goinverse-oss / app

MIT License
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Media Catalog Mobile App

This is an app for making media available to supporters of an organization, for both iOS and Android, built with React Native.

Getting Started


  1. Set up for iOS builds:

    1. Install XCode and Android Studio & SDK
    2. Install Cocoapods
  2. Set up for Android builds:

    1. Install the Android NDK

    2. Open android/local.properties and add this line:

      Note: substitute the actual path to your sdk folder


    3. Generate your Android debug.keystore for signing debug builds:

      $ cd android $ keytool \ -genkey -v -keystore debug.keystore \ -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey \ -keypass android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

  3. Install Homebrew

  4. brew install node

  5. brew install watchman

Update dependencies

After first clone, and when new deps are added (i.e. if something breaks because a package is missing):

$ npm install

This will also run pod install in the ios directory to ensure iOS native libraries are up to date.

Running Locally


In one terminal:

$ npm start

In another terminal:

# To open the iOS simulator and install + start the app:
$ npm run ios

# To open the Android emulator:
$ export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/android/sdk
$ ./scripts/launch-android-emulator

# To build and install the app:
$ npm run android


Method 1: Chrome / React Native Debugger

  1. Install React Native Debugger (optional, but recommended) and run npm install to set it up
  2. Open the debug menu and select "Debug Remote JS".

Method 2: Reactotron

This app is also hooked up to use Reactotron which allows you to see console logs, Redux state and actions, and network activity all in one place. All you need to do is follow their installation instructions launch Reactotron, and reload the app.


Warning: possibly out-of-date since ejecting from Expo

Storybook allows us to create a showcase of the common compoments we create for this app. They describe these "stories" as "visual test cases". It's a quick way to see how a component looks and behaves, in its simplest form, detached from any other functionality in the app. It also lets us quickly iterate on styling and tweaks and see the results immediately.

To start it up:

# in one terminal
$ npm run storybook

# in another terminal
$ open http://localhost:7007  # opens Storybook web UI

This runs both the Storybook server and the Expo packaging server, using an index.js that registers the Storybook UI instead of the app as the root. To switch back to running the app, Ctrl-C the npm run storybook command, run npm start again, and 'Reload JS' in the simulator. You may have to reload a few times, or re-scan the QR code (on device), or re-initialize the simulator (using the Expo keyboard shortcut; e.g. i for iOS, a for Android).

Releasing the app

The app has two components that we release:

Javascript-only updates are published to Expo on every push to master. To ensure that we don't push JS changes that are incompatible with the latest version in the app stores, we tie the Expo release channel to the related version of the app. The basic strategy we use is this:

The app uses standard-release to create new release tags and generate changelogs. When a release tag is pushed, a Github Action will trigger based on the tag name, which will handle automated release tasks. For instance, npm run release:beta will create a tag that, when pushed, will be deployed to TestFlight and the Google Play beta track.

If you have access to push new tags, preparing a new release goes like this:

# Update changelog, bump version, and tag the release
npm run release:beta  # for beta testing; OR
npm run release       # for a new production release

# Push the new release to Github, triggering release jobs
git push --tags

After the new tag is pushed, someone with permission to approve deploys to the protected environments for the release type will need to manually approve the releases in the Github UI. After this is done, the new build will appear in App Store Connect and Google Play Console.

NOTE: production release (non-beta) is not yet implemented, but it should be a relatively straightforward clone of the beta.yml action.

Setup required for Github Actions

There are a few steps required when setting up a new fork of this app. These will enable Github Actions to build and publish the app to the app stores, as well as publishing over-the-air updates (for your Javascript code) to Expo.

  1. Set up an Expo organization and project for the app.
  2. Create your app in App Store Connect (iOS) and Google Play Console (Android).
  3. Create a dedicated CI user in App Store Connect; save the username and pasword somewhere safe.
  4. Create a service account in Google Play; save the JSON configuration object somewhere safe.
  5. Create a Sentry account for tracking errors. You'll need an auth token as well.
  6. Once you've cloned this repo, create a private repo on Github; this will be used with fastlane match to store your iOS signing certificates, Then, run these steps:
    cd ios
    bundle install
    bundle exec fastlane match

    Follow the first-time setup instructions, using the private Git repo you created.

Secrets required for Github Actions

Secret name Value
ANDROID_RELEASE_KEYSTORE_BASE64 Base64-encoded keystore file to use with your release builds
ANDROID_RELEASE_PASSWORD Password for decrypting the release keystore
EXPO_USERNAME Expo username for expo publish commands
FASTLANE_MATCH_DEPLOY_PRIVATE_KEY Private key for a deploy keypair that can read the fastlane keys repo
FASTLANE_MATCH_PASSWORD Password you used to encrypt the keys repo
FASTLANE_USER App Store Connect username, for use with Fastlane uploads
GOOGLE_PLAY_JSON_BASE64 Base64-encoded JSON object you got when you created the service account
SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN Auth token for Sentry internal integration