gogogarrett / phoenix_crud

A simple CRUD application using Elixir and the Phoenix framework
66 stars 22 forks source link


This is just a simple example of a small CRUD app using Elixir, Postgres and the Phoenix Framework.

Blog Post explaning the step by step can be found here


To start your new Phoenix application you have to:

  1. Install dependencies with mix deps.get 2a. Start Phoenix router with mix phoenix.server 2b. You can also start Phoenix with interactive Elixir shell iex -S mix phoenix.server
  2. Configure Database Settings to use your local postgres enviorment.
  3. Run the migrations mix ecto.migrate PhoenixCrud.Repo
  4. Enjoy.

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.



Please feel free to open any PRs or issues if you see things that could be improved or fixed.