gokyle / kludge

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ISC License
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A restful key-value store based on LevelDB

|-- common
|-- kludge-backend: the key-value store backend; this is the actual LevelDB
|                   interface.
|-- kludge-client: package simplifying access to a kludge server.
\-- kludge-server: the kludge server front-end that clients communicate with.


This is still in pre-alpha mode; it's on Github to facilitate code review. If we're not talking about this, you probably don't want to poke through it yet.

The kludge story:

Ben Johnson recently embarked on a project to port the Raft distributed consenus protocol. Distributed algorithms have long interested me, but I haven't had a project to work on that requires them (which is the way I learn most of the things I've learned). Later, I reviewed his slide deck for a presentation on SkyDB, in which I noticed he had based his database on LevelDB. I put two and two together, and decided a distributed database would be interesting to build, and would get me to learn the things I wanted to learn.