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Add some different themes for the GDScript code . . . #3254

Closed charlesmlamb closed 3 years ago

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Describe the project you are working on

A barbarian game, 2.5D . . .

Describe the problem or limitation you are having in your project

First of all, amazing work, on the engine, wow . . .

Now, I'm sort-of ready, to begin writing code, start with GDScript . . And, it's super - nice, so on . . .

I have one big thing, it looks well, like it's for kids, sort-of simple or, so . . . That's not a problem, and it will then appeal, to that group of coders . . . Was hoping maybe a few themes, could make it look a bit more pro, or like ' average ' coding programs . . .

The problem is, I don't feel like trying GDScript, bec. it looks like kid's code or, programming . . . Like, I just think this will crash or, be sort-of slow, or not really ' pro ', like normal programs, that's all . . .




Well, idea is, make some of the themes update coding look, right now, nice as it is, it sadly looks noob . . And, I get that, anyway just makes me not want to use GDScript, bec. it looks un-professional, crash - prone or, over-simplistic, for stuff I had been working on, as projects or, so . . .

So, suggestion is, IF possible, make some of themes update the look of GDScript, so it looks more like professional coding stuff, like C#, Visual basic, so on . . . .

This is a well bad image but, something a bit more ' sturdy ' or, normal . . . :OO . . .


Atm, don't feel like using it and, skipping to C#, to get more ' confident ' or, average UX <3

Describe the feature / enhancement and how it helps to overcome the problem or limitation

Sorry, I know this is a big thing and, was hoping someone might have some ideas, I get the engine is also made, for a younger audience, it's a bit sad it can push more grown-up stuff away, or so . . . .

Describe how your proposal will work, with code, pseudo-code, mock-ups, and/or diagrams

Well, idea is, make some of the themes, completely re-vamp coding experience, or what is possible and, make it look like a more crisp or, 'solid' UX <3 . . .

If this enhancement will not be used often, can it be worked around with a few lines of script?

Sure, one can customize GDScript, it's just a bit weird, that it's made to appeal, to kids, I think most devs are 18 +, at game jams and, kids is a small well number, of user - base and, perhaps not the ONLY age - group, the engine is made for . . . I know current theme has been used, for a long - time, but I think it could be more well adult or, ' confident ', and still appeal to kids . . . Thx . . . ! !

Is there a reason why this should be core and not an add-on in the asset library?

Not sure, atm. sort-of get worried, GDScript is so simplistic, it can't be used for more advanced coding, AI, etc etc . . . . Thx . . . ! !

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

The point is, I guess, try and find a better coding UX, that has broader appeal while, keeping it friendly and, ' exciting ' . . .

I'm thinking age 24 - 32, or almost normal coding UX, or so . . <3

Don't mind current one, it just looks crash - prone and, dumbed - down . . . <3

Well, as a kid I played with 3D Studio Max, and I never really minded, it was sort - of more pro or, so . . . I don't think this will lose the kids and, will make it a BIT more appealing, to the average user - group . . That's all . . . . .

So, not sure what can be done, maybe tweak a few themes, and consider adding an extra font, or two, that's less well ' Wingdings ' :OO . . .

Thx <3 . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Perhaps, towards a more ' universal ' look or, 'theme' . . <3 Kids won't mind, think it's cool, to use some more well pro stuff and, it'll sort-of help people, that are beyond that age, that it is possible to code stuff, that's more well ' reliable ' or, so on . . .

I think, it'd be a win-win, when done, or so . . . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Well, since Linux, MIT . . . emacs, looks nice . . :OO . . . .



Tbh, it makes the engine look dated and, geared towards kids only, or at least mostly . . .

Hope you, might be able to find something, well more adult or, sort-of respectable + recognized, as hard - core or, decent code programs . . . <3


Thx . . . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Last, I think a good topic might be, what age - group should the engine appeal to, or so . . . Talking web - site, design, etc . . .

Imo, 16 - 24 is lowest, I'd say ideal is 22 - 36, or so . . . And, then everyone would feel more welcome and, the difficulty of the software, would match user - skills or, so on . . . Well, it's something to debate, hence it's a very simple, or early suggestion or, so . . . <3

There are also other, for instance, should it look like a kid's program, if it involves making art, media or, content . . . I think one should be in early adulthood, maybe 22 - 24, bef. one considers bec. an artist or, even self - publisher . . . I don't think something involving potential vanity, money, or so on . . Is really something a kid, should do, without parents or, teachers . . . .

Almost every video - game involves art - assets, publishing, and even monetizing, sometimes . . . And, it's a 'trap' to, well make it look kid's - friendly, it's not a world one can really enter, full knowing, until one is 24 - 28 or, so . . .

And, it'd improve the greater appeal, of the engine, to the ' correct ' user - demographic and, still be something kids could use, also . . . Thx . . !

Think maybe the engine, has gotten so 'good' that, it's bas. pro - software, or close . . . One can at least make nearly professiaonal stuff in it, code, graphics, UI and, even audio, CD - quality, or so . . . .

Well, hope you'll think about it, it's prob. a quite big thing, for the engine, or so . . . Thx . . !

It's sort-of about being responsible, to the audience and, sending a message, this is not as simple, as 'just' that, it can involve money, ' fame ' or, so on . . . I don't think, engine is appealing to right or, responsible user - base <3 . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Like, if it's even important, at what age are you ' ready ' to enter the media, full knowledge and, consent . . . I'd say 24 - 34 . . . At that age, you know what you're doing, and can handle the attention, say no, and understand the finances, or well bigger perspective . . .

Strict people might say, 28 - 38 is age, should be appealing to but, I think most responsible people know, the media or, 'entertainment' can be difficult, and worst case, well engine might be setting kids up for a ' fall ' or, problems, social, etc . . .

Again, maybe this is something to discuss, that's all . . . .

Being an artist, is a weird, demanding and, quite mature thing, even then, it's not super ' easy ', esp. with pressure, or even money involved . . . Thx . . . Also, having a way, of making money, based on say Steam - sales, makes it complicated, for youngsters, when's enough, etc . . . Well, I think it is limiting the ' correct ' demographic and, worst-case, setting some kids up for disaster, that is un-cool . . :OO Thx . . . .

So, one can make simple, very well Nintendo games, as well . . . But, Godot can pull well AA - AAA graphics and, also audio, so on . . . And, it's a slippery slope, for beginners and, I think it's about being responsible and, also considerate to, set a tone, that says, this is for more adult people, kids can boot it up and, have some fun, etc . . .

I think, it's perhaps about time, since Godot is getting almost pro - software, in right hands, Thx . . !

I think the current commercial media makes it look a lot easier, than it really is, and gives the idea, it's 'safe' for everyone, many kids, in big hit block-busters . . . I think that's a mistake, or it's irresponsible, it's prob. been done because of the money, and well, commercial interests, big studios . . . . I don't think it serves the kids or, well their interests, at all . .

And, by doing this, I suppose age 16 is youngest, a kid should BEGIN to make content or, art, well depending on how strict one is, I'd say 22 - 36 is lowest, more strict people might say, 26 - 42, I think that's the advice, a responsible, well - rounded adult would give, to any person, trying to make media or, well ' publish ' material, or, selling it . . ! That's the debate, it's down to individual perspectives, also . . . . I don't know many adults, that think being a famous individual, is super - easy, etc . . . . Well, it's irresponsible, most big, famous people have scandals or, various problems, even personal, not really ' nice ', for kids . . . .

For instance, look at Michael Jackson or, the scandals of any number of celebrities or, stars . . . Even adults go nuts, over all this stuff and, well being from Europe, more community - centered or, so . . . I'd not recommend anyone starting a ' pro ' career, below 28, one could start getting experience, education, and advice, at 24 . . . That's when you're ready, more strict people, perhaps dedicated communists, might say 32 - 34, below that, don't bec. an artist or, think about it . . .

It's about realizing, there's a ton of vanity, and 'pretense' in this stuff, and not encouraging or, 'setting someone' up, for a nasty fall or, even trouble . . . .

So, what is the responsible age, to ' sell ' the engine to, or present it . . Not sure, I'd say 26 - 38 <3

sairam4123 commented 3 years ago

Well if you want to you use full blown programs use, C++ or C# instead of GDScript, GDScript has the name for it's simplistic and minimalistic style. We want to have a language that integrates with the editor, not a complete language. Things are being planned, like Core devs have planned to add namespaces and generators. But we want to have a simplistic programming language that's easy to learn and master. We don't want the dev's time that's one reason why it's that simple. And everyone likes it, including me.

So, what is the responsible age, to ' sell ' the engine to, or present it . . Not sure, I'd say 26 - 38 <3

I wouldn't recommend selling the editor to specific age group.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Well, looking for some adults to chime in, and sort-of be reasonable . . .

I would not recommend a friend, from school, to begin making media, until after 24 and, having studied it at university, some experience and, then, is this for you or, well, can you handle it . . .

I think the corporate media tends to make things look easy, that are 'corrupt' or, well perhaps dangerous . . . And, open source or, MIT means free, also read the code, but it's also a maybe larger culture, that's pro - responsibility and, pro - decency . . <3

That's why I think, perhaps some get wrong idea, and don't really think about it, with so much media, kids, or young people being hyped and, made into ' products ' or, commercial ' figures ' of fame, or so . . .

I think maybe we need a counter - revolution, more sanity and, respect . . . And, I think many working for the engine, maybe have somewhat similar views, sure, plenty of fun but, also be careful, don't get into trouble, so on . . . !

Anyway, it's just a debate, hope someone will look at it and, think it through and, give a reflected, or perhaps noble perspective, not sure . . . Thx . . !

I think, people well working here, might have somewhat similar views, maybe haven't thought about it . . . Maybe the more commercial studios, or engines . . Don't care so much how the money is made and, kids get hurt or, young adults . . . . Well, even adults seem to sometimes ' crack ' under pressure, of fame or, attention, so on . . And, it's not wise to set kids, so on up for that world or, put them on a slope, they don't understand, thx . . .

sairam4123 commented 3 years ago

I'm pretty confused and can't understand you properly, what are you trying to say?

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

I'm saying a game - engine, allows you to make art or, vain stuff and, it's not safe to handle for kids . .

Thx . . . .

There's also publishing and, fame . . . Those things tend to cause problems, even for adults, as I see it . . . <3

sairam4123 commented 3 years ago

Well.. there're tons of people who makes games. We can't stop kids from doing it. It's their wish to do it.

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

It's really a matter of how orthodox, modest or, respectable you are . . .

I think a solid soul would say, 26-28 to 38-44 is, proper age - group, to appeal to <3

That's all . . . .

I'm hoping, some people with perspective and, some experience, with all this, might have some ideas . . . Where I'm from, being ' famous ' or, big isn't considered that important, it's in fact considered a vice, if not done proper or, with respect . . .

And, kids don't get it, before it's too late or, some trouble . . . Even, young adults aren't ready, don't sort-of ' understand ', the implications <3 . .

So, why not let kids benefit, from the perspective of older devs and, guide them well, into making stuff, like games or, so on . . .

Thanks . . .

The 'fame' machine is, well a multi-headed beast, and it's not safe, that's my opinion <3 I think, it should be more restricted, to people that can handle it or, adults . . . .

Letting kids get into trouble, is not ' wise ' or, smart . . . Thx . . ! :OO

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Sorry, it's about same thing, making more well adult . . And, why it's a good idea, not sure . . .

Just hoping people will think about it, for some time, and maybe decide . . . I'd say in Europe, it's prob. 24 - 38, if one goes to Russia, more strict, 30 - 44 . . . Before that, don't promote yourself and, don't do so, unless you have something to say, that matters . . .

I think Godot, should appeal to that age - group, well web - page, etc . . .

Here's a COMMERCIAL page, but I think it sends a more ' respectful ' message, sorry, it's a free program, but requires log-in, and is not MIT . . .

It's a bit, too much, but a bad example, or so . . . .

Screenshot from 2021-09-05 07-59-50

It's of course just a game - engine, stuff like Mario, so on . . . But, one can also make almost AAA stuff, and can download free 3D models, almost be a 'theater' - company, or music - producer . . .


And, the commercial media just goes ahead and, sells anything . . But, is that wise, esp. for younger people, since it's a world of vanity, pretense or, manipulation, also money, power, glory and, wealth . . Sort-of hoping some people will at least think about it and, maybe be a bit critical or, maybe responsible, thx . . . .

That's why I think, Godot might have a more pro, or more - adult presentation, to send the message, this is pro - stuff, at least, in sense it does a ton, of AA - AAA stuff, media across all spectres, ie. 3D, 2D, music, performance and, singing, also writing, dialogue, etc . . . The engine is, under the surface, a pro - media production software, that's all . . . So, hoping for a little debate and, respect . . . .

I'm hoping some people here might also be bit critical of big, commercial media and, the 'destruction' it causes, maybe sends wrong message and, get people started on wrong road or, maybe can't handle it . . . Where I'm from, media isn't that important and, is for adults or, professionals . . . Bec., it's more difficult, than it looks . . . .


Or, some cases, drug - overdose, Heath Ledger, etc . . . They couldn't handle it and, it was the financial and, maybe power aspect, that drove it, behind well, the scenes, companies, revenue, so on . . . That's the discussion, hoping some adult or, mature devs, from Europe and, Russia might discuss it or, so . . .

Sort-of, in the begining media looked happy, etc . . . But, now we know the scandals, and it's bec. more clear, it's not so simple, read any paper, or tabloid . . <3 ! ! . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

Remember, how M. Jackson started, it was all fun, happy . .

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That's sort-of the slope, Godot is sending well, kids, young adults on, with no warning in fact, almost makes it look ' normal ' or, happy . . . .

I think, that's a mistake, esp. now we know the media, seeing celebrity scandals and, we know there are some narcotics, alcoholism and, even suicide, it's rather sad . .

That's what I think, could be improved, also be nice with a different engine, from the commercial ones, had other principles, and perhaps more concern, for the different people using it . . Thx . . !

That's what I hope, the contributors will consider, over time . . <3 Thx . . .

charlesmlamb commented 3 years ago

After some reflection, and experience making content, from wise perspective . . .

I don't think, this is sad . . . That people making the ' commercial ' media know what they're doing or, perhaps, sadly, care . . .

Well, that's my experience, it's not that easy, to be an ' artist ', even part - time . . .

Or, so . . . <3 . .

DriNeo commented 3 years ago

I suggest you to spend more time with GDScript programming, after some days your fellings could change.

aaronfranke commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, abstract feelings are not actionable. Closing.