get ' better ' visuals, I'll certainly use them, I'll have to make them, for my game, any-way, which is about well, a lot and, more . . . .

So, if you'd just think about, see if anything is useful or, could be ' nice ' or, cool, that'd be enough, this is sort of a place, for some brain - storming, ie. things are discussed, 'talked' about, it's not just 'one' person, I think . . . <3

Now you know how far you can go, without compromising or, losing ' open source ', theoretically, also looks rather nice, not sure . . . <3 <3

YuriSizov commented 3 years ago

Otherwise you wont be taken seriously by the contributors or moderators.

I'd like to note that it's not a matter of taking someone seriously or not, but the matter of the amount of text to parse and the amount of side-tracking to mentally block. We take everything seriously, but a huge cognitive load this type of messaging presents means that Jasper's ideas are likely to be considered last. And with the amount of other proposals we have "last" quickly becomes "never".

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

Well just so you know, reduz made a proposal about adding a quality setting here, so that's something you can look into. https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/2183

I guess this means this proposal is technically a duplicate. But then again, its about automatic settings adjustment.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Ok, I'm sorry, guess I wanted to show you want God's post-proc settings look like, in images . .

I've seen this, sometimes, after ' intense ' meditation, more . . .

It's also sort of, like when one falls in ' love ', at first sight, it's like, something ' ordinary ', a person, suddenly becomes magical or, 'divine', inspired, so . . . When you 'stop' in your tracks and, look . .

Also, it's how ' God ' see the world, creation, almost always, or so . . I wasn't sure, you knew this stuff, took me years of meditation, hard prayer . . To even ' understand ' or, ' grasp ' this, it 'really' happens, most people have experienced it occasionaly, or so . . God's 'effect' filter and, post - proc <3

Thx <3 <3 . . .

ps. Looks 'neat', cool . .

I know you'll think about it, carefully decide, what comes next, I understand, I'm a noob, and this could be technically VERY difficult, take maybe years . . :OO . . .

Like, some days, can be years between, one suddenly stops, looks at 'something', and it just makes sense, stops on, in ones tracks, simply 'stunning', glorious . . It's often an ' inner ' experience, but for some, in intense prayer, it becomes ' visual ' also, and the equivalent, in post-proc, is high-quality nature photography, that gives the same feeling, of ' intense ' meaning and, substance, character . .

Wanted to explain it, so you knew, this belongs in ' God-ot ' and, it's also the most post - proc you can add, meditated on it, without it becoming ' commercial, also <3 . . . So, wanted to make it a proposal, and let you decide, since I can't code it, what-soever . . . Thanks . . . Some very ' holy ' people see this, it's not just a feeling, but it's rare, happens to advanced saints or, super - monks . . But, that's God's ultimate post - proc filter, in ' reality ' . . .

You also get the feeling, at really happy parties or, celebrations, for joy <3

2021-04-28 0958

That's, 'divine' post - proc, ' best ' days, ' Heaven ' . .

You've prob. felt it, but not ' seen ' it, but it can be visual, also . . It happens, in intense, holy meditation, for some . . . or, some random person, bec. God is good or, so . . :OO :OO <3 . . . So, why not use it as Godot's ' graphics setting ', the default one, that can be tweaked, and give people a vision of ' Heaven ', for free . . .

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

Also, I don't expect anyone to ' just ' make it, I'd be happy if it gave you some food for thought, or at least was a bit fun or, interesting . .

I hope that you realize that the point of a proposal is to be put into practice, or at least, considered to be. It's to show the contributors what could be implemented into the engine (unless it's meta) to make it better for everyone.

Also, this feature can still be implemented through scripting. Yes, a quality setting would make life easier for the 3D game makers, but until then, you should look into implementing yourself rather than waiting for the contributors to do it for you. Plus it means that you get to design the implementation your way. The way that you understand it and would work best for you.

Thanks . . . Some very ' holy ' people see this, it's not just a feeling, but it's rare, happens to advanced saints or, super - monks . . But, that's Go-

You're doing it again. Please stop mixing religion into this conversation.

YuriSizov commented 3 years ago

@SIsilicon Please use the edit button 😛

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

@SIsilicon Please use the edit button 😛

Right. Sorry. Edit: I've put them all in one comment now.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Ok, last post . . I'm trying to explain it, so you can understand it with the normal, ' worldly ' mind . . You might recognize these things, these ' feelings ', that are also spiritual states . . Holy monks are in this state often, and one just ' knows ' . . This is ' visually ' the most stunning, spiritual moments look, so it's ' God's post proc ', and it's also the perfect point, between effects, no effects and, going ' commercial ', ie. you can use this AND, it looks good, imo . .

That's the, proposal, for Godot's 'visual' fidelity and, character . . .

Thx <3 <3 . . . .

ps. You could spend years trying to figure this out, but to a monk, in these holy states, it just makes sense, is ' normal ' <3

You, see . . . .

It's God's post-proc, ' best ' day, Heaven and, miracles, ' splendor ' . . That's why I wanted to explain it more, all these ' needless ' details, so you could ' process ' it, the 'relevance' <3 . . .

Think about it, you 'know' this stuff, it's subtle . . . You get it, after long days of hard, noble work, some-times . . .

Or, seeing a puppy, on the right day, time, had it for some months, so happy, it's there . . . One day, you ' just ' see this, emotionally . . .

2021-05-04 1523

This happens all the time, it's just not visual, the ' visual ' equivalent, is classic, really nice nature documentaries, ie . . . .

God's post - proc <3 <3 . .

It's ' real ', mostly it's just spiritual, ' internal ' . .

' Heavenly ', best feelings, captured in a photo or, 'image' . . ;DD <3

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

Alright, I'll leave this for now, but at least answer this part of the proposal template.

Describe how your proposal will work, with code, pseudo-code, mock-ups, and/or diagrams

Because those images you've posted don't give me the slightest clue how this could work in Godot, but only shows the results you think you'd get with it. Which by the way, seems to require more than just ultra-quality graphics settings.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Yes, make a ' quality ' scale, slow, medium, fast, fastest, or high-quality, very-high-quality, etc . .

Then, as one increase the ' fidelity ', add these things, in some order, that's sensible . .

ie. at medium quality, add post - proc filter, that takes a plain albedo, and makes it look . . <3

Skærmbillede (1644)

So, Godot goes from ambient light, no effects . . to that, at highest level, when RTX is ready, everything looks like, these images, a rock, a river, a tree, a car . . . That's the proposal, combined . . To show Godot, from it's best side without, going ' fake ' or, commercial . . . <3 <3

That's the ' logical ' order or, system, for the 'God-ot' engine <3 . .

It wasn't that complicated, needed to explain it, for normal people, when I'm in spiritual states, the normal world is ' far ' away, almost ' gone ' . . <3 <3 . .

Had to, 'translate' spiritual knowledge, into ' normal ' people speech <3

Silly . . .

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

Ah, now that makes a lot more sense. Thanks, I understand that part now. 👍

Oh, but where would the setting be located?

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Ok, you got it <3

Whew, ' complex ' <3

For people in ' spiritual ' states, this is constant, some-times visual, ie. you SEE this, with ' eyes ' . .

2021-05-04 1531

For most people, it's a 'subtle' feeling or, state . . .

ps. It'd look pretty nice, also . . ' Classy ', noble and, calm, ' Holy ', sacred, as people in spiritual training ' call ' it <3

Hope, it makes sense <3

ps. it's not just graphics settings, it's also post - proc, those two combined, to make ' classic, pristine, cool ' nature docus <3

Boooom, vision of ' Paradise ', Heaven, ' God ' . . . ;DD <3 <3

Might look nice, in the Godot engine <3 . . Thx <3 <3 <3 . .

Silly, for a monk it can be difficult to explain these things in ' mundane ' terms, or such . . . Get a rosary, ' elevate ' your spirit, takes some years, you see this, all the time, if dedicated, SOMETIMES visually, like it's there, ' real ' <3 you just have to develop a very holy state, and you ' see ' it, constantly, sometimes, for 5 - 10 minutes . .

So, almost logically, this is God-ot's best post - proc, many people know it, have ' felt ' these things, at times or, so . .

' Sanctified ' visuals, " Blessed ", ' divine ' <3 . . Same, thing . . Monks just go ' higher ' in these states, than most people, sometimes they go, quite high, 'elevated' . . I do it all the time, after 20 years of non - stop practice, took YEARS, bef. it was nearly constant . . <3 <3 but, anybody can do it . . it sometimes happens, by ' accident ', also . . Thx <3 <3

ps. while post-proc technically isn't a ' graphics ' setting, like AA, it is sort of ' needed ', to make this work <3

Ultimate settings, for the engine, or close . . . <3 <3 . .

I think, you 'get' it . . . ;DD ;DD <3 . .

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<3 . . . .

ps. Since monks often spend hours, getting ' better ' at these states, it happens more often, near the end of spiritual ' journey ', it's ALMOST constant . . :OO :OO Rare but, ' happens ', to some . . . and, for some it's not just 'feelings', things LOOK this way, for a moment, or even 5 minutes, or 10 minutes <3

Classic nature photography, high - quality captures the ' same ' energy, but it can be even better, just a ' bit ' . . :OO :OO . .

It'd turn a boring, 'flat' 3D scene, into a vision, of ' Heaven ' <3

Error7Studios commented 3 years ago

So basically, you want LUTs/filters/post-processing effects to: 1) Increase the color saturation 2) Add a bokeh effect

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Yes, I want you to make some ' quality ' settings, medium, high, not sure, where it goes from a simple scene, no effects . . To like images above, combining AA, sdfgi, post - proc, more . . There are actually tutorials, how to do this, saw a few, on youtube <3 . .

It's like, ever ' felt ' like this . . .

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2021-05-04 1554¨

<3 <3 . .

The ' photography ' that does the same, is classic nature photography, the ' best ' . .

2021-05-04 1556

That's how you make people feel ' Heaven ', with post - proc, also architecture, Rio - celebration <3

So, I think it makes sense, Godot's ' quality ' settings goes from <3 . .

Skærmbillede (1651)

To like, images above . . <3 :OO . .

That's, the idea, or so . . <3 ;D ;D . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Last . .

2021-05-04 1602

It's post - proc, but would also require to turn all settings on, perhaps ending with sdfgi or, even RTX, when it's ready . . <3

low - very-high quality steps :OO :OO . .

<3 . .

ps. Just take some ' ordinary ' images, and tweak settings, until they look like that . . then, you'll have God's post - proc settings, in 'God-ot' <3 <3 . . . .

" Miracle " . . . .

Last, if you start thinking of money, or 'worldly' things, corruption . . it goes away, so it's nice, in a open source engine, bec. these feelings are ' free ', don't require money, wealth . . . <3 <3 . .

That's why, I think it could be an almost ' logical ' way, of making ' quality settings ', in Godot engine <3 <3 . .

Also, when Godot can make graphics like that, job done, then you can ' rest ' <3 . .

;DDD <3 . .

mrjustaguy commented 3 years ago

Ok I think I understand what this proposal wants, and can be closed, as this can be done in Godot as is, just tweak the Environment settings, specifically Adjustments and Tonemap, and you'll get the desired look.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Yea, but why not have a ' quality slider ', that turns up the quality, for noobs or, 'new' users, I suppose <3 . .

It'd sort of make sense, in an 'open source' way . . :OO <3

That's what the original proposal was about, and I think this might be the 'best' way, to do that . .

Also, a 'preview' for new users and, to not right word 'sell' the engine, ' bad ' word . . .

Then, new users wouldn't have to go into all kinds of menus, to ' see ' what Godot can look like <3 That's what, I wanted, or so . .

I hope, that makes sense <3 . .

So, sort of at lowest setting, nothing is ' toggled ', at low settings, 2x aa, some stuff, at medium settings, 4x aa, post - proc, or so . . Not really sure HOW this would be 'ordered', atm . . <3 :OO . . . . .

That way, slow computers could just go to ' slow ' settings', some go to ' medium ' settings, and one has something, that looks nice, in a ' menu ' or, perhaps ' icon ' . . <3 <3 . . it's just, some ideas, atm . . .

And, at ultra-high settings . . " Paradise ", Heaven, eternity <3 . . A simple PBR forest, looks like . . .

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" Heaven " . . . .

So, at ultra - high settings, with RTX on, when it's ready . . you have a boring albedo forest, will suddenly look like, it has God rays going through canopy, ' reflections ' on rain-drops, etc . .

Skærmbillede (1644)

From, no settings to, ultra - high, in an open source way . . <3

Zireael07 commented 3 years ago

Jasper, you were repeatedly asked not to post walls of text/pics. Again, that entire last comment could've been condensed to:

"So, sort of at lowest setting, nothing is ' toggled ', at low settings, 2x aa, some stuff, at medium settings, 4x aa, post - proc, or so . . Not really sure HOW this would be 'ordered', atm . . <3 :OO . . . . .

That way, slow computers could just go to ' slow ' settings', some go to ' medium ' settings"

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Ok, had to explain it, never really explained it to ' normal ' people, I just meditate and, see this, when I ' walk ', often . . .

Sorry <3 <3 . . .

At least, the 'emotional' aspect <3 it's a matter, of training, a ton . . . .

God's post - proc and, visual 'fidelity' settings, etc . . . <3 <3

" Eternity " . . .

mrjustaguy commented 3 years ago

Yeah sorry, but this is like totally on to the user, as almost everyone will want different styles & settings and Godot does support them, they can be setup fairly easily compared to other engines even...

The Game Engine isn't here to Create the Game for you, it's a Tool that gives you all you Need to create Your own game in the engine the way you want it to be.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Well, ok . . wasn't sure about that . . it was sort of, after the new ' preview ' environment settings, I thought maybe it could be improved, maybe someone can make a plug-in, or a simple ' test ' of this, and figure best way . .

Also, it'd give people a better of idea of what the engine can do, no ' bull - shit ', drama . . .

And, it'd be ' noob ' friendly and, MAYBE be better than the current preview environment, not sure :OO :OO . .

Right now, if you don't know what MSAA is, you'll never find it, same thing with shadow settings, or so . . This would make the engine more user-friendly, that was most of what, it was about, to begin with . . also then, how to do that <3 <3 . .

Sorry, last post, now you 'understand', what I think, or close . . . <3 <3 . . . Silly . .

And, thanks . . . <3

ps. It'd look really good, without being corrupt, ' dirty ', ie. 'commercial' . . . and, it'd also preview the engine, for new users, so they can see, how it 'all' comes together, up to ' best ' features, graphics, etc . . . <3

That's sort of, the ' entire ' idea <3 not sure . . . " Dream preview ", ' vision of eternity, 'reality' ' . . ;DD ;DD . . . .

Last, I'm not really sure what features to turn ' on ', right now, to make Godot look best way, what settings, what parameters, so on . . and last, it COULD make the engine more popular, bec. it'd be easier to use for new, and medium - experienced users . . not sure, ' popularity ' is a goal, or so . . . .

It'd have to be done nice, I don't know the details, other stuff <3 Thanks . . . .

Now, you ' see ' . . . . <3 <3 . .

Later . . . .

Amazing Grace - - Was blind but, now I . . . .


Like that, but ' better ' <3

Big problem is, starting point is easy, no effect, even sky, nothing . . but, what is ' final ' goal, graphically . . I think, this might be it, at least for Godot . . And, you could make 5 steps, 6 steps, or 12 steps, so the slowest computers, had something, that ' rocked ' <3 <3 . . Hmmmmm . . . . . . . <3 . .

That's sort of, how a ' holy ' or, divine man would, set the graphics, not sure <3 . .

Later . . .

( Jesus, the Saints, also Buddhist, hindu masters, they ALL see the same <3 ) . . . .

ps. It'd improve the work-flow, ie. you make a simple, ' mundane ' albedo, paint it on in Blender, 1 - to - 1 what you see, ' normally ' and, then in Godot, it looks blessed, ' Holy ' . . ie. it becomes ' logical ', to make amazing, wonder-ful content, for Godot <3 . . and, the settings can always be tweaked, as one ' wants ' or, so on . . :OO <3 . . .

Raindrops keeps falling on my head, sort of talks ' about ' it, close . . .


<3 . . . .

Can't stop loving you, P. Collins <3 <3 . .


charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry, this is hopefully the very last . .

Godot has some hard-core graphics settings, I have no idea where to start, in project settings, shadow quality, MSAA, but also sdfgi, is just crazy . .

if there was a quality slider, maybe right below 2D 3D Script AssetLib, that sort of cranked up the settings, in a ' fairly ' reliable way, maybe 12 steps, lets say at step 9 sdfgi is ' toggled ', with lowest settings, then at 10 sdfgi has ' better ' look, but also runs slower . . . Right now, Godot's graphics settings is a nightmare for new users, and maybe some old users, and most of these features, simply won't ever be used, bec. people just give up, at least I do . . So, having a detailed quality slider, could even be 24 steps, that'd be many, that sort of ' increased ' graphics, in a way, that makes, would be a nice help, for many beginners . .

And, it'd serve a different purpose, people that consider Godot for small or, medium teams, could throw some stuff, or, so in the engine . . And, see how it looks, and then decide, if the engine is appropriate or, even ' good ', for their ' projects ', etc etc . . .

Last, at some points, the graphics settings might branch out, ie. one could select a few settings, like sdfgi or, RTX, for GI . . but, also other stuff . . also, maybe as one increases settings, shadows look nicer, glow is better, reflections, so on . . It'd be a big help, for someone who doesn't want to learn, or experiment for 200 hours, with all the ' quality ' settings, to get something that's prety fast and, looks nice . .

Last thing is, one could MAYBE do this, for 2D as well :OO . . not sure if the 2D engine has some ' quality ' settings, atm, never used it . . ( well, for UI, once ) <3 . .

This, combined with a simple, primitives only ' demo level ' would effectively sell the engine, to new users, a lot better, than atm . . .

The thing I don't know is, what these settings should be . . but, at least in this frame-work, you'll have a ' final ' goal, one look, to go for, and it could easily be changed, by hard-core users, or medium teams . .

It'd also be an instant tech and, ' new feature ' demo . .

What I can't see is, how all this ' could ' be put together, so it fits Godot, runs well and, is 'impressive', cool . . . Maybe there are some people here, who could make a little ' test ' version of this, and see if it worked, primary goal is new user- friendliness, the current menus are simply too dense, and if you don't know what you're looking for, you won't know . . . like, if I grew up today, and had only played PS5, I wouldn't know what AA was, or what any of these features do, or where to start <3 . .

And, it'd would in-directly make it easy for pro - people, that was looking for an engine, to see that it had everything, or most what, they wanted, not sure, that's where it really isn't ' my ' problem or, I suppose the engine's, not sure . . .

I'd be really grateful if there was a way to turn on graphics features, without having to spend 50 hours in menus, clicking PCCM5, PCCM13, trying to figure out what happens, how performance is impacted and, just . . I ' give ' up, atm . .

What I can't see is, how this could be done, for Godot, so it's fun, user-friendly, not too ' important ' and, well jolly, not sure . . . Maybe someone here, could do this, code an alpha or, so of this feature <3 . .

Thanks, not everyone is a graphics expert or, want to be <3 . . also, the current graphics settings menus, are sort of ' intimidating ', hard to read and, makes no sense :OO . .

Be nice, if you could help, really want to see what sdfgi can do, but I simply don't care, to try and figure out what all those menus and, ' words ' mean, like I get ' confused ', also what project settings to combine it with . . . That's where I feel, this could help entry - level demographic <3 . . .

ps. advantage of using primitives, for demo is, it would take least amount, of code, keep download size lowest . . :OO . . . .

Well, I couldn't code it, have no idea what settings to start with or, what's ' most ' important, for a nice, ' neat ' game . . . <3 <3

Thanks, <3 <3 . . . .

ps. God-ot rocks, so ' cool ', wonder-ful . . <3 <3 ;DD ;DD . . .

Add : The problem with this feature, is you have starting point, no effects, just ambient light, no sky, grey background . . But, you need to pick ' one ' goal, to steer to, some ' standard ' and, I think ' nature documentaries ', the best . . Would be enough, to at least ' sell ' the engine, and not be commercial, no one ' owns ' animals or, nature . . It's sort the ' highest ' you can, so I think makes sense, to make that the goal, for highest quality settings . . . then, if someone cared, well one could drop some silly Quixel assets in there, and booom <3 or, download some free PBR assets <3 :DDD :DDD lol . . .

Anyway, it's a proposal, sorry for walls of text, had to explain something, not good at ' describing ' things, sadly . . . <3

ps. Stuff like new 'debanding' could be added, or other new stuff, that new users prob. won't ever find, in the menus, and maybe give up, tbh I at that point, all these weird settings, I have no idea where to start, as a noob <3 Silly . .

Prob. need a graphics expert and, an engine coder, to even make this <3 Thanks . . . .

Well, now you know the ' ultimate ' graphics settings, for any open source engine, add more, and it gets commercial, ' fake ', ' unholy ', " trash " . . . also, the images above, are rather pretty, and would do nicely, for tech - demos, or so . . Esp. with a nice demo level, procedurally generated <3 . . . . Thx <3 . .

Like, I have no idea what settings to use, for say GI bounces, shadow quality, which settings to use or, where ' to ' start :(( . . And, I don't want to spend 100 hours, reading what these things really are, testing frame - rate ' results ', or so . . When you have a basic ' system ', then you can figure out, where should debanding be added, how fast is it, is it for fast computers, so on . . .

Be 'nice' help, for complete noobs also, people looking to quickly demo the engine, for ' commercial ' purposes . . . Wait a minute, this engine looks ' good ' enough, or so . . . Sorry for all this text, it's a bit complicated, to try and ' explain ' all these things, in words <3

Perfect 'fit', for Godot . . no 'drama', nothing 'fake', just as glorious and, 'inspired' reality can look, on good days, in the ' sun ' . . . :OO :OO <3 . . .

ps. It could be a simple setting, in project settings, a slider there . . but, it'd be nice to ' see ' the 3D world, as one makes settings better but, it could be done there . . ' Global ' quality settings, for Godot, esp. noob - friendly <3 Thanks . . .

Last, could maybe replace the ' current ' graphics preview menu . . So, there's slider, maybe with 10 - 12 steps, blank work-space, to every-thing on, highest settings, that are actually ' relevant ', like some optimized settings, or so . . . And, there were some stuff, from the current ' preview ' feature, like ' Glow ', ' Sdfgi ', where one could see ' boxes ' getting switched on, and if one didn't need glow, one could click it to, get ' custom ' settings :OO . . also, might be nice if there were some ' versions ' of sdfgi, like sdfgi_q1, sdfgi_q2, sdfgi_q3, for increasing ' quality ', and one could click them, up down, to customize', then click ' generate ' environment + settings :OO . . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

So, the final feature was added to the icons, below 2D, 3D, Script and, might look like this :OO . .

2021-05-05 1012

And, it could have the nice features, in current ' environment ' preview <3 Anyway, it's an idea <3

Then, if you're a step 11, and don't need more than sdfgi_q1, just click on it, or so :OO . . . Not, sure . . .

Well, not sure, maybe it needs to be nicer or, done a more ' Godot ' way <3 <3 . . . .

one could have two sliders, one for graphics settings, another for post-proc, not sure if that'd be user-friendly . . . <3 <3 . .

then, if there was button to ' use settings ' and, ' generate demo - level ', procedurally generated, one could instantly go to the graphics settings one wants, esp. for new and, mid - experienced users <3 . .

Well, it's quite rough, also could include the new ' sun ' preview, bec. with a demo - level, it'd suddenly make more sense, etc . .

Sorry, it sometimes take a lot of time, to explain what I sort of, just ' know ', from many years of Buddhist, and Christian meditation and, reflection, for more ' ordinary ' people, I mean people that mostly work, don't have time for ' religion ' or, hard - core spiritual practices, these things can seem ' other - wordly ', I suppose . . .

In deep meditation, it just ' happens ', sort of . . .

Super - easy preview, procedurally generated, low code - size and, could look ' impressive ', not sure . . . . <3

ps. I suppose it's after many years, of various spiritual training, I've noticed these things are connected with ' inner ' state and, how things ' look ' . . Like, it's pretty consistent, at the higher levels, there's a ' connection ' you sort of ' see ' or, find after many years, and it happening many times, esp. in ' serene ' or, calm states, not sure . . .

God's post - proc, non - commercial, and would prob. be enough to ' sell ' the engine, visually . . :OO also, nature documentaries have a calming effect on the mind, like meditation, ie. worship . . So, that's what I wanted to say, the end . . . <3 <3 . .

Thx <3

ps. Pocahontas song, talks about it, seeing the ' Great spirit ' or, faith . . .


But, ' better ' . . ;DDD <3 . . .

Well, happens to me all the time, when I focus on truth, love and, innocence, in intense prayer, mostly it's internal, a ' few ' times, also, around me . . It's more rare, to ' see ' it <3 lol . . .

That's, the ' idea ', not sure . . . Silly . . . <3

ps. It should also work for buildings, or people, when you find the ' settings ', for a nature documentary or, even space - ships, particle effects, more . . . Later . . .

Another song, that ' gets ' it . .


" Heaven is a place on earth -- Bonnie Tyler " <3

Makes sense, God-ot can 'show' you that, imo . . That's the, proposal . . <3 . . Other, songs . . Capture the ' spirit ', of devotion, honor, faith and, integrity <3 Well, and more, " Paradise ", sanctity, sort of . . . .

You can make it, like what Jesus sees, if you're good <3

Or . .

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z193UHZnhB4 ' Just another day without you ' . . Many songs, have that ' soul ' or, honor . . :OO <3 <3 <3 . . .

Just, ' visual ' side, seen in meditation, by ' nice ', honorable people . .

Or, 'Amazing grace', live . .


I don't go that high in public, unless it's for a charitable cause, in closed quarters . . Gotta keep people happy, or so . . <3

2020-02-17 1223

I only show that, to people that can handle it, that's why I know ' these ' things . . Now, you know me, lol . . .

Later . . . .

<3 <3 . . .

Revelation, complete <3 See you in the clouds, my friends, we'll dance like ponies and, insane indians, while the powers of the world marvel, at our ' glory ' and, devotion . .

It's, ' fun ' . . .

<3 :DD :DD . . .

Now you, ' know ' . . . Silly . . . ;DD <3 <3 . . .

ps. That's how I know these things, I've been 'there', often, plenty . . .

Later . .

ps. It took me fifteen years, of solitude, prayer, reflection and, reading Buddhist masters, to get to that level . . I'm also an 'autist', or close . . . I'm good at this 'one' thing nothing else, can't even cook or, do ' much ' . . . :OO . .

Last, normally I'm just a regular dude, a big ' dork ', love video - games, code and, pixels . . Sort of, an ' average ' geek, dork . . . <3 . . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Sorry, that was why it took so long to explain, how this is the ' ultimate ' graphics settings, for Godot engine . .

And, one there-fore ' logically ' can define, what the ultimate ' look ' is, and having two points, zero effects, and full, nature documentary, or images above . . One can just make some steps in between, sort of, to have a ' quality ' slider . . This could be edited quickly, to give a custom look . .

Also, if one wanted, one could separate this list, into a ' graphics settings ', and ' environment settings ', and as the slider for quality, goes up, there are two lists, where ' AA ', ' Glow ', ' AO ', ' sdfgi ' starts lighting up . . .

2021-05-05 1012

So, instead of having post - proc and, graphics settings in ' one ' list, there are two lists, ie.

Graphics settings: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Environment settings: 1. 2. 3. 4. . . .

So, if glow is in environment settings, then it is on that list . .

Also, sorry to write this much, it might seem ' random ', but this proposal is based on about 20 years of Hindu, Buddhist, also Christian meditation, prayer, reading and, study . . That there's a connection between these things, ie. you see these things more in holy states, is something you learn, when it starts happening often, or so . . . ie. to normal people this connection is subtle, but for spiritual ' trainees ', it's quite obvious, that when they're normal, ordinary, this almost never happens, but when one is in deep, 'sacred' prayer, this can happen almost non - stop . . So, had to explain that, you ' might ' not have noticed this, but when it happens in normal people, at more ' random ', it's actually often bec. one has had a good day, done some ' good ' deeds, and is 'rewarded' this way . . . It's an aspect, of the 'law of karma', where being good leads to good 'things', also more happy dreams, less 'pain' and, sorrow . . After being so long on the spiritual path, and these ' visual ' changes happening, mostly only in deep prayer, that I rarely do, I sort of ' know ', from experience, this is how it works . . It's something monks, and very ' spiritual ' people know, on a personal, ' experience ' level, I suppose for most people, they just think it's ' random ', bec. it happens quite rarely . . :OO <3

Also, it's non-commercial, as far as you can go, to make the engine 'look' pretty, cool . . without it becoming 'extra-fake', or over-done, and almost meditative, reflective . . And, MIGHT be enough to 'sell' the engine, as a 'graphics' power-house, or at least a moderately competent engine . . .

So, given this a lot of thought, this is what makes sense visually, if you know 'God-ot', on a deep, 'spiritual' level, ie. insight, 'experience', etc . . . So, that's the proposal, now you perhaps understand, why it makes sense, as the end-point, of Godot visual effects and, 'quality' <3 Thanks . .

I guess, that explains it all . . "Ultra" settings, or such, for God-ot <3

Thanks, lol I've never had to explain this to 'normal' people before, sort of like explaining what climbing Mount Everest is like, or ' precisely ' how it feels if, one goes deep-sea diving, the 'pressure' changes, lung collapsing, etc . . For monks, this 'knowledge' is like breathing, esp. after many years experience, it just ' is ' <3 Silly . . . .

<3 . . .

I suppose, when you have a very holy ' spiritual state ', that one has 'trained', and also a normal, average state, and one can 'switch' between them, one can start seeing this connection :OO :OO <3 . . I guess it has rarely been written down, in holy books, bec. technically it has nothing to do with holiness, character, or ' devotion ' . . . it's just a little ' visual ' bonus, for the elect, or ' saved ' . . . That's why, this is God-ot's ultimate graphics settings, or so . . .

Thx <3 <3 . . . ;DD :OO . .

Guess to normal people, this looks mostly 'random', but for monks, or spiritual 'trainees', these moments happen more, esp. in high prayer, or 'deep' meditation . . after years of experience, you just know ' being holy ' triggers it, most people aren't 'aware' of this, don't have enough training, or practice . . <3 also, it isn't 100 % reliable, ie. sometimes after being in ' high ', noble states for hours, you get other ' rewards ', like a deep sleep, peaceful or, ' nice ' dreams, ie. it is difficult to ' control ', even at the higher stages, of ' training ', or insight, ' spiritual ' knowledge or, experience . . . ;DD <3 <3 . . .

Sorry, if it took too long, to ' explain ' this, THAT'S why I think it belong in God-ot, that's all . . .

Later, take care . . .

Okay, more ' mundane ' example, if one start going to a gym, on notices, over time, there are some things that happen, while ' training ' . . ie. pulse goes, can feel it beating, start sweating, so on . . and, when one goes home, watches tv, or so on . . it doesn't happen, right . . . Most people haven't developed a very ' holy ' state, vs. a normal state ( not gym ), so they don't notice, that this actually happens, it's also bec. you need to be almost 80 % master, of what human can be, before you can do this so reliably, it ' makes ' sense, sort of like, wait a minute, these ' visual ' blessings, or such . . . only happens when in high prayer or, 'meditation' . .

You don't have to be a genius, to figure out you 'sweat' more and, you can sense pulse pounding while at the gym, but it's rare, while sitting on one's couch, watching tv . . Anyway, that's 'how' you know, these things are connected, at the 'final' steps, of ' spiritual ' or, religious mastery . . Most holy people don't bother writing it down, bec. it is completely useless, for what they REALLY desire, to develop more ' spirit ', soul and, integrity . . it's just something one notices, after MANY years of practice and, effort . . Silly, but ' nice ', cool . . .

Thx <3 <3 . . . . ;DD <3 . . .

I'm almost non-stop in this state, bec. the Dalai Lama encouraged people, to develop a non-stop meditation state, it's pretty common, in Buddhist ' practice ', to make it constant, also some Hindu traditions . . After 20 years, meditation becomes so ' normal ', you don't just do it on a couch, or during the official, sitting - down time, you sort of do meditation, ' constantly ', reflect, study everything, when it happens, ' minute ' details, events . . While shopping, you 'notice' things, while sitting down, you 'notice' things, it sort of becomes a ' constant ' state or, 'serenity' . .

That's also when the visual stuff, starts happening more . . Esp. when one ' goes higher ', in the spirit, or faith <3 Oh, well, later . . .

<3 <3 . . . ;DD ;DD . . .

mrjustaguy commented 3 years ago

This is going to Crush you Jasper but... Perception is in the Eyes of the beholder and as such, the real picture everyone sees is the before in https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/2683#issuecomment-831967752, however whatever they Perceive is really up to them to see the picture as what it is or as something else (the something else being the after, but like any after not just the one you posted), and what all that means is, the same image can be perceived as vastly different depending on the person and what the person is paying attention to or not... And as such your request to add a "divine" filter to the engine, makes No sense for the following reasons:

  1. You can Do it yourself, it's easy, it's really just basic Tonemap-Brightness-Saturation-Contrast-ColorCorrection in the Environment
  2. Divine look is subjective, not to mention mostly made up by the person's attention or lack-of said attention, and the person's worldview. To some Divine look wouldn't be as bright and flashy as to someone else..
  3. The same Picture is different for every viewer, however slight, because of any and all of the following: View Angle, Time, Eye Structure, Photoreceptor Structure, and of course the way the person's brain is wired up and the levels of different chemicals in the brain (Both those that should be and shouldn't be in it for it to function as intended) which again doesn't guarantee that the same picture will look good to one. also Note that this point also holds Personal Preferences of the person, as those do have to do with how one is wired up.
  4. Graphics settings in the Engine mean very little to the quality of the visuals in the game, to how realistic the game looks and all, for all that they are doing is providing effects to the picture that in the right conditions fake the picture to look realistic, and as such a Picture can look nearly identical with different settings for example, RTX Won't make your games look more realistic by default, yea it'll help if you don't do light faking well enough, but if you do fake that stuff well enough, only those that know what is actually going on behind the scenes will be able to spot the tell-tale signs of different methods being used, when they really go look for it.. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VGwHoSrIEU As such, there's only so much that can be done to make your Game look Realistic (especially to your perception of reality) and it is up to the Engine only to Provide the tools for one to make the Game look what they want it to, but it won't guarantee success if the artist is bad at using the tools. Godot Provides Quite a Good set of tools as is, and can make the output look like you want, you just have to learn how to make it.. Is it Easy? It depends on how much tweaking you have to do and how complex it is, to get the desired results, so guess what - More tools can make the job easier (or harder if you have to learn all the tools), but asking for specific settings as presets for very niche styles is just needless bloat for the engine, and Do note, you can set up those settings yourself, nothing is stopping you.

The Only thing in this proposal that makes Any sense, is to have a set of presets for Graphics settings, based on how demanding on the hardware, which is btw, the way the "Low", "Medium", "High", and "Ultra" settings are used. Low settings mean little work on whatever the specific setting is doing, Medium means moderate work, High means quite a bit of work, and Ultra in this analogy means All the work, however just setting everything to Ultra doesn't mean the image is going to look better compared to any other setting level, and heck, it can potentially look worse (I mean probably not but..), but those are all things that are decided by the one using those settings.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

This is what I wanted, someone to think it through, and find the faults, and consider, if at all, it could be used . . .

Reg. subjectivity, I agree . . But, most people agree ' nature documentaries ' are stunning, and it's sort of a ' neutral ' point, where it's just about showing nature, no ' ideology ', ie. animals don't really have ' personalities ' or, sort of, ' values ', in some ways, some animals are social, ie. tame animals, some herd animals, even fish . . . Big topic, <3 . .

I never expected this to just be ' accepted ', more like a starting point for discussion, how could this be done . .

I think at least this would help people, instead of setting all the settings, ie. shadow quality, which is quite obscure, also stuff for sdfgi, where I have no idea what to ' pick ' or, even select . . Like, I don't want to know these things, as a ' casual ' user or, a beginner . . And, it'd work for advanced users also, bec. after selecting a certain level, sdfgi on, it's easy to just change some parameter, specifically, if one knows what they mean or, really want to learn, or go ' so ' deep <3 . .

I think most people, even with different cornea, or receptor structure, there's a close to global agreement, that nature photography, when it's really well done, is some of finest photography, also in documentaries, videos . . And, it's sort of not about money, nature documentaries don't make a lot of money, if any . . . And, they're often educational, ie. not entertainment, yet the visual fidelity, is 'world - class' <3 . . So, I think this makes sense, it could easily be changed to look more ' Hollywood ', cinematic, ie. add blue tint, so on . .

Like, I do agree some people, for instance color-blind people perceive things differently, but that would apply to any setting, and engine can't really compensate, I suppose it could be added :O :O . . It'd take, some time <3 . . But, most people perceive colors in a ' roughly ' the same way, that's why people agree say, a traffic light is green, yellow, red . . But, there are some differences, but that doesn't mean most people playing a PS5 game, don't get about same ' perception ', on an average ' scale ', I THINK . . . <3 . .

So, I don't think the above reservations apply, in essence . . . That said, I do appreciate the criticism, I'm always hoping someone here will take these suggestions, and make them better, ' nicer ' . . . I can't code, have no experience coding engines, at that level, so I rely on people here, to ' sort ' through this, or so . . And, basically decide, what can be done, would it take 2 years, etc etc . . .

Well, I've given it a ton of thought, now you know what an ' ultimate ' engine graphics / quality setting could look like, that's non-commercial and, still quite impressive, that's what I wanted to share, for 'further' thought . . . :OO

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2021-05-06 1159

Sort of, nature documentaries are more about education, ' respect ' and, caring for nature or, the ' world ', also creatures, ' learning ' . . Yet, they can be very captivating, not sure if word . . It's sort of where world-class media, standards, meets open source, or a balance point, between no effects, at all . . and, enough to bring out the beauty of a creature or, rock, even building, people, same settings should apply to any object, to make ' anything ' look, like it's in a nature documentary, or so . .

Documentaries are more about raising public awareness and, 'devotion', more like education, people don't watch nature documentaries to sort of, ' exploit ' animals or, such . . It's a way of ' celebrating ' creation, not ' hurting ' it, also bring awareness, or so . . And, even if we disagree, such photos are at least ' stunning ', to most people, not ' all ', some people prefer other stuff, but generally, people agree these things are ' beautiful ', even jaw-dropping . .

Well, it's just an 'idea', not ' final ', more like a suggestion, for ' free ' . . :OO <3

Was hoping, someone here could make it ' even ' better or, so . . <3 <3 . . .

Later . . .

ps. Wanted to share some ' ideas ', see what other people think <3 . . :OO :OO . . .

Nice . . .

Last, even if this isn't accepted, it might be difficult, was just hoping, people would be a bit inspired, and maybe if this was made later, something similar, they had this, as ' some ' extra thoughts or, more . . I know engine is a ' collaboration ' and, it's far bigger, than ' one ' person, these are my ideas, 'musings' on the topic, wanted to share, that's all . . .

Thx . . <3 . . . .

Also, might be ' plain ' useless or, so on . . :OO ;DD . . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Here's an example, where it begins to look ' fake ', plastic, or commercial, ' trash ' . . :OO

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I think, the type of images, that sort of hit the balance between ' enhanced ' and, not ' trash ', are nature documentaries . .

So, wanted to make the proposal, hear what people say, hopefully improvements, or at least a ' few ' ideas, that could be used, to make engine better, or so . .

Later . . .

mrjustaguy commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry, how is that picture any different from most of the other pictures put in the proposal thus far? in fact it feels quite similar to https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/2683#issuecomment-831967752 after picture, just in nature instead of a small town...

Also I think it's fairly clear now that you've got some misconceptions about Graphics..

You treat Graphics as just the Output picture, and as such from what I can tell, think that Better Graphical Settings (so Rendering Techniques) = Better Pictures (as in more realistic) when in reality, Graphics are a Combination of the following:

  1. Rendering Techniques (This can be boiled down to The engine, however that is a little false)
  2. Art Assets (such as Meshes and Textures)
  3. Composition (how the Art Assets are placed, where, how etc..)
  4. Interactions (how things collide with one another and so on, this isn't a part of a sole picture, and is only present in film and games)

If any of the following 4 aren't Realistic, the whole thing won't be realistic.. So if You don't have Shadows (part of 1), you will very likely notice that the image is not realistic, however this does depend on the light conditions, camera position and environment, if your humans don't look realistic, be it a bad mesh or bad textures (part of 2), You will notice that the image is not realistic.. If you've got people walking on air, (part of 3) you will notice that the image isn't realistic.. Last of all, in a Medium where the Image isn't static (so images are changing constantly, fast enough) if you can see a ball pass through a wall, you'll probably notice that it isn't realistic, or if it bounces way before the wall, on thin air (part of 4)

1 is up to the Engine and the companies making the GPUs to have functional drivers, and support for said Techniques 2 is up to the Artist creating the Meshes and Textures, 3 is on the Artist to Place the Meshes, however can also be done procedurally so it can be a Coder's job to do that, and 4 is on both the artist and the coder, as the artist has to place the art and it's collisions properly, animate things properly, and the coder has to make sure that the ball bounces off the wall and doesn't just go full stop on the wall.

P.S. Output is a given as without it you wouldn't see anything heh..

SIsilicon commented 3 years ago

I think, the type of images, that sort of hit the balance between ' enhanced ' and, not ' trash ', are nature documentaries . .

That's your personal preference buddy. Every scene is different, and requires different graphical settings and color adjustments. And @mrjustaguy is right. There's more to a scene than just its graphics. The example you've shown in Godot was very simplistic and does not make for a fair comparison. image So even if you turn on every graphics settings to its max, it's still gonna look mediocre.

Plus, all the nature images you've shown were most likely real life photographs, so again, not a fair comparison. To replicate those scenes would require complex models, materials, lighting setup and textures among other things. tuning the graphics settings won't magically make your scene look realistic.

So post all the nature images you want, but until you can at least show a Godot scene that replicates a real scene in terms of objects and lighting setup, then you can start comparing the two.

The graphics preset idea's good, don't get me wrong, but please keep in mind that it won't be enough for what you're going for.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

I think you've misunderstood it . . Well, you're also sort of right . .

The point here is, if you take a normal picture, ie. with no post-proc, and get a neutral albedo, that can be well, bland, boring, and 1-to-1 matches what the normal ( not ' holy ' ) eyes see, it will look ' plain ', even boring, like a normal photo, before enhancements, like this . . .


That's the base albedo, which is ' constant ', ie. what the eye ' normally ' sees . . That is a ' constant ', and should match what the normal eye sees, after taking an image, the image should look 1-to-1 what one sees in nature . .

2021-05-07 0054

That's the normal, maybe ' plain ' reality we SEE, with normal eyes, on most days . . Things don't look ugly, or particularly ' good ', they just look normal, ' standard ' . . A good, clean albedo, or a PBR 3D model will be like that, if it captured the source correctly . . And, that is also what a 3D scene, without any effects, at all, should look like, no light, just ambient light, ie. no directional light, just nothing toggled, in terms of graphics . . .

Under those circumstances, an albedo will be rendered 1-to-1 what it looks like, in say an image editor, and look 1-to-1 on screen, ideally, if one has a color tuned monitor, most should by default look close to what reality does, ie. a good, unenhanced picture of, say a road, or some forest, look like what it does, to the eye . . sort of, normal, just like people perceive things, naturally, without being in a spiritual ' state ', high one . . Monks, also mostly see these things in ' high ' states, when they're in a normal state of mind, things just look ' normal ', if is the word . . .

So, a blank, no effects turned on 3D scene, also in Godot, would match that . . ie. put a picture on a plane, and look at it, it should look like say, MS Paint, picture taken of ordinary reality, and the image, in the camera . . That's a 'standard', that most monitors, cameras, can ' achieve ' and, what most people see, with the ' ordinary ' eye . . .

So, I do not think you can say, there's all kinds of variables, bec. there are NONE, in a true PBR work-flow, if you've done it right, it means what you see on the screen, in 'flat shading ', or under white albedo ambient light, no effect, should look EXACTLY like a stone wall, you've just taking a picture of, under ordinary lighting conditions . . if it doesn't, you aren't working in a PBR scheme, or you don't mind taking picture, that don't match reality, which is fine btw, but that's not what PBR is technically about, such pictures also work, bec. it's also just an albedo, but that doesn't mean, it's the ' correct ' way, to do PBR textures, though of course they work, any-one knows that, they still appear, on surfaces, 3-d objects, they just don't match reality, exactly . .

So, a simple 3D scene, without any effects on, would like what you see, in normal boring reality ( minus fact in reality, we have light sources, most often the sun, that creates shadows, wind, that animates trees, etc, ie animations ' working ' ) . . .

This isn't about ' rendering ', on level of the engine, it's about recreating texture 1-to-1, in a neutral way . .

So, if that is constant, ie. a fixed point, if one uses PBR, and uses a work-flow, that captures textures, ie. images 1-to-1, to what the normal eye sees, then one has the ' low ' graphics settings . . And, assuming one works in PBR, though one can 'break' it, if one so cares, ie. use heavily enhanced photos, before loading them in the engine . . Then, theoretically that is a ' fixed ' point, or what ' low ' settings should match . . ie., what you see is, what you get . . .

It is about, there's one ' normal ' reality, and one ' holy ' reality one sees, when feeling ' right ' or, noble, serene . . .

So, what is the other point, the high quality settings, I think those COULD be classic nature documentaries, or architecture documentaries, one could also make pictures or, render people this way, it's just most often these techniques are used in those types of documentaries, that are non-commercial, and often focus on education, raising awareness, or so . . ie., more ' public ' service, interest . . . <3 :DD . . .

And, those documentaries, have been enhanced, and tend to look ' better ' than, what one normally sees, on a normal day, etc . . .

So, someone said, there are a lot of unknowns, that makes it impossible, I don't think they're really there, unless one ' puts ' them there, not sure :(( :(( . . .

Last, about art assets, sure if they're bad, they'll ' look ' bad, that isn't really a factor, and even simple 3D models would look ' inspired ', just very clearly ' 3D - ish ', same as a primitive, hovering in the middle of a highly detailed 3D scene would look ' weird ' or, out of place, but would also still look good, assuming one likes ' simple ' geometry, sees it as art or, ' beautiful ' . . . I do, I like math, or so . . .

About composition, sure you can make a hovering 3D sphere, in a forest, and it'll look weird, or out of place . . But, that isn't really about picture quality, or ' graphical ' settings, that's a mistake you can make in any 3D software, also Blender, Cryengine, Unreal, anywhere . . That goes with how 3D game engines, and 3D programs work . . Sure, you can make something float, or ' break ' physics, very easily . . . That's NOT what this is about . . Being really bad, let's say you're houses float 1 m above ground, because you're bad at placing 3D objects, that's not something that can fixed by ANY post - proc setting, or say making AO toggle on . . I'm fully aware of that, but that has nothing to do with picture 'quality', it's about the person making the program having no sense, or little sense, of reality, physics, gravity, so on . . And, that would apply to ANY 3D engine, or software, and doesn't really justify not having any post - proc . . it's because game engines ' simulate ' physics, often in a limited way, and this creates errors or, at least potential, for errors <3 . . on behalf, of the user . . .

Point is, there aren't as many ' unknowns ' as you claim . . .

The idea with this suggestion, is that, ASSUMING one wants a PBR workflow, and for the engine to simulate, as best it can, the REAL world, ie. gravity is simulated normally, lighting, rendering is simulate, as close to reality, as possible . .

It makes two points, that's possible, if one just break that ' PBR ' workflow . .

  1. Normal, boring, plain reality, that one sees, on most days, or un-enhanced, 1-to-1 photos, of reality, ie. what you see, is what camera shows . .

  2. Enhanced, ' sacred ' reality, that one can see, and that ' looks ' better, or has a ' meaning ' or, life . . .

So, there aren't any unknowns, except the errors the user makes, if said person doesn't work, in a PBR workflow, or makes things hover in the air, ie. break physics, forget to simulate them, etc . . But, that has nothing to do with a 'universal' graphical standard, and CERTAINLY doesn't mean one shouldn't use post-proc, or increase graphics settings, unless theres' ' no ' errors, physics-wise . . Computers are approximations of the real world, and do it in a limited way, some come close, and that's the goal, of most engines . .

So, there aren't really any unknowns, unless the use puts ' errors ' in the PBR-scientific work-flow . . . That's more or less, what you're talking, or not having correct color calibration on one's monitor, or camera . . Again, if one doesn't have that, it's another place where a PBR workflow breaks down, but that's on the user, and not something Godot engine can ' compensate ' for . . ie. if I take a picture, and add this effect . . .

2021-05-07 0122

Then, say Blender, Godot will assume, by default, the building had that color, I think called sepia, instead of what it really had . . But, that's on the user, and one could also 'invert' the colors, but that doesn't mean that has anything to do with ' reality ', ie. the user has consciously added that effect, and it's ' not ' an error . .

So, all the unknowns you claim are there, mostly really aren't, if you believe in PBR, science, and ' reality ' . . . ie., that that's the ' standard ' work-flow, in entire pipe-line or, such . . I think Godot in many places, tries to ' mimic ' reality, for instance principled shader has ' roughness ', ' metallic ', which are things from nature, and reflect science . . .

One could set entire engine ' default ' to match that and, that'd make it possible, to create ' nature ' or, architecture documentaries, at the highest settings, that are ' better ' than reality, and since one would have to pick SOMETHING, as the end-goal, one could also pick any Hollywood movies, many have filters and, effects on, question becomes, out of all the post - proc, enhancements, which one's are ' best ', but are about reality . .

Documentaries, esp. nature documentaries, and high-end architecture photos, or docus . . . And, while not everybody knows the ' spirit ' can make things look more beautiful, that's also a part, of reality . . And so, that could be high - quality settings . . Thanks . . .

Conclusion: The errors you claim are there, are only there if they're man-made or, based on misunderstandings or, poor code . . . :OO :OO <3 . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

So, if you want Godot to be science, and PBR based, also taking ' spiritual ' realities, or ' vision ' into account, which is something most people experience, they just don't draw the ' conclusion ', this is bec. I had a good day, or more . . .

Then, this is how the engine should look . . Any errors, mis-calibrated equipment, any errors, are on the user, and also bec. the engine is an approximation of reality, for instance, it can't scientifically simulate chemistry, due to the number of atoms, in say any object . . Does that mean we should shut down the engine, until computers are ' powerful ' enough, no but it does mean all the engine ever WILL be, is an approximation, collisions are are also an approximation, etc . .

And, the goal, in almost all engines today, seem to be a PBR workflow, and to simulate the ' real ' world . .

And, ' this ' is something you also see in the ' real ' world, on a good day, those nature documentaries, or this . . .

2021-05-07 0146

2021-04-28 0954

So, there are a few errors, but it's mostly down to man-made errors, and the engine, despite it being mostly scientific, still relies on approximation, and it can do stuff physics can't, ie. one can make a 3D object, 'float' into another, in the normal editor . . That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the engine, it's a limitation of computers yet, still most engines try and base their systems, on science . . For instance, some engines even use science units, for light, physics . .

This is a proposal, that matches normal reality and, ' enlightened ' reality, or spiritual . . You just mostly see these rarely, or they're 'interior', not visual <3 . . . .

I think, stunning images of Rio, also captures it . . It's a sort, of party where everyone is happy, ' included ', goofy, and having fun, ' partying ' . . . :OO

2021-05-07 0156

It's sort of a ' vibe ', that's different from 'Hollywood', commercial media, where it doesn't just look pretty but, there's a lot of love, consideration and, ' wonder ' . . It's about a ' mood ', of being happy, feeling safe, everyone's happy and, 'feeling' good, at peace, excited, or such . . .

That's why Rio carnival ' captures ' that, bec. that's what the party is about also, ' having ' fun, goofy, ' jolly ' . . . A good night, to be alive, for all <3 It's not just something you ' see ', it's something you feel . .

Love is the air == Rio, during Carnival . . .


Do you remember . .

2021-05-07 0202

Any really good party has that feel, everybody's happy, singing, ' harmony ', carnival in Rio gets it, bec. it's not commercial, or a ' sold ' product, it's spontaneous, not ' planned ', for money . . . <3 <3 . .

Best example, I could find, also nature docus, some architecture, more . . :OO :OO <3 . . .

Hollywood has taken that, and made it ' fake ', broken, those happy people, everybody smiling, getting along, and the world is at peace and, more . . . :OO ;DD ;DD <3 . . . . .

Like, any song, that reminds people of pure love and, 'devotion' . .


Those feelings, captured in a ' post - proc ' style, like above . . it's when everything makes sense and, every-one's included and, more . . . ' Paradise ' ;DD ;DD <3 <3 . . . .

Later . .

In Hollywood, they celebrate money, power, corruption . . but, the carnival in Rio is for everybody, not ' just ' the rich, it's just 'marvelous', serene, ' elevated ', noble, in comparison <3 . . . That's why, this is the non-commercial ' post - proc ', like, it's difficult to describe . . . <3 Sigh . . . .

Nature documentaries also aren't about power or, ' greed ' . . it's just about looking at animals, in a way, that appreciates, and brings out the most beauty, in them, also architecture, and same thing can be seen, in people . . .

Some ' parties ', are free . . Biggest one, where it's not about money, is carnival, not sure . . . And, it has that feeling, of EVERYBODY mattering, rich, poor, it's just ' grand ', supreme . .

Or, so . . . That's why I think, it ' could ' be done, this way . . That's the, ' idea ' . . :OO <3 <3 . . .

Later . . .

ps. Gonna stop here, just gonna make it myself, you ' decide ' . . . <3 . .