gofiber / template

🧬 Template engine middleware for Fiber
MIT License
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fiber middleware template template-engine

title: πŸ‘‹ Welcome description: 🧬 Template engine middlewares for Fiber. sidebar_position: 1

Fiber Fiber

This package provides universal methods to use multiple template engines with the Fiber web framework using the new Views interface that is available from > v1.11.1. Special thanks to @bdtomlin & @arsmn for helping!

9 template engines are supported:


Go version 1.17 or higher is required.

go get -u github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2
go get -u github.com/gofiber/template/any_template_engine/vX


package main

import (


    // To use a specific template engine, import as shown below:
    // "github.com/gofiber/template/pug"
    // "github.com/gofiber/template/mustache"
    // etc..

    // In this example we use the html template engine

func main() {
    // Create a new engine by passing the template folder
    // and template extension using <engine>.New(dir, ext string)
    engine := html.New("./views", ".html")

    // We also support the http.FileSystem interface
    // See examples below to load templates from embedded files
    engine := html.NewFileSystem(http.Dir("./views"), ".html")

    // Reload the templates on each render, good for development
    engine.Reload(true) // Optional. Default: false

    // Debug will print each template that is parsed, good for debugging
    engine.Debug(true) // Optional. Default: false

    // Layout defines the variable name that is used to yield templates within layouts
    engine.Layout("embed") // Optional. Default: "embed"

    // Delims sets the action delimiters to the specified strings
    engine.Delims("{{", "}}") // Optional. Default: engine delimiters

    // AddFunc adds a function to the template's global function map.
    engine.AddFunc("greet", func(name string) string {
        return "Hello, " + name + "!"

    // After you created your engine, you can pass it to Fiber's Views Engine
    app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
        Views: engine,

    // To render a template, you can call the ctx.Render function
    // Render(tmpl string, values interface{}, layout ...string)
    app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
        return c.Render("index", fiber.Map{
            "Title": "Hello, World!",

    // Render with layout example
    app.Get("/layout", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
        return c.Render("index", fiber.Map{
            "Title": "Hello, World!",
        }, "layouts/main")


More Examples

To view more specific examples, you could visit each engine folder to learn more

embedded Systems

We support the http.FileSystem interface, so you can use different libraries to load the templates from embedded binaries.


Read documentation: https://github.com/markbates/pkger

package main

import (



func main() {
    engine := html.NewFileSystem(pkger.Dir("/views"), ".html")

    app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
        Views: engine,

    // run pkger && go build


Read documentation: https://github.com/gobuffalo/packr

package main

import (



func main() {
    engine := html.NewFileSystem(packr.New("Templates", "/views"), ".html")

    app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
        Views: engine,

    // run packr && go build


Read documentation: https://github.com/GeertJohan/go.rice

package main

import (



func main() {
    engine := html.NewFileSystem(rice.MustFindBox("views").HTTPBox(), ".html")

    app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
        Views: engine,

    // run rice embed-go && go build


Read documentation: https://github.com/UnnoTed/fileb0x

package main

import (

    // your generated package

func main() {
    engine := html.NewFileSystem(static.HTTP, ".html")

    app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
        Views: engine,

    // Read the documentation on how to use fileb0x




Benchmarks were ran on Apple Macbook M1. Each engine was benchmarked 20 times and the results averaged into a single xlsx file. Mustache was excluded from the extended benchmark