Open Miziziziz opened 3 years ago
This is because the Output panel is configured to open by default when the project is run from the editor. You can change this by unchecking Run > Output > Always Open Output On Play in the Editor Settings.
If we add an exception for this depending on the currently open panel, then the Always Open Output On Play option won't be doing what it says on the tin anymore (or only in some situations).
Run > Output > Always Open Output On Play
If it's unchecked, Godot still auto closes the bottom panel, if (and only if?) the debugger tab is opened.
It seems this doesn't happen with other tabs (Audio, Animation etc) so the debugger should be visible (reopened) too.
An attempt to workaround it with a plugin But I really think the core implementation would be much better
This is a bug that needs to be fixed. It shouldn't just be a proposal. Unexpected behavior different from other panels. What is the progress of this? The problem seems not to be acknowledged. This shouldn't be solved with a workaround addon.
Should I open a issue in here? -> "Debugger panel always closes when scene is run."
Describe the project you are working on
Any game where I need to debug performance issues.
Describe the problem or limitation you are having in your project
Whenever I'm debugging performance on a game I have to tab out of the game, open the Profiler tab, then tab back to my game. It's very tedious and I would expect the profiler to just stay open if it's on. See video
Describe the feature / enhancement and how it helps to overcome the problem or limitation
Make the Profiler tab stay open on scene run if the Profiler is on.
Describe how your proposal will work, with code, pseudo-code, mock-ups, and/or diagrams
The Profiler tab stays open on scene run if the Profiler is on
If this enhancement will not be used often, can it be worked around with a few lines of script?
With a few clicks, but it's annoying
Is there a reason why this should be core and not an add-on in the asset library?
It improves base usability of the editor