godotengine / godot-proposals

Godot Improvement Proposals (GIPs)
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Problem regarding AA and AAA work in Godot . . . #3392

Closed charlesmlamb closed 2 years ago

charlesmlamb commented 2 years ago

Describe the project you are working on

A barbarian game, 2.5D . .

Describe the problem or limitation you are having in your project

This is a BIG I have NOOOO idea how to answer it question, so I'm asking the pros, to look at it, that's all . . .

Now, Godot is used mostly for demos, small titles, jams, and so on . . . That's super - cool, if that's all the engine is made for, or the intention <3 . .

My problem is, I have been working on something rather amazing, that prob. will be AA - AAA, that's my goal, sort-of like a nice PS3 title, I've been working on something, that might be 400 pages, of written text, in a sort-of sense, a ' classic ' like Lord of the Rings . . . I feel, that the engine in a sense limits me from making that, reg. money, don't stop reading, I have NOOOO answers, I'm just asking, if this is something you will consider, that's ALL . . .

The problem is, that at least high - level artistic work, is really difficult . . . Making AAA quality sound tracks, writing 400 pages, reviewing them, then re-reviewing it, is a ton of work, maybe from school you know, that writing a 4 page essay, and then correcting it, is work, same thing applies for 3D assets, 2D assets, making high - quality effects, so on . . . It's simply, a TON of work, sometimes it involves study, for instance, making a certain culture, say roman, can take 3 months of study, references, so on, to make a coherent re-make, of say a roman, classic town, so on . . . .

And, while I don't mind making low - quality projects, like this, for free . . . .

2021-10-04 2219 Godot AA AAA Etc

When it comes to bigger projects, sometimes it can take 1 - 2 years, of hard work, to get all the stuff ready, also writing pages of dialogue, making custom 3D assets, texturing, it just takes HOURS, to do that . . . The result is, I'm looking for engines that are more ' geared ' towards commercial stuff, right now Cryengine . . I really want to make my amazing ideas in Godot, but at same time I feel sort-of ' rotten ', or maybe greedy, for taking anything over dirt - cheap, or even no money, and that's really nice, I support that . . . And, while learning the engine, there was a question, if there WAS to be a commercial ' spin ', or version of the engine, I think from Reduz, WHAT it might be like, and I just IMMEDITATELY said, in a moment of open source joy, NO way, keep it free . . . And, I think that's best . . . However, as I have gotten further in my game - dev journey, and now need to make serious projects, more than moderate quality A projects, and given how much work, passion, also sweat goes into making a big project, I find that I sort-of don't fit, in the engine, the community, that me wanting a FAIR, ordinary, decent wage, for honest, difficult work, goes against the engine, what most of the community is like . . . And, I LIKE the idea of making stuff, for free, and, being a beginning game - dev, I didn't really think, or understand the difficulties of making more serious work, it can be very difficult, requires times, study, effort, and sometimes even crunch, more . . .

So, here's the point, I really like this engine being free, the ENTIRE ideology behind it is AMAZING <3 But, sadly bec. of it, now I want to make AA - AAA stuff, and I'm NOT a fool, I know the hours, and hours of work, frankly deserves SOME pay, well, I can just be sort-of an ' ass-hole ' and, just take money for it, my work, as I please, not care about the love, that has gone into this amazing engine, the entire project, but in a sense, I feel I don't belong, and in a sense, I'm sort-of ' abusing ' the engine, in principle . . .

An example, take Harry Potter, the books, they're quite long, and must have taken years, of work, hours, upon hours, of work, now that could have been released for FREE, but I don't think the author would have bothered, might as well do other work, and at least make money, that's the problem, I have NOOOOO answers for this, WHAT-SO-EVER, but, the sad thing is, now I want to make AA - AAA stuff, I find it's such a hurdle, and sort-of heart-break, that I'm simply looking to make my titles, in another engine, right now, Cryengine, that sort-of is geared, towards bigger, or commercial projects, in the sense, FAIR wages, decent pay, for hard, difficult work, is also sort-of a part, of the package . . . I'm not greedy, but I'm not looking to make nothing, or almost nothing, from YEARS, of hard, gruelling work, on my own, the perhaps fear, of putting myself out there, my titles, work, and frankly it amounts to 1000 - 1500 hours of work, more, what I do, atm . . .

So, I have no answers, and I'm not looking for a big discussion, I'm just saying, the consequence is, I have to leave the engine, or feel I'm ' abusing ' it, and I know officially, I can do whatever I want, with this engine, but, it doesn't feel right, or sort of ' nice ', or so . . .

So, I don't have a problem, I'll just find another engine, problem is solved for me, it's just a bit sad, bec. I sort-of like the engine, have learned a ton, and it's also user - friendly, I'd like to stick around, but, well, maybe this . . . .

2021-10-04 2223

And, I understand the message is, you can just do what you want, etc . . . But, that doesn't make it feel right, or maybe ' noble ', it's such a downer, a constant sort-of depression while working, that it just feels like, I'd be more comfortable in another engine, so there's no problem, at least, for me . . It's just a bit of a shame, tbc . . Spent 1, maybe 2 years learning the engine, but for AA + stuff, I don't need this worry or, ' conflict ', it's just easier to avoid the discussion, find another engine, but it also makes me sad, bec. I got so many things from this engine, fun, hobby, so on . . . I'd LIKE to make my big projects, that I have been working on, for the last 5 - 10 years, gathering ideas, making something ' cool ' or, happy, in this engine, so, it makes me sad, also depressed, . .

Here's the point, and I have NOOOOOO answers, understand that . . . Is there anyway you can make the engine feel like a place, that welcomes AA - AAA projects, in the sense, that once you know how difficult it is, to make original content, music, 3D, writing, how many hours can go into it, that it's almost insane, to give that much work away, for free, or sort - of dirt-cheap . . . Like, I like free stuff, wow . . . But, I'm not a fool, I don't work for free, esp. 1 - 2 years of work, slavery, worse . . .

So, I don't know what to do, I just know it's nice to feel at ' ease ', while working for 1 - 2 years, and I can get that, by moving to Cryengine, Unreal, Unity, so on . . . I'm not asking for greedy stuff, but I think asking fair, honest wages, isn't a bad thing, and that attitude, or maybe request, makes me feel, this engine isn't for me, when it comes to projects, that require serious, years, of work, toiling, almost slavery, etc . . .

I don't have ANY answers, I remember someone from the engine asked, IF there was to be a commercial system, what it might be, and I instantly said, NOOOOO, keep it free, as a total beginner, now that I understand how difficult, it is to make quality, competent, solid, or decent work, it can take YEARS, of work, to make a master-piece, or something close . . . Then, working for free, given the time, also effort, stops making sense, for content - creators . .

So, rather easy for me, I just find another engine, problem solved . . . But, I think if you want to start seeing AA - AAA stuff, like that, you'll have to make the engine also appeal to the difficult work, of original or, creative content - creation . . . Or, if you want the engine to just be made, for A - projects, see picture above, then don't change, anything . . .

I'm just saying, I don't feel like I belong, as a serious content - creator, that want fair, honest wages, in the project, sure, I can do it, but I don't ' like ' it, makes me sad, so on . . . So, it's just easier to find another engine, I think Cryengine is european, not sure what I'm looking for, being from Europe, atm . . .

Anyway, I can work for 1 - 2 years, with a constant heart -break, even depression, over this ' ingratitude ', bad ' attitude ', in Godot community, or, just get another engine, and not worry, for one moment . .

What I'm hoping for here, is a debate, how does one make this engine more suitable, for just AA projects, or between AA - AAA projects, if nothing changes, I'm simply leaving, no need, to feel ' rotten ', or sort-of abusing this amazing project, engine, it's esp. difficult bec. I think honest, fair, decent wages, isn't really a bad thing, well imo . . .

I have no idea, right now it's just REALLY appealing to find another engine, problem solved, I think it's something to discuss, I have no ideas, but, I'm not gonna waste a second feeling bad, simply asking for fair, honest things, or re-payment, when it takes 20 minutes to download another engine, and, that for me 90 - 100 % solves the problem . . .

Is this something, that can be done something about, or is this engine simply made, for A, very low AA stuff, and that's what the project aims for, bec. then yea, no problem, thanks . . . .

Describe the feature / enhancement and how it helps to overcome the problem or limitation

I don't know how to solve this, asking, if there are some ideas, nothing concrete, thanks . . .

Describe how your proposal will work, with code, pseudo-code, mock-ups, and/or diagrams

Well, really starting, to like this engine, but I don't work for free, unless it's A stuff, for pro, AA - AAA stuff, I know the hours put into it, simply has to get some, fair pay, otherwise it's slavery, pointless . . <3 Got no answers, I just know I don't really want to feel majorly depressed, or anxious I'm not ' fitting ' in, for 1 - 2 years, since it's many hours, to feel that way, so, simple answer is, just find another engine, my problem is solved . . But, I'm thinking, this might be the reason Godot only attracts stuff that's A - low AA, and if you want to change that, not sure this is something you want, to BE CLEAR . . . Then, I think at least this, might be a place, to START a debate, IF that's even remotely, on the 'radar', of the engine, thanks . . . .

If this enhancement will not be used often, can it be worked around with a few lines of script?

Well, I have ZEROOOO answers, I'm just saying, right now leaving the engine feels ' right ' or, ' happy ', thanks . . . Bec., of this problem, as I see it, not sure if other people feel same, or like, that . . . .

Is there a reason why this should be core and not an add-on in the asset library?

Again, I don't know what you want, at all . . For me, this is something I think about, makes, me depressed, and I'm looking for an answer, simplest one is, get an engine, where normal, european wages, for hard, difficult work, sort-of is part, of the ideology or, mind - set, thanks . . . . :OO . . .

charlesmlamb commented 2 years ago

Also, instead of being like, we want it to be a decent place to work, for AAA RIGHT now, maybe think about, just how to make it appealing, for AA work, I have no answers, there's no need for some massive, new direction . . .

Also, I understand some will say, just use the engine as you want, I have heard the arguments, that this is just easier . . . :OO

2021-10-06 0554

The problem is, I've been working on something, frankly as good as Lord of the Rings, sort-of Star Wars, better . . . It will take YEARS, of work, long hours, time I could spend doing more fun stuff, than writing 1200 pages, of dialogue, custom 3D stuff, more . . . And, while I love Godot more, than these other ' projects ', at same time, I'm not a fool, I want honest, competent wages, given how much work I need to do, to put this stuff together, animations alone, takes 3 - 4 years studying, in SCHOOL, to get good at, learning music, has taken me 10 years, to even get good enough, to do what I want, adding stuff like this, orchestral music, one needs to be at level, of classical composer, another skill, that takes years, to learn, or study . . . .


It takes some people 20 - 30 years, to get to that level, and it bec. an almost insane decision, to give that away for free . . . .

So, here's the easy way, to fix this . . . .

2021-10-06 0553

So, to be clear, if nothing happens, I'm 98 % leaving, not bec. I don't like the project, the engine, but bec. I can't put that much time into something, for free, as a solo - dev, all those disciplines, it takes HOURS of practice, to learn guitar, learning a new branch, of music, like jazz, classical stuff, can take 3 - 4 years, so, it's a no - brainer, unless you're a crazy ideologist, or plain nuts thanks . . . :OO

Sorry, it sucks, no doubt . . .

Any ideas, I got none, thanks . . .

charlesmlamb commented 2 years ago

An example, do you know how difficult it is to write, just a 3 - 4 minute symphony, it SOUNDS easy when listening to it, but you have to add EACH instrument, and study, each one, to make most, of just a 50 % symphony . . . That much work, doing that for free, it's just not possible, for MOST people <3

2021-10-06 0605

Bad example, video of theme song, from MGS <3


Now, it's commercial, sucks . . But, do you know how much it costs, to rent a symphony orchestra, for just a week-end, it's like 40 - 50 people, plus sound technicians . . . So, what should one do <3

Also, each classic instrument player, in a symphony, it takes 5000 - 10000 hours of study, to get that good, they don't work for free, mostly . . . And, a original, or creative content - creator, for AA - AAA stuff, I don't think, can . . . . Thanks . . . ! <3

Add: One can just use AI, copy-paste stuff, to make one's game, that's easy, sure . . . But, I might be bit old - fashioned, I like the sort-of feel, of working towards something, then, it makes more sense, I could just use some AI, generate ' cool symphony ' track, but after having some amazing idea, working on it, for years, I know just how it's supposed to sound, to ' vibe ', or feel . . . And, I want to make it myself, maybe custom, also bec. work, in itself, is often rewarding . . . So, for original artists, that enjoy the work, sort - of creative people, without that ' work ' went into it, it's not almost fun . . . And, for people like that, learning to play guitar alone, can take 2 - 3 years, to be at garage - band level, it makes no sense, to give that away for free, it looks easy, on stage, and it's fun, but for the people behind it, it can have taken 5 - 10 years, of daily practice, sometimes 1 - 2 hours, to get that good, writing amazing lyrics, also takes time, all those sort-of sub - skills, to make something like an AA - AAA project, it's difficult to just do that, for free, if it's original work, or so . . . . <3

Sort-of, one can auto-generate content, AI, so on . . . But, at least for me, from a human perspective, it becomes close, to worthless . . I like the ' work ', that's what I feel makes it ' mine ', or original, if that's important . . . But, without that, art becomes close, for me, to meaningless, and I'd rather not put my name on it, or, perhaps worse, sell it, or so . . . That's my OPINION, but I'd rather make nothing, than copy - paste no - work, no - effort stuff into my games, I also think it bec. worth less, to the audience, if it's not based, in hard - work, ONE, of the reasons we admire art, is because it's difficult, takes time, to study, to me, without that, it stops being ' art ', I just mean, worthwhile, thanks . . . So, the amount of work, going into making something truly AA - AAA, master-pieces, is so difficult, working for free, or just low - cost, or, dirt - cheap, it's not possible . . .

I have no idea what to do about it, so I'm asking this question, if the engine wants to appeal to A, quite low AA, I think go ahead, it works, cool . . . For me, I've invested 5000 - 10000 hours in my ideas, sort-of better than, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, in terms of content, original ideas, work, so on . . . Doing that, for almost no money, all the time just learning, to do stuff, makes it quite unappealing, to work, like that . . . So, what can be done, I have, like I said, no ideas, thanks . . . .

charlesmlamb commented 2 years ago

So, each to their own, for a content - maker like me, working for free, it's seriously unappealing, border-line criminal . . Bec., of the hours that go into stuff, so, I'm thinking about leaving, though, I like the engine, too much . . . <3

clayjohn commented 2 years ago

No hard feelings here. Everyone needs to choose the right tool for the job they want to do. If Godot isn't the right tool for you, then don't feel bad about using another engine. You should use the engine that you think will help you make the game you want to make.

As for us, Godot will always be free and we will always keep improving. :)

charlesmlamb commented 2 years ago

Thanks, 100 % looking for other people's opinions, haven't worked on the engine, at all, just a well new learner <3

I hope you'll consider finding some way, I'd really like to make my titles, in Godot, engine is easy, imo. other engines will just make the dev - time 2x, or even 3x longer . . .

It's a decision, for those most involved in the entire project, really big stuff, or just maybe, to get to AA - support, or so . . .

Tbh, the engine, the community has been so awesome to me, really want to stay </3 . .

Well, right now thinking about it, the feeling, at work, even a hobby, has to be nice, esp. if it's for 2 - 3 year projects, 10 - 12 hour work days, I'm on a pension, due to mental problems, sort-of mildly autistic, have the time, I guess growing up in Scandinavia, I've never met people, in general that, work for free, for massive work - loads, one can do it for 1 - 2 days, a weekend, help a friend, say build a house, but very few people can just ' throw ' time away, at least for long, from what, I know . . .

Sort-of, I'm to my-self thinking, why improve the engine, well if people will only make A projects, maybe a few will go close, to AA, not many . . . I prefer things being free, I really like the idea, behind this entire engine, but I can't work like that, bec. I'm working on something, like a 1500 - 2000 page Lord of the Rings, perhaps trilogy, and it's a ton, of hours, even if engine is easy, writing 400 pages, of dialogue, text, lore, making original music, recording it, cleaning audio, all the work, of making original, high - quality content well means, Godot isn't technically viable, I didn't know this before I tried, but, it's close, to madness, to spend 10 years training for something, put 2000 hours, more into a project, then just give it away, for free . . . Maybe some people can do that, where I grew up, in Europe, nobody works THAT long, for 100 % free, or just really cheap . . Thanks, I will think about another engine, only european I know, is Cryengine, I think that is as close, as a commercial project, might get, to Godot, or MIT <3 . . .

Feel so sad, over this, had plans to make everything, ever, in Godot . . <3 Well, now you know why I'm leaving, maybe other's do the same, at least if you well, make it different, in the future, I will def. come back, amazing engine, it's 10 / 10, just not for AA - AAA work, requiring difficult work, learning bunch of skills, each taking years, sometimes, then, actually MAKING that stuff, takes time, learning, on the go, so on . . . <3 Well, no decisions yet, but I'm thinking about it, mostly over work - mood or, daily work experience, want to feel not ' un-cool ', or going against people, around me, thanks . . . .

charlesmlamb commented 2 years ago

Well, I'm 90 % set, on leaving . . .

My idea, and it's VERY early + noob, since there's no way to make a physical package, it'd require all sorts of stuff, a company, to make a package, maybe to make a version, where one gets say, some good shaders, or something, included, or something . . . It can almost be symbolic, and the money could for instance go 90 % to the general project, and 10 % could go to developing more high - end features, so the people buying a say copy, would know a bit of money, went to adding production - quality stuff, anyway making a 100 % electronic, pay an amount for it version, where people could set some pre-set amounts, would at least make it possible, if some-body made enough, let's say low AA assets, I'm talking particle effects, shaders, so on, not new code, or features, same as free engine, it'd justify the purchase, and the money, bec. it goes to engine, could be used 90 %, for the entire, general engine . . .

An advantage would be, that the money from the paid versions, could go to making plug-ins, or features, that are more, geared towards pro - production, or, titles . . .

And, the core engine would still be 100 % free, everyone has access to that, and can download any plug-ins . . . I think, as a fan of the engine, having something like this, would be really nice, suppose I had some tiers, could get a version, for 50 - 100 dollars, with some content, then another level, 100 - 200 dollars, with more ONLINE stuff, and a 200 dollars plus version, that money, could go to developing the hard - core features, and would also be available for all users, perhaps plug-ins, also, it'd give people a reason to buy the engine, knowing they'd get some more pro - tools, plug - ins . . .

This is a suggestion, don't really like it, does anyone have ANY ideas, if not, I'm 90 % sure, it's better to leave the engine, at least, for me, please consider it, IF you find a solution, I'll be back, and, again, got no clue, thanks . . . .

One could make a semi - commercial version, where people just got electronic content, also, some examples of what the engine can do, maybe . . . .

An example . . .

2021-10-06 0837

Now, that might be too much, but stuff like that, won't even have to be that much, would make people feel, a well ' deal ' has been made, it'd not add new features, just a nice way to get started, on maybe AA projects, at higher prices, an AAA project, so on . . .

Please, see if there's something you can do, really like this engine, etc . . . .

Well, using 100 % electronic content, one would not need to make, a physical package, I think many fans would appreciate an option, to support the engine this way, and it could lead to, slowly adding features, that work, modestly, competently, in a pro - production studio <3 Thanks . . . .

charlesmlamb commented 2 years ago

Or, haven't seen any paid for plug-ins, atm . . . But, combining some shader assets, and a few paid for plug-ins, as an electronic deal, no physical package, sending, of stuff, is ONE way, it sort-of sucks, sadly, to make SOMETHING, or close . . . .

I don't have ANY good ideas, was hoping someone might, have some better ideas, thanks . . . .

Particles, and one gets a few paid plug-ins, that are made by people, in the community, people would have to pay for it anyway, and then the community members, that make the paid plug-ins, so on, get a nice price, maybe 25 % over, normal price, well, need a ton, of feed-back, if you make a pro - content version, it could raise money to the engine, and start giving bit support, to paid plug-ins, picked by the engine team, thanks . . . . Sorry, if this sucks, <3 . .

So, an example, say the core team decides, on a certain terrain editor, that fits the engine, the open source goals, then someone might make a better version, with some-what more hard-core stuff, that was a user - made, paid for plug-in, from their web-page, and had features, that were more towards AA, or AAA . . . Anybody can just buy it, but if one gets a sort-of ' pro ' version of Godot, those things are just included, with sort-of automatic transactions, I see one advantage, that the pro version, or versions, would help show what the engine can do, and, I think at least some fans, might get a cheaper version, to just support the engine . . . .

Then, if I need to make an AA to AAA project, I get some production near - ready say, particle effects, fire, smoke, and can just get started . . . It'd keep the engine 100 % free, and be a nice way, for more pro - studios, to get started, not sure . . . .

I have no good ideas, please consider it, I'll be back if you find a solution, one might make a stylized version, AA, and a more realistic AAA version . . It'd finally give Godot some expansions, that anyone can buy, maybe take engine to next level, and keep the core engine 100 % MIT, while adding the stuff, AA - AAA titles need, not sure . . .

Sort of, paid add-ons, that the money from the paid edition, would support, maybe 10 %, not sure . . . .

charlesmlamb commented 2 years ago

For instance, I hear talk of adding a terrain editor, it will prob. be very light - weight, small code, it'll fit the MIT, or open source plans, for the engine . . . Then, a contributor might make, something like this, and take 10 dollars, for it . . . .

2021-10-06 0903

Such a completely optional plug-in, might be 200 megabytes, something that'd prob. never get approved, for the engine, but being able to download it, would not be a problem, it might also store 1 GB, of terrain data, that's crazy, in the game folder, those things might be added this way, where 90 % goes, to supporting the general engine, and, perhaps make AA - AAA studios consider Godot, not sure . . Sorry, at least it might be a way, to get those almost well next - gen features, without the core engine becoming well not 100 % MIT, or so . . . It's an idea, maybe something like this, sigh . . . .

I'm prob. leaving, really like the engine, please consider SOMETHING, not sure <3 . . . . Maybe not this, got no amazing ideas, atm . . .

Sort-of, have you thought this through, you're adding some amazing, AAA features to Godot 4.0, tons of amazing stuff, particle improvements, what does that matter, if people only make A, perhaps a bit more, projects . . . Or, demos, etc . . . Since people will only use the FREE engine, for A, quite low AA stuff, there's a ton of new features, that will never used, in many projects, sorry, to say this, those new features, who are gonna use them, Godot 3.4 can make stuff, like this, atm . . . But, nobody's making it, OpenGL 4.3 stuff, please, give it some thought, getting the AA - AAA studios on board, could go 90 % to the engine, or more, keeping it open source . . . .

Tomb Raider (2013), runs in OpenGL 4.3 . . . Now, I don't necessarily like this game, but why is nobody making stuff remotely close to this, in Godot 3.3, 3.4, just short demo levels, of low AA quality, or so . . . .

2021-10-06 0913

Also, Doom, from 2016, that is possible right now, in Godot 3.3, where are those projects . . . If you find the right balance, at least people will start using the engine, for those kinds of projects, or perhaps AA - AAA, PS3 quality stuff, the Tomb Raider image, I think, is from the PS3 version . . . . Anyway, those bigger, not ' light ' add-ons, might be a way, to support the 100 % open source idea, behind the engine, and make bigger studios take notice, of the engine, help them get started on pro - production, another potentially paid for add-on, might be a way to customize AA - AAA particle systems, with textures, already set up, so engine stays the same, but one gets a bit of help, getting started on AA - AAA stuff, not sure . . .

It'd also be nice demos, and the add-ons might be made, rather cheap, by people in community, and in a more paid version, be sold at a discount to the engine, so 90 % + goes, to engine, etc . . . A rock generator, or tree generator, again stuff like this, that won't ever be in core engine, bec. it's too specific, might make ' nice ' deal <3 Thanks . . . .

charlesmlamb commented 2 years ago

Right now, bec. people only use A, to low AA features anyway, bec. the engine is free, it sadly doens't make sense to add features, that make the engine much better, sure it's there, but the community will prob. never use it . . .

In my opinion, to attract the right kind of projects, make a really nice price, over what engine is worth, looking at it, it's prob. worth 800 dollars, in terms of what it can do, realistically . . .

So, make a 50 dollar version, a 100 dollar version, and maybe a 200 dollar version, it'd be a way to add those next - gen features, that atm. don't get approved, or made by the community, by having an almost ridiculous low price, you'll only attract the projects, that are noble, or clean . . . And, my guess is you'd instantly start seeing people make AA, or a bit more projects, it'd boost the engine, the trick is to find a way, that keeps the ideology intact, suppose someone makes a 200 mb terrain editor, or one could even have some closed - code add-ons, well even Dolby might be possible . . . 90 % goes to engine, maybe a paid plug - in costs 15 dollars, on the normal page, but if one buys it in engine, the plug - in maker, takes 5 dollars, so the open source, dirt - free ideology is kept, just behind the scenes <3 . . .

I think, you'd instantly see people making better titles, and all the features in Godot 4.0, will also maybe be used more . . . There's a balance, where one goes 100 % commercial, or over-pricing, where one takes a low, simple price, even that, would mean more AA projects, and perhaps push interest of engine, into bigger studios, at least for modest, or really good, or cool projects, not the well exploitative junk, that's made, atm . . . .

For me, I need to make a sort-of PS3 quality game, if I got a particle editor, that had some pre-sets, for fire, or smoke, that'd make me think, yes, really nice deal and, it'd actually help me, make the projects I had in mind, right now it's a ton of work, figuring it out, it doesn't matter of a simple thing, it just adds up, one could also have an add-on, that had explosion sounds, and a simple way, to customize them . . . This would, help me ' hit ' the ground running, at least . . . . <3

Add : For instance, if someone made a plug-in, with some AA particle presets, or an editor, to make them a bit faster, you could sort-of in the plug - ins, set a tone for how good, or exploitative Godot should look, so it's not over-done, it'd send a nice message, this is what we want, not more <3 So, there are some advantages, and the money, say 8 % could go, 92 % goes to engine, to fix bugs, or perhaps add features to those plug - ins, so one is guaranteed, someone can look at it, so on . . .

Something, like this would be nice, drag - and - drop trees, some vegetation . . . There are many options, not sure . . .

2021-10-06 0953

It'd send an in-direct message, don't get more exploitative, than these assets, effects, particles, keeping it clean, and allowing even small teams, to start making the content, you're hoping for, etc . . . <3

Sort-of, it's a way of making sure the community doesn't go more nuts, with the engine, than you want, it'd be quite obvious from the add-on assets, what you consider respectable, bec. it's official, or so . . . .

charlesmlamb commented 2 years ago

So, imo. this may make the engine explode, into the level of well fame, that YOU want, at the engine . . .

Last, adding AA - AAA features, atm . . It's mostly pointless, bec. no one will make more than A - quite low AA anyway . . . AND, it'd be a way of adding stuff, that was simply larger, like a 50 - 80 mb add-on, and behind the scenes, it may normally cost 20 dollars, or 10 dollars, but if it was a nice coder, or contributor, to support the engine, etc . . . Might make a basically MIT deal, where if it is sold with a Godot version, coder takes 2 dollars, or 4 dollars, so in reality, the engine is run open source, since no one has to know what deals, are basically made, when it's sold, with the engine, last many fans might simply like to get a 50 dollar version, to support the engine, and they'd immediately be able to make, close to AA stuff, a bit more, than the near A stuff, atm . . . . The engine might benefit from this, not sure this is the best way, it's an idea, not sure . . . .

Got no more ideas, maybe someone can make this better, more competent or, nice <3

Right now, keeping it 100 % open source, clean, one could make a version, that meant people could start making, bit over AA stuff, and it'd be competent, cool . . . It'd be better, than the current A, bit more level, of most projects . . . . <3 . .

Or, 85 % goes to engine, 5 % goes to open source conservation, or even a charity, rest goes to maintain the add-ons . . . :OO . .

charlesmlamb commented 2 years ago

Last, I need to make something amazing, don't know if you know my ideas, I have tried to make christianity, into an open world franchise, where it's about stopping the apocalypse, I need to make something quite amazing, being able to buy a modest, cool version of the engine, sort-of like this, except nice, it's almost possible in the engine, it's a bad example, ' dirty ' faces, but the stuff I have planned, will floor you, it's about buddhist enlightenment, bunch, of other stuff, and, a world - peace theory, etc . . . .

2021-10-06 1023

Right now, I can use the engine, but it is up-hill, a constant feeling, of ' un-worth ', even for just asking fair, european, normal wages for what I do, the result is, I'll prob. have to take it to another engine, it's a big shame, bec. Godot has the stuff I need, it's just TOO anti - commercial, for me to work, like a high - level, original creative, or so . . .

Well, easy for me to fix, find another engine, prob. Cryengine, but it'd be a loss, for the engine, also the other potential bit over AA projects, that need an engine, worthy projects, cool content, nice . . . . Thanks, please think about something, engine is lovely, amazing . . . But, I don't want to feel 98 % bad, for using it, for normal, respectable, and clean work . . . . <3

Add, I have been working on a theory, that explains what christianty is, that is easy to understand, using myth - creatures, modern psychology, etc . . .

Templar - Kopi

And, an extension, that explains what social structure, leads to best treatment of poor, sick, prisoners, even orphans . . . . It's based on the cold war, modern Russia, and I think America, under Biden are christian nations . . . Idea is to make this into an amazing ' epic ', that through entertainment talks about being, well, a nice person . . . .

Final 02

I've also, based on twenty years of meditation, prayer, worked on what a true, and enlightened Buddha looks like, stuff I have planned is just, quite amazing . . .

Ark 07

But, I don't want to feel bad, working on this, if it's even 10 - 20 % nicer, to work some other place . . . I'm sort-of serious, that I have something, quite massive planned, if the engine could be bought, with some add-ons, doesn't have to be much, for 140 - 150, 90 - 95 % goes to engine, would, at least help . . . . .

Also, I'm not the only one struggling with this, and the engine suffers, noble, cool projects go to other engines <3 . .

charlesmlamb commented 2 years ago

There's other stuff, for instance I've been working on a more correct version, of Heaven, Purgatory, Hell . . .

Sort-of, in Hell one pays for sins of commission, stuff one did, or sort-of commited . . Some designs . . . .

Demon 01

Demons, have wings like ravens, claws like birds, very ' fleshy ' to, represent sins of the flesh, so on . . . .

And, Hell is a place of fire, to symbolize passion, done, in error, so on . . . .

Hell 002

In purgatory, one pays for sins of omission, stuff one didn't do, etc . . . It's a cold place, to symbolize the ' coldness ', of indifference, neglect, or turned away from people, that need help, so on . . . .

Purgatory 002

And, the demons there, are stone statue ' nephilim ', to symbolize statues, that don't move, if you plead, or beg . . . .

Skærmbillede (2338)

I've been working on re-telling the Bible, and combined it with buddhism, and hinduism, where a chakra, is also a virtue ( arch - angel ) . . .

Chakra 01b

And, that's about 40 %, of what I have planned . . . So, I need to make AAA, goal is a decent - looking PS3 game . . .

The point is, I'd be sad to leave Godot, has features I need, but since it'll take 2 - 3 years, if I feel 10 - 20 % bad, or 30 % for most or, some of the time, a different engine is an easy choice . . . I also need to write a ton, of dialogue, etc, to explain this, prob. at least 800 pages, lore, content . . . Make music, bunch of stuff . . .

So, having a version of Godot, that maybe was 92 % to engine, and a few add-ons, maybe just for particles, some shaders, could be an asset generator, for rocks, trees, water, perhaps rivers, etc . . . . Well, it'd be a help, technically my project is so good, I could prob. make it anywhere, but I need to work on each aspect, focused . . And, that's when the bigger picture gets lost, and I feel sadly ' awful ' or, miserable working in Godot . . . Also, having something like this, the general quality of any project, would be about AA, bit more, or what you think, is the best use, of engine, the point is, I'm 98 % sure I need another engine, even if the total story is amazing, I have to make it in small segments, that's when it's 70 % miserable, constantly, almost, to work in Godot, I think other users have the same experience, even if it's unspoken, and people immediately are, this is FREE, that's the best, over time, as one becomes serious, it simply becomes a problem, even for making stuff, that's cool, neat, respectable or, clean . . . <3 . .

Last, also made some new arch-angels, angel of hope, love, faith, and some new one's, that one can make, if one knows what a fully enlightened Buddha is like, 12 arch-angels, that represent a hopefully 'definitive' path, to Paradise <3

charlesmlamb commented 2 years ago

Here's most, of what I have planned, I've made the universe open source, or close, creative commons . . . .

Video 1 . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTdCzEb8lRQ

Video 2 . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt_XSLAzuvE

Video 3 . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhAfGraXHhA

That's also why I've been making all these proposals, I need the engine to be a place, where I can work 90 - 100 % on this, full - time, it's my life's work, took twenty years to make, and the stuff I have, is 3 x more mind-blowing, than say, the Matrix - movies . . . .

Last, I think 92 % to general engine, so for a 100 dollar version, 92 dollars go to general engine, 4 dollar might go to a bit larger add-on, 2 dollars to two small add-ons, but, in the end, you have to find out, if this would keep the spirit, mind - set of the engine open source, I think it would, esp. if a few contributors made the add-ons, so the price would be rather low, not sure . . .

And, it'd begin asking question, can some too large add-ons, be a part of the engine this way, and officially maintained, simply bug - fixes, maybe by full - time workers, say 1000 people download a 100 dollar version, that'd be enough, for a full - time job, maintaining these extra add-ons, that won't get in engine, bec. of size, etc . . .

Add : Thanks, I'll stop <3

I've sort-of made christianity, the correct arch-angels, bunch of other stuff, into a ' franchise ', bec. it's sort-of near universal, I decided to make it creative commons, so anyone needing well ' Heaven ', can have that, no worries about copyright, it's also a SMALL gift to the Godot - community, here's, an angel <3

Angel 01

I need to tell my own stories, to explain this, in some games, also re-telling story of Garden of Eden, the tree, apple, using barbarians, that's my 2.5D barbarian game, also, gonna try and look at the weird sword - scandal, at DC comics, etc . . .

A - 01

The symbols, prob. mean this . . .

A - 03

Arch-angel Gabriel . . . <3

Archangel - Gabriel

And, Michael <3 . . .

Archangel - Michael

That's why I've been making, a pro - almost movie studio, I actually need to make important cut - scenes, more . . . I CAN make it in Godot, but it'll be a miserable, mostly, jog, to the finish . . <3

Made it, a very free MIT license, as best I can, bas. no cost, so anyone can, if they need an angel, more . . Have those, and not worry about copyright . . <3 It's well my life's work, and maybe it's goofy, want to make it free, so anyone can have an angel, if they need one, make comics, games, or animations, etc . . . .

LikeLakers2 commented 2 years ago

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So please, if you have any additional info to add, edit an existing comment instead of making a new one.

YuriSizov commented 2 years ago


A-status of a project is nothing but the amount of money someone is willing to spend on it. You can make a AA or AAA game in Godot simply because you can hire a big studio and make them use the engine, and they can achieve what they need one way or another. Big games often require bespoke or heavily modified engines per project, and Godot is completely open and can be customized in many ways that only a AAA studio may need. Hopefully, with Godot 4 a lot of necessary things may even be possible on the stock engine.

However, you talk about you yourself working for free in the same sentences where you mention making a AA or AAA game. I'm not entirely sure what argument you are trying to make here, but big games require money, an upfront investment. The engine choice is secondary. And one-man teams are unlikely to make a big game, at least within a reasonable amount of time. In the end, whatever you do, there is not even a guarantee of success and indie gamedev is notoriously hard to make a living off. So curb your expectations here, there is no engine in the world that can safeguard you.

All that has nothing to do with Godot and engine proposals, though. So I'll close this.