gogcom / galaxy-integrations-python-api

NOTE: Please report here only issues related to the python API. Issues and general feedback regarding the Galaxy Client 2.0 shall be sent via Galaxy Client menu
MIT License
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GOG Galaxy Integrations Python API

This Python library allows developers to easily build community integrations for various gaming platforms with GOG Galaxy 2.0.


Each integration in GOG Galaxy 2.0 comes as a separate Python script and is launched as a separate process that needs to communicate with the main instance of GOG Galaxy 2.0.

The provided features are:

Platform Id's

Each integration can implement only one platform. Each integration must declare which platform it's integrating.

List of possible Platform IDs

Basic usage

Each integration should inherit from the :class:~galaxy.api.plugin.Plugin class. Supported methods like :meth:~galaxy.api.plugin.Plugin.get_owned_games should be overwritten - they are called from the GOG Galaxy client at the appropriate times. Each of those methods can raise exceptions inherited from the :exc:~galaxy.api.jsonrpc.ApplicationError. Communication between an integration and the client is also possible with the use of notifications, for example: :meth:~galaxy.api.plugin.Plugin.update_local_game_status.

import sys
from galaxy.api.plugin import Plugin, create_and_run_plugin
from galaxy.api.consts import Platform
from galaxy.api.types import Authentication, Game, LicenseInfo, LicenseType

class PluginExample(Plugin):
    def __init__(self, reader, writer, token):
            Platform.Test,  # choose platform from available list
            "0.1",  # version

    # implement methods

    # required
    async def authenticate(self, stored_credentials=None):
        return Authentication('test_user_id', 'Test User Name')

    # required
    async def get_owned_games(self):
        return [
            Game('test', 'The Test', None, LicenseInfo(LicenseType.SinglePurchase))

def main():
    create_and_run_plugin(PluginExample, sys.argv)

# run plugin event loop
if __name__ == "__main__":


The client has a built-in Python 3.7 interpreter, so integrations are delivered as Python modules. In order to be found by GOG Galaxy 2.0 an integration folder should be placed in lookup directory. Beside all the Python files, the integration folder must contain manifest.json and all third-party dependencies. See an exemplary structure.

Lookup directory


Root logger is already setup by GOG Galaxy to store rotated log files in:

Plugin logs are kept in plugin-<platform>-<guid>.log. When debugging, inspecting the other side of communication in the GalaxyClient.log can be helpful as well.


Obligatory JSON file to be placed in an integration folder.

    "name": "Example plugin",
    "platform": "test",
    "guid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "version": "0.1",
    "description": "Example plugin",
    "author": "Name",
    "email": "author@email.com",
    "url": "https://github.com/user/galaxy-plugin-example",
    "script": "plugin.py"
property description
guid custom Globally Unique Identifier
version the same string as version in Plugin constructor
script path of the entry point module, relative to the integration folder


All third-party packages (packages not included in the Python 3.7 standard library) should be deployed along with plugin files. Use the following command structure:

pip install DEP --target DIR --implementation cp --python-version 37

For example, a plugin that uses requests could have the following structure:

└── my_integration
    ├── galaxy
    │   └── api
    ├── requests
    │   └── ...
    ├── plugin.py
    └── manifest.json

Legal Notice

By integrating or attempting to integrate any applications or content with or into GOG Galaxy 2.0 you represent that such application or content is your original creation (other than any software made available by GOG) and/or that you have all necessary rights to grant such applicable rights to the relevant community integration to GOG and to GOG Galaxy 2.0 end users for the purpose of use of such community integration and that such community integration comply with any third party license and other requirements including compliance with applicable laws.