goetzk / ansible-shinken

Ansible configuration role for Shinken monitoring system
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This role is to install Shinken and configure your hosts and services.


This role requires sudo to be installed.

If installing through pip, no other external dependencies should be required.

This role has been tested on:

It is likely to work on others (eg Ubuntu, RedHat, Fedora, ...), it simply hasn't been run there by me.

Role Variables

The following are set via defaults/main.yml and currently usable (some things have not been implemented yet)

# How should things be installed, 'packages' or 'pip'
shinken_install_from: 'pip'

# Path of broker configuration
shinken_config_broker: /etc/shinken/brokers/

# List of modules to enable in the broker. 'webui2' enables web interface.
shinken_broker_modules: 'webui2'

# Shinken web UI configuration, only changed items are here so far.
shinken_broker_webui_port: 7767
shinken_broker_webui_auth_secret: SiteSpecificAuthSecret # MUST BE CHANGED

# Where are contacts placed
shinken_config_contacts: /etc/shinken/contacts/

# Details of the available contacts (include password for internal authentication)
# This example shows both expanded and single line list format for admin and guest.
 - contact_name: 'admin'
   email: 'shinken@localhost'
   password: 'password'
   is_admin: 1
   expert: 1
   can_submit_commands: 1
 - { contact_name: 'guest', email: 'guest@localhost', password: 'password'}

# where does service configuration go?
shinken_config_services: /etc/shinken/services/

# What services are we monitoring? which hostgroups do they apply to?
# NOTE: hostgroup_name missing means the test will be applied to ALL hostgroups.
# To apply to all except a subset of hosts use hostgroup_name: [ 'all!excludeme' ]
 - { service_description: 'ping test', command: 'check_ping' }
 - { service_description: 'port 80 test', command: 'check_tcp!80', hostgroup_name: ['webservers', 'proxies'] }

# Where should the host configuration go
shinken_config_hosts: /etc/shinken/hosts/
shinken_config_hostgroups: /etc/shinken/hostgroups/

# Which hosts are we monitoring? NOTE: hostgroups list is a required field, even if empty.
 - { host_name: 'router.local' , hostgroups: [ 'infrastructure' ]}
 - { host_name: 'modem.local', parent: 'router.local', hostgroups: [ 'appliances' ] }
 - { host_name: 'shinken.io', parent: 'modem.local', hostgroups: [ 'remote-server', 'web-server' ] }

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: monitoring
     - { host_name: 'router.local' , hostgroups: [ 'infrastructure' ]}
     - { host_name: 'modem.local', parent: 'router.local', hostgroups: [ 'appliances' ] }
     - { contact_name: 'guest', email: 'guest@localhost', password: 'password'}
     - contact_name: 'admin'
       email: 'admin@example.com'
       pager: '+12312312312'
       password: 'something here'
       is_admin: 1
       expert: 1
       can_submit_commands: 1
       host_notifications_enabled: 1
       service_notifications_enabled: 1
       notificationways: 'email'
     - { role: goetz.shinken, shinken_broker_modules: webui2 }



Author Information

Issues or feedback can be reported to the author at karl@kgoetz.id.au; please prefix the subject with 'ansible' or 'role'.