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Add a way to remove all children from a node quickly #764

Open Shadowblitz16 opened 4 years ago

Shadowblitz16 commented 4 years ago

Describe the project you are working on: a game in which I am generating a ton of nodes

Describe the problem or limitation you are having in your project: I am trying to generate a 16x16 plane of objects however everytime I edit the width and height of the grid it needs to be cleared and updated

doing so by looping through all nodes is too slow in gdscript and there needs to be a way to clear a branch all at once. possibly through pointers

Describe the feature / enhancement and how it helps to overcome the problem or limitation: I suggest remove_children() be added as a work around. this would be a fast way of clearing all the children of a node

Describe how your proposal will work, with code, pseudocode, mockups, and/or diagrams: node.remove_children()

If this enhancement will not be used often, can it be worked around with a few lines of script?: idk if it would be used often but we already had a merge request here but was shut down

Is there a reason why this should be core and not an add-on in the asset library?: because its a simple way to manage nodes without slowing down godot

Xrayez commented 4 years ago

I've been using godotengine/godot#8337 without issues so far. I work with images and use a grid container for color palettes, spawning random objects given random seed and whatnot.

If the issue that some children are actually essential for correct functionality of a node (quite a bunch of the GUI nodes), these kind of nodes should be made internal as suggested in godotengine/godot#30391.

groud commented 4 years ago

doing so by looping through all nodes is too slow in gdscript and there needs to be a way to clear a branch all at once.

What do you mean it is too slow ? Do you have some numbers ? Are you sure this comes from gdscript ? Because I highly doubt your bottleneck come from gdscript, the simple removal and re-instanciation of a node is a demanding task, whether or not the call to remove_child() is made in gdscript or in native code will likely make no significant difference.

Xrayez commented 4 years ago

Providing some GDScript methods:

extends Node

static func queue_free_children(node: Node) -> void:
    for idx in node.get_child_count():

static func free_children(node: Node) -> void:
    for idx in node.get_child_count():

# Usage
func _ready():

propagate_call("queue_free") doesn't work because we actually need to save parent... 😄

By the way, if Godot really tries to be simplistic, we can remove Node.get_children() because it can be easily done via script similarly:

static func get_children(node):
    var children = []
    for idx in node.get_child_count():
    return children

But I guess it's used more often which justifies it being in core...

groud commented 4 years ago

But I guess it's used more often which justifies it being in core...

Yes, that the difference actually. Iterating over nodes is really common.

Removing all nodes, and very likely re-instanciating them afterwards as OP does, is a really bad practice. Re-instanciating nodes instead of updating them is significantly more resource demanding, so encouraging such practices by simplifying the API for doing so is not really a great idea.

RabbitB commented 4 years ago

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the issue, but if removing all children from a node is a common task in your program, couldn't you streamline the process by removing the parent and instancing it again? Or if that's not feasible, create a child under the current parent, that will contain all the nodes that will regularly need to be cleared, so you can remove the single child instead of looping through all of them?

queue_free also frees any children when called on a Node, so it sounds like what you're trying to accomplish is already easily done. It just requires a slightly different solution than what you were already attempting.

Shadowblitz16 commented 4 years ago

@groud I tried to generate a 16x16x1 grid of spatial nodes and it took like 3 seconds for 1 loop I even added a yield to make it not lock up the editor @RabbitB I would then have to make packed scene for it and even then its children would be instanced again

I don't see why making a engine side function that does

for n in get_children(): remove_child(n) 

would be a big issue the only difference would be that it would be faster

groud commented 4 years ago

@groud I tried to generate a 16x16x1 grid of spatial nodes and it took like 3 seconds for 1 loop

Once again, this still does not mean that moving the loop to native code is going to make the code significantly faster. If your code spends 99% of its time inside the removing and instantiating code, which is very likely the case, optimizing the loop will only give you a 1% speed increase.

And we won't optimize an API just to win a 1% speed increase, especially if it encourages bad practices (as I said earlier, fully replacing nodes is significantly heavier than updating them).

Xrayez commented 4 years ago

fully replacing nodes is significantly heavier than updating them

While I have to agree with this statement, in some cases it's important to have reproducible results. Yeah you could allocate some maximum number of nodes and update them manually, but that comes with the cost of potential inconsistent results between successive iterations/generation of a game level. Some other aspects to keep track of like ensuring node's signals are also re-connected to callbacks on the next generation. This is all handled by the queue_free.

The way I see it, it's not necessarily about speed, but about consistent results, QoL, and additional performance gain which comes from not using GDScript for loop-related heavy computations.

queue_free also frees any children when called on a Node, so it sounds like what you're trying to accomplish is already easily done. It just requires a slightly different solution than what you were already attempting.

That's a good workaround, but again we're talking about usability of the engine achieved out-of-the-box, with additional benefit of a slight increase in performance, every bit counts. 🙂

groud commented 4 years ago

every bit counts

Not at the price of a bloated API.

Xrayez commented 4 years ago

every bit counts

Not at the price of a bloated API.

Little things make big things happen. 😛

I actually have a counter proposal.

Currently propagate_call() works by calling methods on the children and the caller itself. What about adding an option to exclude the caller (which would prevent the caller from being freed)?

I mean something like:


Not only this would be useful for this particular proposal, but many other use cases where we want to exclude the parent by propagating calls like that.

Adding another boolean option to exclude parent would still be a bloat to API, nor adding a new method like this though.

Isn't every new addition is actually a bloat?

Shadowblitz16 commented 4 years ago

@groud I can garentee you 1000% that it would be alot more 1% I would say at least 50% if not more

I don't need to bench mark gdscript to tell you how slow it is. people have already done it and its and least 10 times slower then C#

groud commented 4 years ago

I don't need to bench mark gdscript to tell you how slow it is.

This is your assertion, which, once again, has to be proven true. Please do a benchmark.

It's simple to do, make the same loop without the function call (or eventually with a dummy call to a function), and you will see how little time it take to iterate over 16 x 16 objects... Then compare the time to the same loops with queue_free(), and the difference will be the time spent in the call to queue_free().

GDscript is slower than c++, it does not make it unable to rapidly go over 256 object...

groud commented 4 years ago

Alright, so I made the benchmark myself anyway (I added a button to run the _on_Button_pressed function) :

extends Node

func _ready():
    for i in range(16):
        for j in range(16):
            var node = Node3D.new()

func _on_Button_pressed():
    var time_before = OS.get_ticks_usec()
    for child in get_children():
    var time_after = OS.get_ticks_usec() 

    print(str(time_after - time_before) + "us")

This prints:


So it takes 495us (microseconds) to call queue_free on 256 nodes in gdscript... There is absolutely no way your bottleneck is here. Let's imagine your target fps is 60fps, so a frame duration is 16ms, and you could divide those 495us by 10. In the end you would end up with an improvement of (0.495 * 9/10) / 16 = 2.8%. And this would be if you absolutely wanted to do this every frame, which in not advised at all.

In your case where the whole deletion takes 3seconds, the improvement would be around (0.495 * 9/10) / 3000 = 0.015%. So, as I said, far less than 1% of the time it takes to actually remove the nodes.

And in fact, this is perfectly understandable, as queue_free() delays the freeing of the nodes at the end of the frame, so it does not do much directly. So in the end, optimizing this part of the code in C++ would make absolutely no sense.

RabbitB commented 4 years ago

@groud Even if queue_free was dog-slow, like I mentioned before, there's already a native optimized version of it that frees tons of nodes together. It's called queue_free. It does it automatically even.

If @Shadowblitz16 thinks queue_free is the source of his issue, and still thinks so after your post, then he can do a simple reorganization of his nodes. Wherever he's instantiating his nodes now, just add a singular node there and make all the nodes he wants to free, a child of that instead. Then he can easily call queue_free on that single node and it will handle everything in native code.

Shadowblitz16 commented 4 years ago

@groud @RabbitB and what are you comparing it to? groud didn't do a C++ or C# test.

I think 3 seconds is way to long to free up 256 nodes.

I don't think there would need to be a reason to write sandbox generation code like this in gdnative if groud was actually correct.

if its true that its not the loop and is actually the node deletion at the end of the frame then that should be optimized.

and even so I don't still don't think having a way to queue_free a nodes children would be bad. since it would be looping c++ side it could also do some memory tricks to optimize it.

mhilbrunner commented 4 years ago

I think 3 seconds is way to long to free up 256 nodes.

Please provide an example where freeing 256 nodes takes 3 seconds.

The only one who provided any specific data so far was groud, who claims

So it takes 495us (microseconds) to call queue_free on 256 nodes in gdscript

Please provide your code where it takes 3 seconds. :) Maybe you're running into a bug.

since it would be looping c++ side it could also do some memory tricks to optimize it.

Like what tricks?

RabbitB commented 4 years ago

and even so I don't still don't think having a way to queue_free a nodes children would be bad. since it would be looping c++ side it could also do some memory tricks to optimize it.

I don't think I understand what you're asking at this point, because queue_free already operates on all children of a node, and does so within C++. In fact, here's all the relevant code for it!

/* node.cpp */

// line 2879
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("queue_free"), &Node::queue_delete);

// line 2687
void Node::queue_delete() {

    if (is_inside_tree()) {
    } else {

// line 53
void Node::_notification(int p_notification) {
    // ... line 159


        while (data.owned.size()) {


        if (data.parent) {


        // kill children as cleanly as possible
        while (data.children.size()) {

            Node *child = data.children[data.children.size() - 1]; //begin from the end because its faster and more consistent with creation
    // ...

/* scene_tree.cpp */

// line 1016
void SceneTree::queue_delete(Object *p_object) {

    p_object->_is_queued_for_deletion = true;

// line 1002
// _flush_delete_queue is called on the next idle frame.
void SceneTree::_flush_delete_queue() {


    while (delete_queue.size()) {

        Object *obj = ObjectDB::get_instance(delete_queue.front()->get());
        if (obj) {

This is actually pretty simple to follow, except that freeing children is separated from the actual object freeing code. When you call queue_free in GDScript, it's bound to queue_delete in the Node class. queue_delete gets the SceneTree and calls its own queue_delete. The queue_delete in the SceneTree just marks the node as queued for deletion and pushes it onto the object delete queue. At the end of each idle frame, every object in the delete queue gets freed using memdelete.

I didn't post it here, but all memdelete does is call any deconstructors or special predelete handling code defined for an object, and then frees the memory of that object. This is where that NOTIFICATION_PREDELETE section comes in. Immediately before a Node is freed in memory, it destroys all of its children by calling memdelete on them as well. This cascades the deletions, which removes all children of the originally deleted Node, all of their children, etc. until nothing is left to be freed.

Suffice to say, this happens fast. In fact, the only thing that really takes any time is the actual freeing of memory, which is performance limited by the OS and not Godot.

P.S. This is why Godot is so freakin' awesome. If you have any questions about how something works or exactly what it does, you can dig into the source yourself and trace the entire process.

mhilbrunner commented 4 years ago

@RabbitB I think the difference is that queue_free deletes the node and it's children, not only the children?

RabbitB commented 4 years ago

I think the difference is that queue_free deletes the node and it's children, not only the children?

It does, but if @Shadowblitz16 needs the ability to delete all children at once, queue_free already provides it. You just need to reparent the children under a separate node, and then make that node a child of your original node you don't want to delete.

I do understand that's not exactly what @Shadowblitz16 wants, but game development has always been a huge long list of what we want and what we can do. For practical reasons, this is the most straightforward solution.

All that said, freeing the memory is still the most expensive part of queue_free, so without actual testing, I'd dare make the assumption that there's negligible difference between freeing everything at once, or iterating through every child and calling queue_free individually. If it's too slow, it's because of a game design issue, not an engine issue. Which isn't that surprising, considering that minimizing memory allocations and deletions has always been one of the biggest factors in directing game development.

mhilbrunner commented 4 years ago

You just need to reparent the children under a separate node, and then make that node a child of your original node you don't want to delete.

Thats a lot more cumbersome than calling a hypothehical free_all_children(), though.

I'd dare make the assumption that there's negligible difference between freeing everything at once, or iterating through every child and calling queue_free individually

That seems to be the case, yes. Still, maybe having a free_all_children() shortcut may be worth it, as its shorter and more clear, if this use case crops up often enough.

Duroxxigar commented 4 years ago

So I got curious and I repeated the test that @groud did. My results were a little faster however. The before pic won't have anything printed because well...it hasn't been ran yet. The after will have the time printed.



Still hungry for the coveted 3 second amount with this test, I tried 2500 nodes. This resulted in about 1500us MuchMore

I then cranked it up some more. Up to 4900 nodes. This resulted in about 2900us Final

I then wanted to see what would happen if I had a child on each of THOSE nodes. This is about 9800 nodes in total. AlotBefore

After running that one, it was only a marginal increase for essentially double the amount of nodes. 3301us AlotAfter

Personally - I would really like to see your project getting hung up on freeing 256 nodes. (Not saying it is impossible).

Shadowblitz16 commented 4 years ago

@Duroxxigar I am a bit busy today if I find time to make a reproduction project I will.

I am also using it on 3d meshes which and nested mesh children to make up a turret instead of 2d or ui nodes.

Jummit commented 4 years ago

Here is the "official" potential implementation: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/49a1e3db12a5543ab9e512ad04c478d9d5ef77c7/scene/main/node.cpp#L173-L179

// kill children as cleanly as possible
while (data.children.size()) {

    Node *child = data.children[data.children.size() - 1]; //begin from the end because its faster and more consistent with creation
Xrayez commented 4 years ago

That seems to be the case, yes. Still, maybe having a free_all_children() shortcut may be worth it, as its shorter and more clear, if this use case crops up often enough.

Found an occurrence recently: https://github.com/Strangemother/godot-simple-floorplan-generator/blob/b4c1d0ae298170bd32cf05333ccaec4f02b55517/scripts/Space.gd#L54-L57.

Again, procedural generation topic. 😛

As for me, it's not really about performance, but convenience. If this could provide some performance boost (and it will), that's just a nice byproduct.

I don't understand why this even needs a discussion, makes perfect sense for something like this to be in core, dang...

Xrayez commented 4 years ago

See API of other software/frameworks:

  1. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/documentformat.openxml.openxmlelement.removeallchildren?view=openxml-2.8.1

  2. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/spritekit/sknode/1483040-removeallchildren?language=objc

  3. https://apireference.aspose.com/words/net/aspose.words/compositenode/methods/removeallchildren

  4. https://flex.apache.org/flexunit/asdoc/flexunit/org/fluint/uiImpersonation/VisualTestEnvironment.html

  5. http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/jazz/learn/piccolo.net/doc-1.2/api/UMD.HCIL.Piccolo.PNode.RemoveAllChildren.html

Xrayez commented 3 years ago

Found some occurrences in Godot's editor for clearing children:

https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/1dd2cf79140644913f50283a32ba7cd07f5e48aa/editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp#L314-L318 https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/1dd2cf79140644913f50283a32ba7cd07f5e48aa/editor/find_in_files.cpp#L430-L432

Xrayez commented 3 years ago

I propose to add Node.clear_children():

Removes all children from the scene tree and frees them with [method queue_free]. If you need to delete children immediately, free them manually in a [code]for[/code] loop instead.

udit commented 3 years ago

I propose to add Node.clear_children():

If someone uses this on root it will delete singletons also, right? I think documentation should also include a warning about that. Someone might use this as a part of generic custom scene switcher to change sub-scenes as well as current scene.

Xrayez commented 3 years ago

@udit likely yes, it's always possible to break the system if you need. 🙂

Someone might use this as a part of generic custom scene switcher to change sub-scenes as well as current scene.

I think this would be a wrong method to choose for scene switching.

Also, I think it might be actually better to make Node.clear_children() to free children immediately. This is because you can always call Node.call_deferred("clear_children") to simulate the behavior of queue_free(), otherwise you'd be limited to just queue_free by default (without introducing another method like Node.queue_clear_children(), which would be already quite inconsistent with queue_free name).

willnationsdev commented 3 years ago

Just wanted to mention I have also encountered instances where I wish I could use propagate_call on only the children and not the current node. If I have a tree of some Effect node and Effect calls some method (essentially a Functor), and I want, at any point in the tree, to execute a given Effect, and the execution of the Effect should run its own operation with customizations and then also call each of the children, I can't simply use propagate_call since it would call the method without the customizations. So I have to make a for-loop and then call the method. Again, it's not so much of a performance concern so much as it is one of convenience that would require minimal changes to the API.

clear_children() is another thing I've wanted to do before, not because I wanted to regenerate the children, but just because it was a convenient method to use during plugin development for allowing people to build and customize node trees for various purposes. I could just have people right-click a node and delete children, and the script logic to do so would have to run through a loop, but it seems strange that one can't "clear" a "container" data structure (since a Node is basically a container for other Nodes). I don't understand why something that seems so simple is considered to be "bloat".

coppolaemilio commented 3 years ago

Hello there! Just wanted to chime in. In my current plug-in, when trying to clear a node with many children, it takes long to do so. I would love to have a function like clear_children() that is faster than iterating over all children.

I already ran into performance issues when creating many nodes so I started doing so in batches of ~10. But for deleting them I would love to do them all at once because the user won't be interacting with those nodes any more. Unfortunately the editor freezes for a second or so when removing the 400+ children.

As Willnationsdev said, I don't consider it to be "bloat" either.

groud commented 3 years ago

@coppolaemilio see my previous messages about it.

Creating a "batch version" to clear all nodes at once won't provide a performance boost. There's no need to argue about it, moving only a for loop from GDscript to c++ will make absolutely no significant difference. Your editor will still freeze even with a clear_children() function.

The question is only about if we want to add an helper function for a for loop or not.

So IMO, as your case kind of demonstrates, instantiating a ton a children nodes and removing them is usually a bad idea. It leads to performance bottleneck, as nodes are a relatively complex object. Users should likely use a single node when possible or call the servers directly. Consequently, I'm not really in favor of adding helpers that push for badly designed code, as freeing a lot of nodes at once should be exceptional, not something you should do often.

coppolaemilio commented 3 years ago

Yeah, going back to read the thread again it is clear that I misunderstood and thought that having that in the C++ level would speed up things. Not a fan of adding helpers either since this one is super simple.

Unfortunately there isn't other ways for me to optimize the plug-in other than just not doing it inside Godot. But it is starting to be off topic so I'll leave it :)

YuriSizov commented 3 years ago

Ideally in-engine implementation would do more than just the same loop of remove_child. Ideally it would be smart enough to prevent updates from firing until after all the children were removed thus reducing unnecessary computations after each child is removed in a short sequence.

This kind of optimization is impossible in user code, but may be possible in the engine code. I think this is what people expect from a helper.

filipworksdev commented 2 years ago

I have an implementation for this as remove_children() in my custom build here https://github.com/goblinengine/goblin/commit/7c6a8e10d47fe68c7bd4a332bc70c1ba0b247c75

Is quite useful as a function in GDScript I can attest to that but my implementation or naming is probably not the best for Godot. The single node one is remove_child() so I named it remove_children() to remove all of them.

Also worth pointing out that C++ queue_delete maps to GDScript queue_free. Perhaps a method to rename in Godot 4? https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/462127eff08c8ca60a1e4a476153bdb60d63b890/scene/main/node.cpp#L2873

The queue_delete call per child should ensure all children nodes are freed correctly including all their resources and not cause any issues. remove_children and memdelete can cause leaks according to the source code comments.

YuriSizov commented 2 years ago

Your implementation does way more than remove_child does, so the name is a misnomer. remove_child only removes nodes from the tree, but doesn't free them. You can still reuse them. Your method completely deletes all the children. So it doesn't cover this proposal.

Now, admittedly, in places where I'd need it the most I'd also free the nodes as soon as possible. But as a counterpart of remove_child the new method cannot do that internally, not by default at least (can be a flag).

filipworksdev commented 2 years ago

Hi @YuriSizov You are correct. I guess it depends on interpretation of remove. Do you want to remove a lot of nodes but also keep them around? I found that more often I want everything under a certain node completely destroyed so I can start over for example game reset or restart. I used to do it manually with queue_free() in a for loop. Perhaps free_children() or destroy_children() is more appropriate? I based it on this https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/8337

YuriSizov commented 2 years ago

I found that more often I want everything under a certain node completely destroyed so I can start over for example game reset or restart. I used to do it manually with queue_free() in a for loop.

Yes, I agree, most often you want to free them too. But this can simply be an option of the same method. First and foremost I want to unparent them. By the way, queue-freeing them without unparenting first can have side-effects for node names if you immediately repopulate the parent. So I would still want the method to actually do the removing, even if it frees the nodes immediately after.

akien-mga commented 2 years ago

@lawnjelly's experiments with https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/62444 might solve / remove the need for this method.

I see there's been quite some debate about whether things are slow or not, but what's important in this case is to profile what is slow exactly. The assumption that things are slow due to being in GDScript and not C++ is often wrong, as the only thing a dedicated method would optimize is having the for loop in C++ instead of GDScript. But if for n in get_children(): n.queue_free() is slow in GDScript, it will be slow in C++ too.

The above PR should make it fast for both, in the pathological cases some of you might be facing.

YuriSizov commented 2 years ago

I see there's been quite some debate about whether things are slow or not, but what's important in this case is to profile what is slow exactly.

That would probably vary from case to case, but in general it's just slower than can be because each removal is handled individually when developer's intention is to remove all of the children (and possibly free them immediately). Honestly, I'd just love the method for convenience. I have a personal helper, but I do this so much in my projects, it just makes sense to be a core method that also does things smarter than any scripting approach can be.

KoBeWi commented 2 years ago

The assumption that things are slow due to being in GDScript and not C++ is often wrong, as the only thing a dedicated method would optimize is having the for loop in C++ instead of GDScript.

Not really. When doing for loop in GDScript you do lots of script calls and they are costly, probably more than the queue_free() itself. Although maybe it's not a problem anymore in GDScript 2.0.

lawnjelly commented 2 years ago

Yes this issue seems to be conflating two parts:

@RabbitB already describes the most efficient way of doing this (an intermediate parent). Even with my PR ( https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/62444 ), it will not be faster, because RabbitB method already deletes children in reverse, and does the expensive stuff natively in c++. So if you want to compare timings use their method versus iterating in gdscript manually, to get an idea of best case.

So there seem to be 2 questions:

So it does seem as though this is already achievable, but can see there is some argument to have a helper function for this type of thing, and sometimes this kind of change gets accepted. Myself I can see the value in both, but I actually kind of like @Xrayez suggestion of having a quick way of propagating calls to children as that could be useful in other situations.

I don't have strong opinions beyond that though just some observations. Maybe this will come up in a proposals meeting to decide on.

Maybe also with my PR merged and @groud 's point that the major expense is not actually the gdscript, there might be less call for the proposal.

filipworksdev commented 2 years ago

I did some tests in 3.x with 20, 40 and 80 nodes. This will likely look better in 4.0.

The unit is usec so is pretty fast!



BlooRabbit commented 2 years ago

I do not know if this is related, but on our quite big project Kamaeru, using queue_free() in a context where a lot of nodes are concerned causes the game to crash in Godot 3.5, while this was NOT the case with Godot 3.4. The crash happens without any error message, the game window just closes. This happens when changing levels and thus using queue_free() on 30 nodes which have a lot of children (maybe 1000 nodes in total, counting nodes and their children, plus running scripts). Difficult to reproduce exactly as this is an actual, complex game project. I solved it by yielding one frame before each queue_free(), but this seems very hacky to me.

KoBeWi commented 2 years ago

@BlooRabbit This is a bug, so not related here.

MewPurPur commented 1 month ago

I can attest to this being a method I would frequently use, regardless if it provides improved performance. I have many situatuons where I must clear all children to rebuild a UI.